
الشهادتان في الإسلام هما الشهادة بأن "لا إله إلا الله" والشهادة بأن "محمدا رسول الله ( سماع). بحسب الشريعة الإسلامية فإن الشخص يدخل الإسلام بمجرد شهادته بهذا القول أي قوله لا إله إلا الله و"محمد رسول الله" موقنا بمعناها.

فهما أول أركان الإسلام وبوابة الإيمان، ومن خلال استقراء نصوص الكتاب والسنة نجد أن النطق بالشهادتين مستيقنا بها قلبه، شرط لدخول المرء في دين الله، وتجري عليه بعد نطقها أحكام المسلمين، فمن اعتقد الإيمان بقلبه ولم ينطق بهما فليس بمؤمن، لا يدخل أحد في دين الله ولا يصبح المؤمن مؤمنا إلا بنطقه للشهادتين. روى البخاري من حديث ابن عمر أن رسول الله (أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى يشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله). قال النووي معلقا على هذا الحديث: "وفيه أن الإيمان شرطه الإقرار بالشهادتين مع اعتقادهما واعتقاد جميع ما أتى به النبي . وقال كذلك: واتفق أهل السنة من المحدثين والفقهاء والمتكلمين، على أن المؤمن الذي يحكم بأنه من أهل القبلة، ولا يخلد في النار، لا يكون إلا من اعتقد بقلبه دين الإسلام اعتقاداً جازماً خالياً من الشكوك، ونطق بالشهادتين. قال ابن تيمية: "من لم يصدق بلسانه مع القدرة، لا يسمى في لغة القوم مؤمنا، كما اتفق على ذلك سلف الأمة من الصحابة والتابعين لهم بإحسان. وقال أيضا: "فأما الشهادتان إذا لم يتكلم بهما مع القدرة فهو كافر باتفاق المسلمين، وهو كافر باطناً وظاهراً عند سلف الأمة وأئمتها وجماهير علمائها. قال ابن رجب: "ومن ترك الشهادتين خرج من الإسلام. قال ابن حجر: "تعليقا على حديث يخرج من النار من قال لا إله إلا الله وفي قلبه وزن شعيرة من خير. وفيه دليل على اشتراط النطق بالتوحيد


ى كنوۋ يوۇ ئاننوت ۇندېرستاند تخىس اند تخا تىس پروبابلي فو تخ ېبېست مي فرىېند

ى دون ت كنوۋ خي ا مولدڭان ۋوۇلد بې پوستىنگ ارابىئ اس تخات ىس فاىرلي دېگېناراتې اند سۇگگېستىڭې وف ېتخنىئ دېموگرپاخىئ ئخانگې

ىس تخات ۋخات يوۇ ۋانت مولدوڭا؟



Just so you know, google translate does not equate to good Arabic.

daka laka daka
mohommad jihad

i hate this damn language and everyone who speaks this ass backwards shit.




Fuck you and your fucking bastard language.

Would you guys like to know about the religion that is anime?

lol goatfucker/pedo/retard thread.

koos immak

I can't read moon runes. what does this shit say?

Fuck off shitskin.


ya ebn l 7hmar

>I got Arthritis
Fucking disguting Inbreed faggot

Please don't bomb us.

StooooooOooOOOoooOopppppppPpppp it!

Hallallaa lalallaahallallaahahallallaa
That's what I understood

Wheres that saudi user when you need him

>Flag: Unknown
>click image
what is this?

> يستخدم ترجمة جوجل
> يضحك بصوت عال

It's the ayyliens

fucking discount Romanians

it's either from Republic of Moldova or Andora

दो मामलों में इस्लाम के प्रमाण हैं कि "वहाँ कोई भगवान नहीं है लेकिन भगवान" गवाही है कि "मुहम्मद अल्लाह के रसूल ( सुनने). इस्लामी कानून के अनुसार, एक व्यक्ति इस्लाम में प्रवेश करती है एक बार, उनकी गवाही है कि सत्ता के किसी भी करने के लिए कहते हैं कि वहाँ कोई भगवान नहीं है लेकिन अल्लाह और"मुहम्मद भगवान के दूत" के बारे में सुनिश्चित इसका अर्थ है ।

की समझ का पहला स्तंभ, इस्लाम और गेट के विश्वास, और के माध्यम से एक्सट्रपलेशन के ग्रंथों की किताब और हम पाते हैं कि भाषण बोले shahaadatayn कुछ अपने दिल से, एक शर्त में प्रवेश करने के लिए धर्म के भगवान, और बाद में इसके उच्चारण के प्रावधानों के मुसलमानों, यह कबूल कर लिया है विश्वास में अपने दिल और उन्हें लागू करने के लिए काफी नहीं है.

It's Andorra.

Slimy little Nigglet fuck off

thanks lad fucking non-states

𐌖𐌄𐌏 𐌌𐌊𐌄𐌛 𐌋𐌀𐌎 𐌍𐌖𐌉𐌓𐌆 𐌛𐌌𐌉𐌏𐌖𐌒 𐌊𐌔𐌊𐌄 𐌌𐌄 𐌏𐌉𐌎 𐌖 𐌏𐌉𐌃 𐌖𐌒𐌎 𐌋𐌏𐌃 𐌉𐌏 𐌇𐌃𐌛 𐌖𐌊 𐌌𐌄 𐌀𐌀𐌐𐌛 𐌍𐌄𐌎 𐌒𐌇𐌊·

Fuck off you aussie cunt

I think you got the wrong image there, my dude

unknown country

ass-salami al-male-cum to you too, my friend

what if....
what if there is no sky monkey at all?
what if....
what if everyone is totally wrong about everything?


Nice copy pasta
It's actually real arabic. Talking about shitslam.
You're the one using google translate.

How do you read that chicken scratch? Half the letters look exactly like each other.


what flag is that?

poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo
poo poo poo

I think I got it right?

Mine or his?

His isn't a flag. It's the first time I've seen it.

Mine is shitbanon.


squiggly wiggley squiggle. Wiggle squiggle squiggle.

more like steal welfare metal gib and other shit like that

I was talking about yours thanks

The two testimonies in Islam are the testimony that "there is no god but Allah" and the testimony that "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." According to Islamic law, a person enters Islam only by his testimony In this saying, ie, there is no god but Allah and "Muhammad is the messenger of God" is a believer in its meaning. They are the first pillars of Islam and the gate of faith, and by extrapolating the texts of the Qur'aan and Sunnah, we find that the pronunciation of the Shahadatainat is validated by his heart, provided that one enters into the religion of Allaah and performs it after pronouncing the rulings of the Muslims. Whoever believes faith in his heart and does not utter them is not a believer. God does not become a believer except in his pronunciation of the two testimonies. Al-Bukhaari narrated from the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allaah (I ordered that I fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). Al-Nawawi commented on this hadeeth: "In this case, faith is a condition for acknowledging the two testimonies with their belief and believing all that the Prophet has brought." He also said: The Sunnis agreed among the modernists, scholars and speakers that the believer who ruled that he was one of the people of the Qiblah, "Whoever does not believe in his tongue with the ability, is not called in the language of the nation as a believer, as agreed by the nation's predecessor from the companions and followers of them with charity." Ibn Taymiyyah said: He also said: "As for the two testimonies, if he does not speak with the ability, he is kaafir with the agreement of the Muslims, and he is a kaafir, Ibn Hajar said: "Commenting on a hadeeth that comes out of the fire, whoever says, There is no god but Allah, and in his heart is the weight of a rite of good.

It's bullshit, in other words.

>being this ignorant

fuck off Ahmed nobody cares about your doodles

mildly triggering, don't confuse me with the sandies

>being this ignorant

At least I know two languages, burger fucker.

are you Pajeet then?

>knows arabic
>doesn't know ئۇيغۇر تىلى

nice try

Is this bait? Or are you really this dumb?

Kill yourself shitskin

No flag ,you in space bitch?

he has a flag


How's the weather in Lebanon? It's fucking 36 in here.


How is Sup Forums not banned in saudi arabia?