Give me one good reason you are not smoking a bowl and getting medicated right now.
Give me one good reason you are not smoking a bowl and getting medicated right now
die hippie scum
because I don't want my teeth to fall out of my fucking mouth
family history of schizophrenia
As fun as it was when I was younger, I'm a father now and I don't want my kids to see me all stoned.
dab is faster
Because I'm happy with life and don't need this trash
I reject a degenerate lifestyle
NWO and fluoride in the water
i got a drug test soon
i am nigger
smoking is a terrible delivery method.
Because I'm not a fucking degenerate and I'd like to go through atleast 1/3 of my life conscious.
Because I am currently dry
Thanks for rubbing it in
This is the only legitimate reason. Anyone who uses the word "degenerate" is a fucking faggot.
Because I'm not a retarded nigger going nowhere in life.
You are all a bunch of faggots. Weed doesn't do shit to you. It just makes every experience better. Stop being such pussies this is why youre virgins
I have schizophrenia that got triggered by cannabis and LSD.
So do you smoke weed in front of your kids?
>Weed doesn't do shit to you
You're one stupid fuck if you actually believe this.
>hurr durr if u dont smoek weed u must b a virgin doood
Fucking kill yourself, you stinky (probably hideous as well) retard.
You know it's gonna get you eventually anyway. You and me both. Why fight it?
I just bought four ounces from a grower for 200$, in oregon. A dollar a gram.
what age did it happen, and how long were you doing it?
So you sleep roughly 1/3 of your life, so after this and the 1/3 of your life that's conscious, what's the other 1/3? From your flag I'm going to guess drinking?
How successful are you in life so far??
Because it dumps a bunch of melatonin on you and makes it harder and harder to get good sleep.
It is degenerative and chronic. Don't be an idiot. I can't live a day without my meds or I will get worse and never be able to come back.
well it happened to my uncle in his early 20s, I'm that age now
why is it called a bowl?
25 after I lost my second job at a hedge fund. I went on a hedonistic binge.
you put the nugget in the bowl and toke it
do you drink infront of your kids?
That's it buddy let it all out
US Army
plus weed was only fun when i was a kid. I don't have any desire to smoke anymore because it would ruin my motivation to continue what ive worked so hard for the past 5 years
It is like a pipe but more shallow and has a wider end.
The irony is baffling. Kill yourself.
That escalated quickly.
wow so you can smoke marijuana in something other than a joint, never knew that. what are the benefits to this?
smoke KUSH nigga blazee
I am not in any pain and I live in Wyoming, soooo...
A beer or two, I don't get "medicated" or the alcohol equivalent of "drunk" in front of them.
What does Wyoming have to do with anything?
It is believed by many to more efficiently conserve the marijuana (I am skeptical of this). It also gives you by-product that you can further use (resin), and is less labor-intensive than rolling a joint.
im currently sorting myself out, i even stopped taking caffeine, expecting to turn into supersaiyan on 21st day.
joints are pretty gay and nigger-tier
only niggers smoke blunts, white people use vapes or sherlock bubblers tbqh
I managed to stave it off in my 20s when I realized what cannabis was doing to me, but it doesn't matter. Those thoughts and feelings will always be there. You'll see.
Pretty sure there aren't many dealer types out there.
Smoking is bad for you. Edibles are much better for you.
Because I'm not a worthless degenerate hippie atheist.
That said, I agree weed should be legal. But I prefer having the odd six pack of beer now and then. Weed makes you lazy and stupid. But it's not very harmful to your body, so it should be taxed like anything else. It would be a good source of revenue for the government, and would create jobs.
i am. its nice.
First post best post
because im not retarded
I have family history of schizophrenia on both sides. I have smoked 15 and am pushing 30.
A simple genetic history may mean nothing. You may even not be a carrier of the gene. Get a DNA test and download your raw data.
Thoughts and feelings are not the same as frank psychosis.
Because of the crack babies I'm not going to have thanks to my piety/purity
You marijuana addict
Virgins rool
one day everything will come full circle. At present, weed is degenerate based on societal and historical perceptions. But once humanity is awoken to our ancient past, cannabis will be legal while tobacco and alcohol are outlawed. Get ready to realize 10000-50000BCis a lie as were told it!
It is upon the backs of working men like me that society is built, I do not pollute my body and mind with drugs because you cannot afford for me to.
Lol its called dental hygiene you kike.
Literally what's the appeal?
I've smoked many times before because some of my friends are into weed, and while I get high and all that junk, I feel no better for it.
I literally have no desire for the drug. Why waste time on something so pointless/useless?
>Don't need this trash
>is on Sup Forums
I'm driving
I'm smoking right now.
I drank two beers, popped two oxys, and now smoking a bowl.
Dude give me a break I just vaped some bud right before I found this thread
damn thicc
because I refuse to get a job. having people pay for weed is bullshit. it's a fucking plant that grows naturally. they should have a system where as long as you can prove you have no criminal background and are of age and are a stable person you should allowed some card that gives you access to at the most 2 grams of weed once a day for free. I mean, Im usally in such a better mood when im high. it's BULLSHIT!
>Degenerative lifestyle
> In /pol in Sup Forums
I can't say I know much about Wyoming, but I grew up in Alabama, and the country boys there fucking loved to get stoned. I would have thought this would be just as true out west. Wyoming seems like the place that would have some crazy Alex Jones type anti-government nuts with huge amounts of it growing in the middle of nowhere and shit. I could even picture some of these people browsing here.
I was relatively high functioning besides the emotional axis, and earned a lot, when I was a chronic marijuana user, prior to my onset. Now I can barely leave my house.
cause i've got a teaching interview in a few days and am scared i'll be testerooni'd
I'm going to MEPS next week
>because I refuse to get a job
>lazy degenerate weed addict
Surprise surprise
>i-it grows naturally so why pay
So does food, faggot. You're not getting that shit for free though.
Muh weed
Pop 50 more and hop in the tub
what's your MOS?
I can't wait for you to find out the military is nothing like you think it is.
Would rather eat.
this picture made me high
This. Weed is boring and you gain nothing from it. And im not 13 anymore.
Pot's not legal in my state, I'm planning on working with LE, and I'm happy waiting until decriminalization rather than risking a charge that fucks my career up, however unlikely.
more of her?
projecting much? sad
I'm looking for a job and don't want to fail a drug test
I can't find any in Sterling, VA. :-(
Honestly, it makes me see into the future everytime I smoke weed. I don't like having visions, it makes me terribly sick.
Uncontrolled thoughts and feelings are psychosis. Do you remember the first time you realized you were not acting sane? What did it feel like?
Don't be a loser, kid.
b...but i'll overdose. My tolerance is only at 4 oxys. When it gets past that, I let off the opiates for about 3 or 4 months.
I have a system set up.
Because I already took a low temp dab of some solventless hash oil my dude
I believe I have contracted osteonecrosis and am sure it would trigger a panic attack at the thought of living the remainder or my life disabled and in pain.
Uncontrolled thoughts and feelings that remain in touch with reality are not psychosis.
Whatever happened to hash?
hash is too hard to get since every extractor just makes hash oil now
May sounds lame to some, but I have a wife and three kids sleeping under my roof tonight. They can sleep soundly because I am sober. If any emergency arises I can attend to it at a moments notice. If one of the little ones gets sick in the middle of the night, I can scrub carpets, do laundry, and stay by their side until it passes. I've had to do this at least 6 times now, and will be there when I am called on for the 7th time.
I have people who depend on me, and that is worth more to me then spending a few hours high, drunk, frying balls or doing lines.
Once they are grown and out of the house, I plan on smoking spliffs on my back porch while watching my lawn slowly die.
You should be ashamed of yourself user. You've really let yourself go..
It makes you a fucking retard. I can't code on it.
>if you smoke weed you'll neglect your house and family
ok lol
KYS nigger