Did pepe really die or was it a fake? I've been off the grid for a couple of days

Did pepe really die or was it a fake? I've been off the grid for a couple of days

oh yeah its canon now

Furie said in an interview that pepe will rise from the ashes.

>killing something that isn't alive
Only faggot libs who believe in Harry Potter and Twilight think like this. I'll be posting Pepe more often now.

Fake news, Pepe is public domain

he can die and revive at will.


Pepe is dead.
His creator killed him.
Good riddance!
Wojak has always been the superior meme.


>be american
>believe in think


Only redditors post pepe anyway. who cares?

Pepe shall become like unto a Phoenix.

we need to find a god suitable to wojak now



>can't use funny meme frog man anymore because it's creator said so
why even imply this

Only way to kill a meme is normielization, that is, frequent, unironic use of a meme by normies until it loses all value.

Such is the laws of our universe.

Rule 6994116904325789932257900543245789006432224578900764322267890096432:

What I create I can kill.

Our lord will rise from this grave the profligates have put him in, and ascend. We must spread the word of our lord's coming. Shadilay, Brothers and Sisters!

He only created the image of Pepe. We imbued him with essence

>Did pepe really die

The assassins of the (((international anti-anti-semites))) killed the wrong frog.

pepe has already survived that once, i dont think the creator "killing" him will do anything, if anything it only adds more fuel to the fire

Pepe dies when a new meme replaces him. Just as all memes have done before.