Has anyone here ever actually read Marx before or do you all just blindly parrot the "le marxism is bad muh stalin and...

Has anyone here ever actually read Marx before or do you all just blindly parrot the "le marxism is bad muh stalin and mao" meme?

Stop making this thread, cuck.

Get fucked Kike


go find your dad Daqan

I read that little manifesto pamphlet and the 10 planks is all anyone needs to know about it's dangers

I am a communist.

I read The Communist Manifesto in 32 different iterations and found all of the iterations to be really ideal.

I have read Marx. I take issue with siezing the means of production. I do not see how this can be done without necessarily creating an environment wherein men like Mao and Stalin can and will rise to power.

Yes, das capital, the communist manifesto and all the soviet propaganda I could find on communism still dosent work

>Implying marx was a Marxist

I guess the workers could seize the means of production.
But why would they?
They voluntarily chose employment and own land...

>eat this pile of shit before you pass judgment

Have you ever read the theories arguing against galileo, or newton?
No because it's fucking stupid to read theories that are known to be wrong.

I read his 1848 letters recently, as well as some excerpts from his other works. Marxism is a failed idea that just won't die. It, and other forms of large scale leftist socialism, have been tried again and again, and it always devolves into terror and oppression. I get that people genuinely believe that it is a good way to organize society, but that belief ultimately comes from denial and ignorance.

anyone who has actually properly read marx will come to a conclusion similar to national socialism
marx himself was anti-immigrant, anti-jew, anti-black etc
for example:"
- lumpen-proletariat - immigrant thugs are the enemies of the proletariat
- oriental despotism - there is no revolution with shitskins who have been slaves since thousands of years. only europeans are a revolutionary people and that's why the kikes want to get rid of us
- jews are the capitalist class per excellence, the bourgeois is only a proto-kike or sub-kike goy - they must be gassed

What's there to read we were/are killing them since the late 40's

This, read it.

I read the communist manifesto, its nothing more than a call for revolution from some power hungry cunt.

The only reason it has survived is because it is historically important and sociologists are all marxists.

>If we all help each other it would be great!

>If we were all free it would be great!

i read the footnotes. honestly i can't counter it with a "better theory". it's self contained and if everyone were able to think that way communism could work. but if you look at how his ideas have played out in reality you'll know communists are bad guys.

>Has anyone here ever actually read Marx
Yes. I have read Garl Marx. And he is a fucking meme. He was an alcoholic failure. And here is why.
>wrote a book about workers rights
>never worked a day in his life
>nearly drove his parents bankrupt borrowing money all the time.
>lived off of his best friend Engels
>Was an unhygienic slob
>had a personal indentured servant he raped occasionally
He was literally a piece of shit as people go. Lead by example or
get out of the way.

This was referring to Imperialist countries where the means of production was owned by the government, like the Empire of Russia. When the country became a democratically controlled Republic it would 'seize' those same means of production.

All systems "work" to a degree, capitalism works better than communism though. Even on paper.

Or do you think a communist would have the drive to invent computers, smartphones, the internet for their share of the weeks crops?

Then you should know that the Central Committee of the League of the just was responsible for its content and publication, and not Karl Marx.

>Has anyone here ever actually read Marx
Nigger, I lived Marx.


Have you read anything about how marxism has been implemented in history or do you just parrot the "nod reall gommunism" meme

>I'm totally not revisionist

Capitalism has worked this well this far because it was created by White people, for White people. It has allowed Whites to stay on top because Capitalism is merit-based, and in a system that places a value on intelligence shitskins are automatically relegated to the lowest classes by birth. Also, we detonated the nukes which blew the collective minds of the entire third world, and we've had the greatest leaps in innovation.

In the end though, Capitalism reduced everyone to numbers and we had a bunch of Jew economists tell us that mass third world immigration was great for the economy. They left out the part where short-term gains were offset by long-term demographic collapse, and that's where "equality" and "diversity" stepped in to browbeat you into silence when you finally realized this meant the death of your people.

Ive read the manifesto a dozen times, but have not read any of das kapital give me a quick summary? Its basically a criticism of capitalism right?

Please, fucking enlighten us as to how past iterations of Godless communism shouldn't be something we learn from

>mentions nukes
>no nukes without (((them)))

Marx and Engels are wrong. The Capital is wrong to the core. So any Communism "new flavor" will be wrong.

If everyone earn the same amount money despite work or talent for any job
Then it's demotivate everyone to try to improve, halting progress.

Always the Commie elite become rich while the Masses stay poor.

The Violent Revolution preached by Marx always led just to a new Tyrannic & Corrupt Dictatorship which collapses economically after few decades.

Communism was created by Jews (Marx, Engels, Lenin) to deceive Cuck Goys.

Keep going and you'll discover Leninism!

Have you read the book?
It doesn't matter that it doesn't work in the real world.
The book, I read it, and now I know everything.


Das Kapital was published in three volumes. Karl Marx wrote only the first volume, which was published in German. He assisted with and approved a French translation, and no other language.

Volume one is mostly a history of the development of barter and money, including the Gold Standard, the Silver Standard, and the Bi-Metallic Standard. Also the development of debt as money. and fractional reserve banking.

Volume two was finished by Engels using Marx's notes and research, while volume three was only in outline form by Marx.

Volume one is still unbeatable on the development of money.

I am not familiar with leftypol terms, but are you a Nazbol?

It's so hard to read, the writing of a german jew in english is just asking to be gassed.
He sort of foretold the coming of current globalism in his own terms - and ironically similar to Nietzsche - tried to find his own way to overcome it. Simply put - we aren't technologically advanced and probably never will be, esp. in the traditional human mindset, to implement this non-hierarchical society.
But there were a few insights on to the downsides of capitalism like monopolized and protected by gov markets at their maxim produce revolutions in the end if no socialist system of redistribution of wealth is implemented.

Yeah i did, sadly it's a work of fiction. There will always be greedy people, there will always be people who naturally crave power. That means nobody beeing in power is not viable, either those peoples reach power or you need a powerfull group to keep them in check, which would still eventually get corrupted (rather fast) and having anyone in power inevitably leads to having privileged groups.

I'm only going to say this once.
It contains good ideas. A lot of it makes sense on paper. It's a nice ideal to think about.

But it's not how the world works. It's been tried over and over and only ended in disaster. Marxism is a failure because it is fundamentally flawed at the root. At the end of the day someone needs to enforce the rules, or it's anarchy. Those end up being the rulers. It's worse than capitalism because it concentrates all power in the hands of a very small elite. It's been tried enough times, and the cost has been high enough, that it should never be tried again, and I will fight with everything in my power to keep communism/marxism from gaining prominence in this country and fucking it up.

There are bad things about capitalism, yes. Limits and regulations are needed to protect workers. Marxism, however, is wholly abominable. Why would you want to emulate something responsible for so much destruction and death, and so much failure when you live a comfortable life under capitalism? What is the attraction? Because you're afraid to work and produce your own value, right? Afraid to get off your ass and do something with your life, you want to take other people's shit and allocate it to yourself despite not earning it. Fuck off now and get a job and/or kill yourself.


If the imperialist wants to dig in his nails then his hand will get cut off.

i read all three volumes way back in my college days, a fucking waste of time bc Marx's system has a hard dependency on Ricardo's labor theory of value, which was obsoleted by Menger, Walras, Jevons, and the marginal revolution circa 1871

>Lead by example or get out of the way.
>shart in mart








>had a personal indentured servant he raped occasionally
Gonna have to ask for proof of that


Don't give the Prince to kids.



Yes, actually.

>economic materialism at that

Marx was literally a capitalist user. Don't fool yourself with bullshit vulgar materialism, you'll never be happy.


i havent, im a lil scared to, but i have a general idea of what communism is.

The labor theory of value is the most retarded economic idea to have ever have existed period

>that pic
As an ex commie I had a decent chortle

I honestly refuse to read it until I've read Mein Kampf

Shut up and read mises