Biggest redpill: America is the most cucked country
>inb4 muh gunz
Biggest redpill: America is the most cucked country
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How many are Muslim though?
According to Pew Forum estimate in 2016 there are 3.3 million Muslims, comprising about 1% of the total U.S. population
Thats pretty shit but it could be far worse. Definitely not the most cucked.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
This country just elected a right wing populist.
France and Netherlands had their chance to elect their own populists, but they elected left wing cucks instead.
You tell me, which country is more cucked at this point; France or America?
But that's only Muslims.
Blacks: 40+ million
Latino: 60+ million
That's 100 million right there
France but Trump is a globalist kike shill. Right wing = civic nationalism = globalism
nobody cares because the government doesntt take care of them from cradle to grave
most americans are perfectly fine with people who are unwilling to work starving to death
>America is the most cucked country
No, we didn't choose this we actually vote against it and our (((elite))) do it anyway.
A lot of you faggots choose to bring in these shitskins.
>Come over illegally into our country and apply for refugee status
So how's you're country going again buddy?
Leaf please. Take a look at your own hellhole before talking shit.
Excellent point. Poor France's last chance and they fucked it up!
I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of my money to not be killed/raped and live longer.
The longer this movement festers the more obvious it is that the entire ideology revolves around denying objective reality and celebrating whatever the opposite of normal is.
Taking into consideration population size, that is about 12% of the US population.
For perspective, Sweden has a population of about 10,000,000 with 2,320,000 immigrants (23.2%).
Taking into consideration population size, the US is 60% white
Probably lower than that, they count spics as white.
>63% less likely to be murdered
People are dropping like flies here in the US.
With jews you lose
I think the two biggest red pills for me were
Male suicide rates - really when I started to open up to things
When I asked my doctor to be chemically castrated because I felt my sexual urges were uncontrollable and she told me I'd have better luck with a sex change
Any try hard bitch who uses the word "cuck" has no business talking about "red pill".
But, oh wait, it's the shitposting Mr. Well Actshually Leaf, who shitposts here 24/7.
Move along, nothing to see here.
Implying you're any better. Fucking burgers, the day of the grill cannot come soon enough.
>wanting to lose your sex drive
Kill yourself, honestly. Why even live?
>Male suicide rates
This. Tell this to any liberal and watch their reaction.
>Falling for the sex Jew
Uncontrolled sexual urges keep women in power and men down.
and................................. it's a leaf
So control them.
If an immigrant breaks into my home, I can legally shoot them.
Not many other countries allow that.