I support America. I'm against the degenerate secular leftist Jews but cherish my Jewish heritage and traditions. AMA! :)
I'm Jewish
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I am taking the time and effort into making this post just to tell you that nobody cares.
Do you get any racism when you reveal the fact that you are jewish?
I've lost almost all respect for Molyneux for associating with this massive Thernovich faggot.
No, since I live around lots of jews
Go home to your desert you fag
Cernovich has done more than you're overweight ass, let me guess you were bullied in high school and wore black metal t shirts amen had morons and peasants for parents..
Are you against integrating into the culture of the nation you are living in? If so, why?
When are you leaving back to your own country?
AMERICA is my home. I Identify as an American before I am a Jew.
I'm more American than I am Jewish. All the opportunities and culture I have benefited from have been a result of the foundations laid by western civilization. Jews have contributed a lot to it in good but also lot of bad ways
are you from new york california or michigan?
Do you have Israeli citizenship?
How many goy children do you sacrifice during Passover on average?
What are your views on the Syrian war?
Should the US intervene, if so how?
Have you had a muslim be openly hostile towards you?
And what is your general experience with muslims?
None, you would enjoy Passover it's actually quite fun and redpilled. Religious Jews are way more redpilled than your average gamer gate fag on here who eats mcdonalds still
>another divide and conquer spam thread
I'm against it, no more wars
i know this is Cernovich because it contains misspellings.
Mike cernovich isn't Jewish lmao
>hasn't gassed himself
I honestly don't have much experience with Muslims at all, one Muslim kid was mean to me when I was like 9 on the school bus once but that's it
Didn't this guy write a book? What was it called?
You just want us goyim as buffer.
>but cherish my Jewish heritage and traditions. AMA!
So why did you marry an Iranian muslim?
we need Jews like you convert your crazy Jews to be not crazy
Cernovich rules! Get fucked.
Surrrrre... I know you eat children don't play games with me. Are you sorry that you murdered Jesus?
I know it is silly to ask, but do you know anybody that holds power over the media?
How far the Jew conspiracy goes? Is it true at all?
You have a terrible home life and your girlfriend probably cheats on you.
Almost every religious Jew I know has strong family, strong emphasis on education and hard work. Women have their roles in the home to take care of children and be home makers. They don't watch tv or do anything degenrate. You can't say the same thing about your average Sup Forumsfag
It was a pamphlet, titled
>Simian Assertion
Are you able to triforce newfag?
▲ ▲
I've tried to talk to other Jews about this but it doesn't work. I honestly believe leftism is a genetic Jewish trait, though I only see it with secular athiestic jews
You stole that from the prophet (pbuh)
you sound great.
You'll make a wonderful citizen...
In Isreal
Monkey meandering
Not politics/news.
No one I know personally. One Jewish kid from my neighborhoods dad was a tv producer that's about it
Why do so many leftist American Jews have support the right wing in Israeli politics?
I'm an American. You can have your ethnostate but not the entire country
So what are your thoughts on the disproportionate representation of liberal Jews in academia and the media and do you see this as worrisome?
Do you support Israel?
I have no problems with Jews, I have a problem with Zionists.
Are you an Askenazi or a low IQ jew?
Guys a racemixer.
I stopped writing a respondent's brief just to harass you. Please stop claiming that you were ever a lawyer. 1.) Pepperdine isn't even T2 for fucks sake. 2.) you never actually did a full year's worth of practice. 3.) those "legal blogs" are about as bad as "law news", fucking pitiful. 4.) Bro you barely have a few hundred grand and it's because of your ex-wife and a book or two. Come on, what alpha traits do you have? Anyway, some of us actually practice and get paid to do so, get fucked you gorilla.
You're not a real Jew then
I almost feel like a POC SJW saying "your role as a white person is to end white supremacy and enhance the voices of marginalized groups"
caues I tihnk as a Jew your role is to criticize Jewish influence in press, academia, finance, and law and anything other than that equates to complicity
I do see it as worrisome. I'm against the left and it infuriates me to see jews propagate this garbage. I wish leftist Jews would respect the average American. They really do look down upon rednecks and anyone in flyover country. Idk why though
I support an ethnonstate for Jews and for all peoples
Do you accept the reality that the jewish cultural practice of promoting other jews is what enables jews to be so destructive?
Yes now why are you trying to land grab in americas go Aliyah in promised land.
I don't want to live in Israel I am an American. I love this country
Then you aren't our friend and are no different than the wannabe Nazis here.
I have no problem with jews who are no involved in any of the jewish schemes like Globalism, Zionism, Communism, and who compeltely disown all jews who are involved in those schemes and do not defend or help other jews who are being pieces of shit.
Yeah no, you're not taking shit, your ass is going to desert, this land is not Hebrew.
If you do not realize that then the jews who wish to be destructive will get you to go along with their schemes and you will unwillingly destroy the country you love so much. The fact that jews promote other jews is what enables them to be raging leftists, zionists, and globalists.
You have to distance yourself from the jewish community in order to not be part of the problem. You can keep your traditions, you just cannot help other jews just because they are jewish
Could you tell me what crops did Israelites grew?
b a s e d
I'm not even in that world. Most of my friends are right wing libertarian Jews, not totally redpilled but we're not connected financially, politically to the more elite Jew class
he sucky sucky tranny penis
I'm not a Nazi you jerk. I'm for self determination not forced ethnonatiomalism. America is for everyone but if you wanna make a country for people who have green eyes only and build a wall around it I don't care what you do
I'm not falling for your Jewish tricks