Harvard Black-Only Graduation Ceremony

>Harvard Grads Will Hold School’s First Ever Black Commencement.

>The ceremony is meant to uplift black students while emphasizing the importance of community. At a time when students are pressuring Harvard to reckon with its role in slavery and address current racial issues on campus, a separate ceremony to reaffirm and uplift their community is especially necessary.


they need to just stop this ludicrous nonsense already

This kind of shit is the reason why there's such a huge rift between racial groups these days

>colored only graduation ceremony



So this is Drumpf's America...

They don't want everyone to see how prevalent affirmative action is

I'd be happy. Niggers are so obnoxious at these ceremonies.

When did Harvard university form a basketball program?

>emphasizing the importance of community
>only niggers

>Percentage of all persons mentioned
>Britain has 560% of all persons mentioned
>560% ever


Separate but equal ceremonies.

>Paying for education based of fuckin skin colour
What tge actual fuck? That is the definition of racism

These chimpouts were predicted by William Shockley many decades ago

Others at Yale also called it back in the days

They should have their own schools.

What about transracial students?

Wait. Was the Democrats participation in the Civil Rights Movement just some long game politics by the KKK? Can propaganda really make someone this oblivious? I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

>segregation uplifts black students

I wish they'd decide.

Don't drink the orange soda before bed, bill.