So I live in a college town, in a pretty nice apartment complex. However the college town itself is within a huge slum, so all neighborhoods are gated and fenced in. During the school year we have security at our complex which keeps people who don't belong out. However now that it is summer and Id say only 10% of the residents stayed for summer, the security is nowhere to be seen. My neighborhood association probably assumed they could save money and fuck over the few remaining residents. So long story short, the second the security is gone all of the nigs come out of the wood work and start using the private pool. Yesterday I saw a nog with two children at a student apartment. I guess my question is, will dindus always mooch when they are given the opportunity?
Nigs invaded my pool
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Pools closed.
Why aren't they in the water?
None swimming. Checks out.
don't you know niggers can't swim?
Nah, we don't have them here.
Because African-Americans can't swim.
Not memeing.
Yes the pool is useless at this point. The worst thing has to be when the sheboons use our hottub. Their fucked up hair falls out in the hot tub and then when anyone else tries to use the hot tub clumps of nappy hair shoot out of the jets.
Pour several gallons of bleach into the hot tub everyday. Eventually it'll cure them.
But nair in the hot tub
it smells
That's the firstest bestest first post I ever saw
Don't worry, the stingrays will get them.
>Why aren't they in the water?
It's a mystery
I don't normally do this, but if you can prove this isn't bait, then I can help you get rid of them. There are certain contractual/common law duties that they owe to you. You could also get a free consult from an attorney near you; however, they'll want $$$ to actually help. You have to actually do something to stop them. In terms of helping you, we would make fake emails and would communicate that way. Should probably mention that I'm a lawyer.
well this has happened before, a large group of them were being loud during finals week so the leasing office sent an employee to ask them to turn the music down and they basically said fuck off so they had to call the police to break up the party.
But fuck that, not gonna spend money on nigs.
Just call the police and tell them that there is a fight at the pool, apparently with guns involved
the police will take it from there
do you live in Murfreesboro?
I lived there and knocked a nigger blood gang member out with a one hitter quitter because he took a bandana from a girl I was with at the time.
.... but yeah, its terrible. You pay good money to have these luxuries and the niggers just show up every day to harass every woman there. They cant swim and will do retarded shit like jump in the pool, climb out, and do it all over again dozens of times in repetition making it hard to swim.
I about got my head blown off there desu, One night the nigs were out and there were 4 black girls in the pool. The thiccest sits in my lap for whatever reason and the other black girls start laughing. She starts to twerk, so I just grab a handful of ass and go with it. Another black girl said she wanted to do it and I had a boner at that point, so she was just basically getting fucked in the pool, she hopped off and another one was about to hop on....
then I hear gun shots. Some nigger cock blocked me from dicking down 3 nigger bitches in the hot tub. The girls and more civil nigs took off running. The nigger snatches one of the nigresses out of the chaos and is waving the gun around arguing about shooting me as I am still sitting in the hot tub.
I wonder if I am going to die or not as one of his homie bros comes back to urge him just to come on before the cops come.
I sit in the hot tub like the lonely cuck I was wondering how the stars align to push my shit in every time.
>can't swim
>have a pool party
how is this not cultural appropriation?
>Just call the police and tell them that there is a fight at the pool, apparently with guns involved
You don't need to lie to them. That is no good.
Just save your breath and just tell the truth. It is a bunch of black. They will bring backup either way.
Niggers can swim?
I would like to add that I have seen niggers swim college housing pools by the hundreds... and I wish I was exaggerating.
So call the fucking cops then you moron.
if there are this many nogs around there's a good chance it is a black run city
This fucker is on to something. Google which chemicals you can put in a pool to make anyone who goes near it end up in the hospital.
probably just a flaming liberal. they run most college towns.
yeah that'll be fun to answer to when the neighbors take little elsa jean for a swim
none of them are in the pool! Look closely. barely dangling into the water.
Look up what happened at UCSD last week. San Diegans know how to take out the trash
Call in and close the pool (because of AIDS)
Yes niggers and homeless flock to college towns for whatever reason.
>go to a pool
>just sit around it
Why are they there again?
Where the fuck do you think you are? Your own personal blog? You fucking LARP faggot.
Yes, black people will milk every resource known to man, dry. Fishermen in Somalia are starving, from overfishing.
Just go to storm front if you want to whine. So do something or shut the fuck up.
Or you could link it you useless retard
Due to aids
They are incapable of swimming because their muscle density is higher than white peoples.
So why did you post here and not call the fucking cops?
definitely both. I'm a little older and thought it would be dope to be around all that young pussy and music scene shit and it was... but most of the time in the summer it was just niggers. Not worth the money and besides, from what I could tell most girls are burning coal anyways.
Is this a newfag or am i just an old kike?
> get 1 bucket KFC, 1 small anchor, and 1 small floatie
> float the KFC into the middle of the pool and anchor it there
> stream it
They all look pretty fat to me. Aren't niggers, in general, nearly three times more likely to be obese or overweight than whites?
You should see them at the beach. Especially on holidays. They swarm in and most of them wear freakin jeans into the water.
Jew mad?
Call cops, throw firecrackers
I don't know the stats but in my town (North Florida, plenty of em around) they generally are. But more often than not its the black women who are the obese ones.
Are you sure it's not just a matter of being too stupid to understand how swimming works?
>throw firecrackers
>nigs reach for guns
>nigs see each other reach for guns
>shootout breaks out
pool's closed for a while for everyone then... but in the long run it may be worth it. They shut the pool down for 2 days when the nig went Yosemite sam on me.
is it time for a closed pool? :D
sandpeople can't handle water
>will dindus always mooch when they are given the opportunity?
No, dey good boiz, dey dindu nuffin.
>I guess my question is, will dindus always mooch when they are given the opportunity?
wouldn't anybody?
I don't understand. If they're more obese then how is their muscle density higher?
Imagine the stench there
Take $100 in single dollar bills. Walk in, yell at the top of your lungs "hoes go in" and fan the dollars over the pool "making it rain".
The fat negresses' will jump in first followed by the male chimpanzees, so have more to keep tossing in. Guaranteed a couple niggers will drown.
I'd rather have that problem than niggers
You lucked out, statistically at least one of them had herpes
>t. broscientist
They can't swim because they're fucking retarded simians, dude. They can be taught. They don't want to learn. It's cultural.
Plus the females won't swim because it messes up their hair. So why would a bunch of dudes get into the pool with each other anyway while the females are up lounging on the chairs?
Just a dumb situation, only a nigger could find himself in this predicament.
that a lie nigger
I think someone else made that claim, not me.
Yes why wouldn't they that is all the fucking do their ancestors worked whenever long ago and they have vowed to not work since.
Welcome to Africa. As whites decolonialize countries these apparently open utilities are the first to be overrun. One good thing is that they can't swim.
Maybe a little A, maybe a little B?
Nah, just throw a snickers bar into the pool..
Same sort of thing happened to me but during a fall term. At GATech our dorm was invaded by about 100 blacks and they took over the rec area, had a party and then cleaned out the furniture and, tv, fuseball table, and ping pong table and some weights.
Based kike.
Sorry, JebĀ”
6/10 old fag bait, but it's good bait.
Because wild animals have denser flesh than humans.
>one time saw a retard at the pool
>retard shit himself, real watery
>could see it sliding down his leg and into the water...and disappearing entirely
>read about it, apparently swimming when you have the runs will inevitably lead to trace amounts of shit entering the water, and no one will ever know
>know for a fact that plenty of people don't follow that rule, because people are animals
>going to a public pool is literally swimming in nigger shit.
>went out and bought a frame pool the next day
Never again.
Oh fuck, it's a lion get in the car!
call the fucking cops
jeez, think of all the aids in the water
This before or after the stripper fiasco?
Nog's suck so hard
>rent controlled
>My neighborhood association probably assumed they could save money and fuck over the few remaining residents
>nigs using private pool
Sounds familiar. OP, you need to take my advice. I was in a similar situation when I was in college. Let me fill you in.
In the summer 2012 I lived in a nice, upscale apartment complex for college students that also happened to be adjacent to a ghetto. In the summer, security was very lax, and all the ghetto negros came to swim (read: stand) in the pool. I was very aggravated by this, because while I never used the pool, my girlfriend liked to go there to tan, and that gave me much valued alone time to jerk off and play Counter Strike. When the black people started coming, she didn't want to go to the pool anymore, and the security sure as hell wasn't going to kick out all these black people. I realized it was on me to remove the foreign hordes.
I ate a bunch of Chinese food with milk and yogurt, waited for the mixture to ferment, then shit into a ziploc baggy. It was a nice intermingling of large solids and runny chunks, so I put it into the freezer and waited for the second round. After I shit again and completely filled up the bag, I snuck into the pool at night and pinned the baggy to the bottom of the pool with rocks. As the sun warmed the water and thawed my frozen shit, the gasses it released caused the bag to burst and release my turds into the water. When I eat yogurt, my shit always floats, and sure enough the pool was closed by noon.
The first time they chlorinated the water and everything was back to normal. I did this 3 days in a row, and eventually the black people stopped coming.
You must follow in my footsteps OP. It's the only way to stick it to your landlords and the freeloaders.
I read somewhere that it's a generational thing- their grandparents weren't allowed in white pools so they didn't teach their kids to swim, and their kids didn't teach their own kids to swim.
It must be pretty embarrassing to be an adult who doesn't know how to not drown.
It's weird that all they want to do is sit around the water. It kind of defeats the purpose of a pool. Why don't they go sit around a cement block instead?
I've seen that meme [[[somewhere else]]]
I don't trust public pools because fan beaners shit beans when they try to swin.
why doesnt it sink when water goes inside there!!!!
its dnegerous they sohuld close that up
They can't swim and don't want to ruin their hair.