Aren't any of you upset by everything that's happened within the last year and a half...

Aren't any of you upset by everything that's happened within the last year and a half? Everybody hates each other now and people can't express even the slightest political opinion without opening themselves up to criticism. I'm a 23 year old normie who at most is pretty much a centrist, (no problem with marijuana legalization or abortion, yet I like keeping the borders secure and an America first policy and am not against the second ammendment) and it's genuinely depressing seeing people from high school and college who I used to casually and consistently associate with expressing these radical SJW left wing political ideals and just having genuine HATRED for anyone who isn't completely left wing . I feel so unwelcome by these people despite the fact that I just want to remain cool with them. Everything has to be political nowadays and people are disconnecting from each other because of it. I just saw today that marriages are literally ENDING over someone voting for Trump. I don't want you to tell me to pick a side, I don't want you to dismiss these people as useless, I just wany someone to tell me I'm not the only one seeing and feeling this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

> I don't want you to tell me to pick a side,

You already have, and it's childish and cowardly.

Lurk more, eventually you will see the madness for what it really is and pick a side. These people cant be reasoned with anymore because they are the ones that have shut down any communication they dont like with the words; racist, misogynist, homophobe, nazi, ect ect... If we as people cant talk about what they are doing without being labeled as those things and our ideas shut out then there is no way to reach a compromise.
TL;DR: The left will no longer listen to reason. There is no recourse left

And you're part of the problem. I have to be a blind shill for one side and believe in all it's talking points? I can't believe that marijuana isnt the evil gateway drug conservatives make it out to be, and that women should be able to choose what they do with their bodies, especially in cases of rape or incest? And contrary to those issues I can't believe in stopping this massive flood of immigration into our country and having an America first policy? You're the one who's a coward, try and understand other points of view and decide for YOURSELF what you believe rather than being a puppet

I've been lurking since last year, I see it all and understand what you're saying. But haven't you gotten worn out by all this? Don't you just want both sides to stop this shit and keep their opinions to themselves for a while so we can all go back to being normal people?

> I can't believe that marijuana isnt the evil gateway drug
Its not the drug itself user, its the act of defiance of consuming a substance that is illegal. The defiance creates a subculture of drug users who then are a hindrance and strain on society because they tend to be lazier and more likely to develop diseases. It literally is a slippery slope with pot being the first step in a long line of cultural Marxist steps that eventually leads to the destruction of western culture
>and that women should be able to choose what they do with their bodies
Once a woman is pregnant it is no longer THIER bodies at the very least it belongs to both her and the father. Who should have rights over his progeny, Secondly abortion is just another step along the march to white genocide.

You say to understand all points user but you yourself haven't looked deeply into the social costs to these policies that you espouse. Instead you base your ideology on how you FEEL about certain things.

The world has always just been a bunch of awful shit and there are no good people. You're just realizing it now.

>last year and a half
Been going on a bit longer than that and you're asking the wrong crowd regardless. Faggots co-opted the internet so they could have an eternal fight with martyrs.
Shame you had to miss out on the internet before all of this nonsense, it was pretty fun.

>But haven't you gotten worn out by all this?

No but I got thru that stage years ago when I watched GWB get elected twice. The entire system has been corrupted by cultural marxism (communism) and needs a purging. The left of this country is going to turn it into pure fascism where no one can disagree from their narrative. We must keep trying to inform the masses no matter the cost to our own psyche.

>Don't you just want both sides to stop this shit and keep their opinions to themselves for a while so we can all go back to being normal people?

The chance for that died when the communists are pushing normal people into accepting LBGQBT or whatever the fucking acronym is now. The day that MS normal has to watch her daughter go to the bathroom with some trannyman or a christian baker baking dildo cakes is the day that normal people realize that the communists cannot be reasoned with and must be purged from society.
The leftests couldve taken their victories and gone home, instead they push and push their degeneracy until normal everyday people cannot ignore it anymore. They push their degeneracy into the spaces that normal everydday people went to hide (vidya) they pushed it so hard that the normal people now have no choice but to start pushing back

Not that there aren't people like that, but it's not the drugs doing that to them, they're just shitty lazy people AND they do drugs. Don't bother trying to explain the behavior of drug users if you haven't been one or around them.

You're also directly stating that defiance breeds degeneracy, which is anti American and anti Sup Forums. Looks like you need to lurk more, or just go back to whatever reddit/tumblr shithole you crawled from

hi Swany

When /pol talks about cultural Marxists and all that shit though i have a hard time seeing my 20-23 year old peers as them. I picture old men influencing society through money and power, not the countless 20-23 year old people i knew who used to be a straight up normal kids who got good grades and had fun. What the FUCK did they get exposed to or indocrinated into that I didn't? We used to all tolerate each others presence and be cool around each other, even if we didnt know one another. Why am i the only one who sees this shit; why dont they just take a step back and focus on THEMSELVES rather than some political doctrine they chose to follow


If it makes you feel any better once this devolves into open ethnic warfare most of those white kids will be forced to side with their people. Some will be eaten alive by their pets, though.

I was dating a girl for two months. Everything was going good, but we talked about politics one day. She dumped me two days later. Still hurts a little bit. Fuck.


>What the FUCK did they get exposed to or indocrinated into that I didn't?
i've been wondering this for years dude, i'm only 25 and the following is about to sound very 2 intelligent but i legit don't understand this
from elementary school i was always the kid in class who would question shit, not take anyone's word on anything, and pop culture trends never really stuck to me. my friends would easily get brainwashed and it would be up to me to break their conditioning. i don't get it. my brother was like this as well.
is it genetic or what?


Rejecting pop culture as a child does seem to be the critical step, and it has to truly be your own.decision rather than imposed externally. I suspect there are both nature and nurture sides to this, but simple gender also plays a role - girls by their nature are far more prone to peer pressure and pop culture brainwashing.

It’s been like this for some time. It’s the fucking identity politics bullshit.

I had a black friend who I started talking to in the first place because I thought she liked discussing political issues. However as it turned out she just was extremely agitated about her “woke black” ideology like she was Nelson Mandela (which she was not) and wanted to vent about it. Every conversation with her ended up with how all the white people are racist, how they always need to be “checked” and how no-one gets a pass. And of course anything not conforming to her agenda was quite matter-of-factly labelled as “racist”

females fall to groupthink much more easily than men, there must be some evolutionary reason for that.
i really can't pinpoint anything or anyone in my childhood really driving the point to question authority. my parents were shit. i was obsessed with ancient greek and egyptian mythology, those stories probably influenced my childhood more than anything until i was 10

I legit dont get it. I find memes funny, I'm not some basement dwelling anti social nerd who just doesn't "get" people because im practically not one in the first place. I had friends from all different social groups; the jocks, normies, preppies, the losers/rebels. I've been around socially yet I just don't get how people just throw themselves into a belief or doctrine with little questioning of it. What happened to being a real person and an individual?

They are just showing their true colors. They thought it was going to be like Obama forever HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You took the path less traveled, either purposefully or inadvertently. Your peers didn't, so here you are.

>I had friends from all different social groups; the jocks, normies, preppies, the losers/rebels. I've been around socially yet I just don't get how people just throw themselves into a belief or doctrine with little questioning of it
this was also very much me in high school i was the funny guy, friends with literally everyone, and still an honors/AP student. people trusted me to tell them the truth about taboo news or social things that the teachers would hide from them. maybe some people are born with a natural resistance to trends, a natural tendency to question shit
again, this all sounds extremely pretentious, which is why i am hesitant to accept it


I stopped reading after that.

>What the FUCK did they get exposed to or indocrinated into that I didn't?
Lurk moar
Also checked

>the countless 20-23 year old people i knew who used to be a straight up normal kids who got good grades and had fun
Normies like that don't browse Sup Forums. The people here on Sup Forums are the autistic loners that sit alone and have no friends.

you dweebs, it was nature or nurture. either way you owe it to your parents.

this is the importance of highly skilled parenting abilities.

>"We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war."

>not agreeing with everything i say as childish
Whatever you say

The only people who can't handle criticism are narcissists. Poor babies.

Can it be that being part of an ideological movement enables stupid people?

As in, it’s known that stupid people are more likely to actually think of themselves highly, doubt themselves less etc.

Maybe it’s a natural selection process when a movement gets taken over by the stupid ones who actually believe that everyone else is stupid and it, quite understandably, drives them mad and angry to not be able to explain the “right” viewpoint to them.

I have a large group of friends, am in shape, and am two months away from starting my career. My other friend who comes here more than me is in the navy and is normal like me. We like the memes and you guys are pretty funny sometimes. It's not all losers user

What's the problem?

ni hao famalam, i love big chinese cock in my pussy. unless you're white, than fuck u

I am white and I am not gay so I have no comment on "big chinese cock” or "small chinese cock” memes

Were you a TAG or GATE kid?

centrism is retarded and useless. Unless you are a third-positionist...but I wouldn't consider that centrism. Just pick a side user.

These are artificial divides created by media. Don't pick a side. But examine every single opinion of yours. You may not have friends but you'll heave your mental strength

they had me take a test when i was in second or third grade, i was literally just under the bare minimum to be considered gifted

This, we are quickly coming to a point where any dissent is treated like treason. Right wing is guilty of this too. If I can't disagree, your ideology is fucked.

It's sad, but it's the way of the world. You have to choose to be a part of the problem, a part of the solution, or remove yourself entirely. Fencesitters are weakwilled, and help nobody but themselves.

Now I'm just a lone wanderer with all inside knowledge and memes but noone to share it with since it is so offense.


Your friends were probably exposed to our memes through reddit, twitter, goybook, etc. They probably have little/no exposure to the Sup Forums subculture.

Good. Walpurgis Night is almost upon us.

Things will never be normal again

We live for the fight, user. We don't like being defeated. This fight fuels us, the enemy fuels us.

You run from the fight. We run into it with a raging hardon with our pants off while giggling like madmen.

Every Sup Forumsack has a contrarian streak. They distrust authority, do not accept things on feelings alone, and are keen to notice subversion. Where that comes from doesn't matter so much, could just be the way they were raised. It will be people like this that will be key in leading the unquestioning sheep they grew up with to the truth.

The nationalist right isnt doing anything that isnt incited by the cuckold globalist left. We didnt start protesting en masse at Berkeley until Antifags and liberals started blocking conservatives from speaking and assaulting our compatriots.

We didn't even back trump until our options were corrupt female intent on ww3, a cuckold socialist, or a host of warhawk neocons who are no better.

We didn't become militant in our political views until we saw via leaked emails that the democrats had every intention of rigging the election and getting their "made man" (hillary) into the white house.

Literally everything we have done is in response to the left who are intent on destruction of the west and death of the white race and culture

I had a similar experience in highschool. I did TAG (I am gifted, not talented) in elementary school. I suspect you were trusted because of what was taught to TAG students. "The other kids see you as leaders it is important that you step up to help the girls feel included." Btw if you're here you're gifted, you rape victim.

This is very true. None of my girlfriends can challenge the status quo or think differently. It's always been my brother and me who hold very different opinions than those around us.

I have a black coworker who is annoying as fuck. The man is smart, hard working, makes over 6 figures, shows that id blacks actually try they can get ahead and he still whines about racism and when talking about politics his central argument is always that whites should always feel guilty for the past. I give up on niggers. I don't care how many based blacks my fellow pedes claim exist as a whole they are hopeless.

This. Lurk more, post less OP. We will make a National Socialist of you yet.

>Wow OP you support the constitution's second amendment? Racist nazi much?

This has been happening since gamergate. The left has gone completely bonkers. Reddit just seems to feed this bile hivemind and causing it to spread.

In their eyes you're either a nongender-conforming gay communist democrat or a Nazi

i was ranked among the top 20 of my graduating class, but kids i graduated with always would tell me that i was a more "rounded" smart person
the gifted kids were all some different type of autistic. like reddit autistic, they wouldn't survive here

How redpilled are your friends on things like race realism, Jewish subversion, etc.?

>t. Millenial
Just remember they started it.

That false dichotomy actually makes Nazis look good.
>Nazis believe there are only two genders.
>Nazis oppose killing or mutilating babies.
>Nazis support pride in your nation, culture, and race.
>Nazis aren't taking money from Wall Street.
>Nazis understand that the economy serves the people, not the other way around.

I did that test two days ago actually. Scored 2 squares straight up the middle and halfway into the first square on the the right. Almost as centrist as you can get. Funnily enough i saw a meme for it and anyone within 4 or so squares on either side of the chart is a "centrist dickhead, yet decent person"

>countless 20-23 year old people
Sup Forums probably only has a few thousand "core" users. It gets on average 150000 posts per day, which is equivalent to 5000 people posting 30 posts per day. The number of infrequent posters and lurkers is a lot higher, probably >100000.

Son, old fag here.

Listen, I understand what you are feeling but it's gone too far. The fault, if you care, can be laid at the hedonism of the boomers and the apathy of my generation. They were lured to sleep with access to cheap and easy goods. Safe and carefree times that allowed them to flow from one "party" to the next, these little Peter pans that never wanted to grow up. We, their children, enjoys some of the tail end of that prosperity and security, but without the nurturing and mature role models. It lead to a fractured people, with no purpose or identity. Cynical about everything by reflex.
It can't go on. Can't you feel the zeitgeist of today? We have to settle the direction of the future in some great upheaval, because to watch it drip drip away through the hour glass is driving us all insane.
I'm truly sorry you and young men your age will b dragged into it, but better this than you watching yourself be marginalized to extinction and expected to cheer about it.

this was the tactic of the american socialists. to allow their absurdity to be accepted as debatable topics via the propaganda of "free expression" and "exchange of ideas"
and as you can see as soon as they gain the edge they quickly move to squelch any form of opposing ideas via inquisition style suppression.

conservatives have bought the lie that leftists desired a honest debate of ideas, when all they truly desired was for their insane comunist ideals to gain a foot in the halls of power.

and we continue to buy into this lie, thinking we are fighting against greek scholars who wish to debate us idealogically when in reality we are fighting against mongol hordes who wish to utterly destroy us and our way of life

Redpilled on race realism. Not very keen on the jewish stuff. Neither am i. A bit too tin foil hat for me

I remember also taking this gifted test and being qualified as gifted. I have friends who aren't retarded in AP class and from what's i hear they're all the most brainwashed leftist fucks at my school. Me the lazy fuck I am only got into honors, but yet I see everyone is fucking brainwashed, I am literally the only fucking kid who has a different political view and I can just feel everyone talking shit in they're head whenever I say something. At least in lunch I get to han out with like minded non autist individuals.

The Jewish Question is just race realism regarding Jews. There isn't a worldwide conscious all consuming Jewish conspiracy, it's just a racial trend in behavior. Have you read Culture of Critique?

A lot of you only pretend to be autistic.

you gotta remember tho, it's not enough to be outside of the mind control, you have to actually to be successful
nobody cares if you're not a sheeple but you live in your mom's basement

>Aren't any of you upset by everything that's happened within the last year and a half?

Where do you think we are?

I think the internet has a big part to play in it. People go to websites/communities where their views are held by the vast majority. Everything that agrees with their side is praised and everything against it is demonised. The other side never gets to explain their ideas or reasoning, it's always presented as a strawman.

A couple of years of this and people start to despise those on the "other team" and think that their "team" is all pure.

To some extent, politics has come to replace organized religion as the focus of meaning and value. There's a hole in the psyche that people (especially women) fill with either drugs/booze/partying, religion or politics. This hole tends come apparent in early adulthood which is why you see the changes in people you went to school,with.

>Aren't any of you upset by everything that's happened within the last year and a half?


I saw this coming ages ago, doesn't bother me. I have friends that are sjw cucks now, they just grin and bear it when I'm ranting. I haven't lost anybody I cared about to this although I did lose quiye a bit of respect for some of them

I agree. The internet as glorious as it may be has given a lot of idiots a loud voice. Before it used to be only the rich and/or educated had a loud voice. But now anyone no matter who can speak their mind and be jerked off by everyone who agrees.

In that sense it does, but the left calls everyday Americans Nazis or some other buzzword.
>Men are evil because feminism
>All white people are racist
>Capitlaists and rich people are just fascists
>Christians are bigots for hating gays
>LGBT people are bigots for hating Muslims
If you don't subscribe to their hate of the week then expect to be insulted and ostracized.

Comey is a perfect example. One moment is a devil for investigating Hillary and now he's a martyr for being fired by Trump.



Kek what a weak faggot,each centrist i've seen either on the net or irl are all massive faggots,cunts that never take action.You know something i dont agree with everything in the extreme right,but i picked this side beacuse its the one that would benefit me the most.
War is coming and you will either pich a side or be hanged by commies or shot by nazis as simple as that.....
Sieg heil

Glad I'm not a Democrat- at least I have friends. They eat their own.

You must pick a side. Middle of the rd thinking is useless.

The left is destroying our country. They are pushing homosexuality.degenerates. socialism.

Only we can stop them. Only the red pilled right wingers can stop this destruction its not an easy life but we must fight...

We dont have a choice its too important

You're young, and you haven't realized this yet, but the people you went to school with are not your "real" friends.

There are two types of relationships you will have with people, and this goes for sexual relationships as well.

>Situational Friendships.

These are people you're forced to be around and bond through similar interests. These are the people you work with, go to school with, stuck in the same town/city with, happen to frequent the same entertainment venues, etc.

These people are really only friends with you, because they see you so often and you have similar interests. At the end of the day, these people could give two shits about you. You could move half way around the globe, and they'd never contact you once, and you them.

>Real friendships

These are the people that you can go years without seeing, and pick off right where you left off. It's as if nothing has changed, and no amount of time or space between you will impact the relationship. These are the people who understand life happens, and that a good solid bond will last forever. You will find VERY few of these people in your life, and they often sprout from situational friendships.

You see, the issue is Facebook and social media. It distorts our perceptions of these classes of friendships because we always have instant access to these "situational" friends, and they appear to be genuine through that constant communication. Its a lie basically. And we feed our brains right into it for that instant gratification that social media gives us.

And with instant gratification, comes instant exile for wrong-think. These people that APPEAR to be your friends, now cast you aside like a leper for viewing the world differently. And it impacts us more, because we're programmed to view all 1,000+ people on our social media networks as our best and closest friends.

It's not just you who feels this way. Its how we're being conditioned right now.

Yes but I'm keeping my life together so when the masses turn on the new weimar republic I'll be ready to slot some Sean Kings and Tim Weises.

>Rejecting pop culture as a child
My parents did it for me.
>tfw homeschooled until grade 9, ended up being a rebellious cunt anyways, but still had enough traditionalism smacked into me that was immune from the worlds attempts to turn me into a shill.
Feels good.

Yes, women are more collectively minded. There are reasons for this, and you can see it easily in day to day life. Not a big deal though - they're generally easy to reprogram if you provide for them and give them a dicking now and then.

>is in the navy and is normal like me
Confirmed, this poster and his friend are gay as aids.

Of course you aren't the only one, that's how most of us ended up here. We wanted to figure out what or (((who))) made everyone go fucking crazy.

They aren't going to stop m8, this is only the beginning of what's to come. You don't need to pick a side, they've already chosen for you.

Same age as you OP and been lurking since '07.

"Left" and "Right" in this country is all authoritarian garbage.

Go read some Kropotkin and don't listen to 17 y/o's on the internet. Do what you can for your community, and spread the word.

Goddam burger.
Well put. I thought I was one of the few that noticed this.
There are friends and there are friends.
In the military, you are surrounded by situational friends.
My two best friends are civvis. I can go over a year without even seeing them, and when I walk in the door, it's like I never left.
Great post, have some Northern lights I took...

>'m a 23 year old normie
Get out

>Its not the drug itself user, its the act of defiance of consuming a substance that is illegal. The defiance creates a subculture of drug users who then are a hindrance and strain on society because they tend to be lazier and more likely to develop diseases
>Oy vey don't ever defy the kikes goy, they know what's best for you

it's legal in 8 states so this isn't really an argument

this is the internet
no one ever liked you
i didn't even read your post because it contained more than one sentence and used a frog image

>What the FUCK did they get exposed to or indocrinated into that I didn't?
Cultural subversion, led by a (((certain group))). The JQ is the final redpill for a reason.

>only reads/responds to the baiting one liners
You're what's killing Sup Forums.

This is the result of the past decade or so of SJWism ramping up and growing out of control. If Trump had run anytime before the past 10 years, it wouldn't have become like this. They grew out of control and had to be stopped. Now they're thrashing and lashing out because they didn't have complete control like they thought they did. It is natural. I revel in their asspain and the fact that the pendulum is swinging hard back in the other direction. Fuck those people, right up the ass.

>I don't want you to tell me to pick a side
But (((they))) wanted this
This is the seed (((they))) have sown
It will only get worse from here
And the only way to fight is to take a stand for what you know is right

>so close to the red
communist pig

>lolberg detected.

The cabal brainwashed tens of millions of Americans over the past two years. There's nothing you can do about it (or so we've been told.)
We'll get back to normal eventually. But it's going to take a little while. Keep your spirits up however you can.
Keep fighting the good fight open communication as best you can.

The world is getting more polarized. The emotional turmoil is causing the Pendulum to swing wildly back and forth, and will eventually break off completely. That's when the collapse occurs and everything is reset. Then, in time, it will happen again. And again. And again. As it always has and always will. Because that's the true purpose of the world we live in.