Poor refugees refusing to leave castle

The evil racist Swedish government is trying to shut down the luxurious castle that houses almost 200 refugees, after which the refugees will be moved elsewhere. Understandably, the refugees don't want to leave and have started a petition to allow them to stay in the castle, which was renovated for millions of crowns just before it started housing refugees.

And a video of the castle


Don't cry Sven, at least you still have your cuck shed.

wtf do you want from me lol?
fucking fix it

Most swedes would probably sign it because muh inclusion and political correctness

The government did this to itself, let them burn in their own incompetence, let the situation spiral out of control, until it does nothing will change

This goes for all of europe

>that video


Hope you enjoy your cuckery, Sweden. You brought this on yourself.

Did you know that if a foreigner mother comes to Sweden with a child, she can retroactively get parental benefits for the time she raised her child before she came to Sweden?






Meanwhile a 90 year old pensioner with chronic pains killed himself because the social services couldn't find him a home due to being a low priority...


Sweden you've been cucked too long. I hope that reactionary sentiment has grown with it, for all our sakes.

They reduced it a couple of years ago though to only 96 days if the child is over the age of 4. It used to be the case that they could get around 200,000 sek ($22,000) in retroactive parental benefits, but we could no longer afford it.
I read that. That was a pretty sad story.

Swedes posting these cuck stories everyday, what do you want us to do? It's your country, the world can only watch and feel piety for what you have done to yourselves.

Just stop, if you want change, be the change you want to see happen in your country.

Grab your arms and revolt, get your country back and hang the traitors.

If you're people can't do it, then no one will do it for you.

I would personally fight and risk my life in the process for the cause, but I don't see any western cuck doing that.

So you're alone Swedes, get your country back or sit back and watch it become a non white country.



We're just showing the world what's going on in Sweden, a country used by leftists as an example of paradise. The fact that they've recently stopped using Sweden as an example of paradise and started using Denmark or Norway instead shows that it's working. Prestige is extremely important to the Swedish government, believe it or not.

How do I get free money from the government? I'm EU citizen, studying. Still waiting for the förskassa. Any other ways to get moneys?
PS. got the person number

I am moving to Sweden with my qt pie soon and will fix these for the Swedish betas.


I think gibs are harder to get for you than for refugees. You should be able to get bostadsbidrag but I'm not sure what else you can get. You may also be able to get CSN for studying but there are special rules for EU citizens.

only if nonwhite

The entire Swedish government and a large part of its bureacracy and media must be executed or imprisoned. This is the only way to punish treason.

And treason it is. The left only rules by power. The moment they lose that power, I don't give two fucks how they are treated. If they want to play the game like this, let's. They're right. Fuck democracy. Democracy allows people to vote for parties that will destroy democracy, so clearly the system doesn't work.

Convert to islam.

I suppose turning off the utilities is out of the question?

In this image board you can't have a normal dialogue, people start role playing as countries etc.

I post a personal opinion, idiots reply >Albania

You're the real cancer that can't save their own asses, western cucks.

I'm trying to do my part but you can't see beyond your noses, keep dividing each other, and ducks blame the Jews for divide and conquer tactics when you're the one who divides in your brain.

Fuck you cucks, I hate you more than Jews and liberals.

People here only LARP as patriots, they don't do nothing all day in reality only LARP how we are fucked in threads.

Disgusting neets, you deserve the gas chamber, someday a man will come and he will lead europe into a better future, that man will kill you neets who after him taking power will go in the streets feeling like they have done a huge part.

Instead you deserve to be roasted alive for what you do all day.

Propose one fucking solution to the problem you nigger, if you think you're so smart

What do you expect us to do? Go full Breivik? That's retarded

You misunderstand the issue. It's not like the Swedish authorities don't have the means to force them out of the castle. The issue is that it must be done in the proper, Swedish way. The other year we had a gypsy camp in Malmö on someone's private property, and it was impossible for the owner of the property to get rid of them. In fact, he had to pay environmental fees etc because they produced so much waste and destroyed the lot. It took over a year before the police evicted them by force. Antifa/RF/left wing activists were there and tried to violently stop the police from doing it. And that was a private lot where they illegally trespassed and caused damage to someone's private property. And in this case it's a property in which the refugees have been legally housed by Swedish authorities or subcontractors.

>complains about being stereotyped
>lol everyone in the West is a cuck

Look mate, I get where you're coming from, but you can't expect to be taken seriously when you do the same shit you complain about in the next sentence.

What the fuck are you expecting? That we're going to go out and start kicking over trashcans? It always strikes me as odd that no-one outside Western Europe realized exactly how tight the leftist vice is on our balls.

We know Western Europe looks ordered, just, and civilized from the outside. But the reality is, the left uses every dirty trick in the book to maintain their power. They're just not comical, self-enriching dictators, so it looks alright. But brownshirts, imported votes, propaganda, indoctrination, intimdiation, perversion of the law, even political assassination. It's all happening in Western Europe.

But hey, fuck you too, with your misdirected anger. Doing the commie's job for him. Way to go.

Make your people believe in you, be their Savior.

Can you do that?

Stop using meme words like nigger, kike etc , talk normal. Like a band of brothers having a civilized discussion.

You are a child that has a normal family, is in his 20's and comes here everyday to read the latest news about how his country is in deep waters.

Apart from your real life, you need to have the balls to act as mature on Sup Forums.

Everything you should do, do it by bettering yourself and the others.

Save your people, if you cannot, then encourage yourself and do the best you can.

I want a better future for your country more than most swedes do. I would fight for Sweden , at the end I would even deport all Albanians from there, and go back to my own country after having done my part as a European.

Thanks for proving my point and shaming me fellow European.

Fuck you, nigger. You are going on about gaschambers and burning people. Don't get prissy when you get a little bit of that back.

Good job ignoring the rest of the post, too.

No mate, maybe the problem is you. Maybe you're just oversensitive. Go start a Tumblr or something. This isn't the place for you.

Where can I sign the petition? You gotta remember these people are KANGZ and gotta be treated like the royalty they are.

The petition is only open to non-whites
