Life has no higher purpose

Life has no higher purpose

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Then kill yourself, faggot

One glance at this board confirms

its fucking chaos

whoa, super original

And that's okay.

just enjoy the shit show

>Life is a beautiful gift
>ignores the trillions of beings that have lived, suffered and died on this planet to perpetuate a molecule we label as DNA

No, it is still enjoyable to breathe and to be alive - but there is no higher purpose

life itself is a higher purpose. as self perpetuating data we have the right and duty to spread our information to all particles in the universe.

Humanity was a mistake

Life's higher purpose is procreation. It's what we were designed for.

Having sex is the ultimate redpill

Of course it does you intellectual plebian. It´s just too simple and beautiful for your false self-image (ego) to comprehend let alone accept.

The purpose of life is to bring forth self-aware beings. The purpose of all-that-is aka existence, the universe, is to be the context where this can take place.
The purpose of self-aware beings is to create "another" where there is in actuality only one, the Source, born and unborn, existence and the potential for existence, God.
Bible: God created man because he was lonely.
Koran: God created man as man + woman so that they may learn how to love.
Hinduism: I forgot.
Buddhism: I forgot.
Anyway it all amounts to the same answer. God allowed parts of Godself to forget what they are, so that God could experience "things" meaning life, events, everything. BEING everything God could not experience separate things, feelings, thoughts, at all. Could not observe. Could not love or cherish or rejoice. Could only be. Through us, God lives.

There is a living God, and we will be judged by what we do here on this earth. There are greater wonders and horrors unknown to us in this universe. Wake up, sleeper.

Speak for yourself. The purpose of my life is to make enough money to retire early, then spend the rest of my life comfily playing video games together with a cute little maid.

Procreation just means maintaining the existence of us conscious beings, but being cannot be the purpose itself.

So pressing buttons in front of a screen is a higher purpose?

rannsaka dig och ditt jävla religionbabbel

It's a fucking dream you dolt. We are God. Go manifest some cool ass shit.

Life's purpose is enjoyment. Enjoyment is the only true motivation behind any action
Even if you conjure up a massively complex "purpose", a condition or set of conditions that needs to be met, the motivation can never be anything but the satisfaction, or enjoyment of seeing that purpose fulfilled. There is no higher ideal than enjoyment

Important addendum: Hedonism gets old fast

Life only has the purpose that you give it.

I wish there was a higher purpose, but the simple truth is there is none.

Existence itself is not a higher purpose and the thought of God feeling lonely is absolutely absurd. And why should God have the need to experience things?

Not for you sharia blue.

Why would you need a higher purpose?



Enjoyment feels good of course, but having a certain feeling is no HIGHER purpose, there is no greater depth in it.

not if you have drugs, but then you have to worry about tolerance, and you wont wanna spend your money on food and shelter, it just never really works unless youre spoiled rich

There is none anyway.

for the ones that pursuit life and existence .
It's all just an experience , obvious you didn't choose it or did you ?

>it's another "le nihilism XD" thread

Together with a qt young maid, yes.

we know that our very observation has an effect on particles, therefore our purpose is to exist and continue existing so we have continue to observe the particles that make our atoms that make out molecules that make our cells that make our organs that make us alive

or you can be a little bitch i guess

Läs lite, tänk lite. Det är en fin slutsats som känns logisk. Vad måste finnas FÖRE nånting annat? Potentialen för det. Gud = Potentialen före allt. Som Buddhisterna säger "det ofödda". Så, varför skulle det ofödda föda något som helst? Jo för att ett sinne kan aldrig uppnå upplysning, self-awareness (ingen aning hur jag ska skriva det bra på svenska), kärlek, eller något som helst. Ett sinne ensamt = ingenting, ett djur, ett träd. Se på människor som växt upp bland djur utan andra medvetanden / hjärnor med möjlighet för self-awareness runt sig.

Gud behövde dig, därför föddes universum fram och potentialen för biologiskt liv med hjärnor perfekta för ändamålet också.

Sen om vi fortfarande är delar av alltet som bara lurats att glömma att vi är, eller om vi faktiskt är "separerade" på riktigt, vet jag inte ännu.

It's higher purpose is to find truth.
To do this, we expose lies.
To do this, we expose liars.

why? as self-conscious matter I can decide to end with the transmission of my genetic structure

Well that's some fucking gay shit.

Your only purpose is to reproduce and pass on your genes

Stop being dumbfucks trying to make up some bullshit excuse to soothe your existential anxiety

This, bit more concise than my ramblings.

you cannot speak the truth even if truth exists or not who cares right .

Why you confusion random pleasure with sensing life itself in the full picture .

Maybe mortality makes you jumpy about meanings .

Even the spoiled and rich need to seek greater and greater pleasures until their mind is rotten and they can't enjoy any day without champagne and pre-teen hookers. Doesn't sound like it would stay fun very long t-b-h. Addiction is terrible.


Says Mr. -66. I can assure you dwelling in every soul there is an unquestionable, unalienable calling so right and just no amount of speech can talk one out of it....

What I meant with my poorly formulated post was that the higher purpose IS life as it exists right now. This sounds like hippie bullshit but it makes a lot of sense with study, contemplation, meditation etc.

If you guys are talking about plebian level purpose and meaning then we got biological one which everyone knows, and the rest is 100% up to the individual to conjure up. Creativity is a gift from our misbegotten overthinking brains to make up for the bullshit.

Oh and existence is not a higher purpose? What the galaxies are too bland for you? This is pure ego obsession, fear of death and fear of not being special, unique, immortal and heroic.

Meditate "yourself" out

>Life has no higher purpose


It just means continued existence, but it does not give existence a higher purpose.

you're so nihilistic and edgy OP. Fuck, ur so cool.

I'm addicted to living, so no.

Then make one, lazy fag

think of existence as a gift. think of what (you) means. you could also not be. but you are. think about this in depth by closing your eyes and imagining what it would be like if (you) weren't.

this might help to understand the purpose of our life.

Your purpose is to have kids and make your empire greatest.

I'm not just talking about pleasure or happiness, which depend on sensory stimulus and external conditions meeting your expectations, but something deeper. Finding joy and enthusiasm in what you're doing without attachment to the results of your actions

What does "higher purpose" even mean? Can you define it? Can you even conceive of a reason to do anything except to feel enjoyment one way or another, whether it's right now or in the future? Say it's to "evolve to a higher state." Why? Why, if not for fun? Perhaps to become a being capable of even greater enjoyment?

Say you're God. You are everything. You are everywhere. You can do anything. What is there for you, except to rejoice in the fact of your own existence? Why create, if not for the enjoyment of it?


also a highly recommendable book is this:

i am pretty much sure you will find most answers to your questions here if you read the whole work.

Indeed, but most people are too weak and fraid to meditate truly

Too edgy.


but it's true and there's a lot of shit going in the human hive mind, many troubles.
People are "wakening" for this kind of stuff you just mention and finding meaning in they're inner self expanding even more consciousness or knowledge

picrelated, it´s God Godding

t. triggered special snowflake

>requires login
Say the name(s) pls roach


Thanks, roach. I am surely greatful for the gift of life and I truly enjoy it. Yet, I cannot see any higher purpose. Every activity seems so meaningless if you look at it closely.

The only certainty in life is death.

Just fucking live for whatever time you have.

Even with god, life has no purpose. You are in a soul filter game, and at the end you either get punished or rewarded. I'm a christian, but my faith just takes the problem of meaning one layer out.

>ignores the trillions of beings that have lived, suffered and died on this planet to perpetuate a molecule we label as DNA


Life is mostly shit though. Needs more race war.

Relative immortality through childbirth is a valid worldview even without religion. Neither does religion invalidate it.
There is always a higher purpose if you resolve to live. There is never a higher purpose if you want to die. This is the work of Nature, and is good: those who wish to die should not be made to live.

then do it faggot

May I recommend some reading / listening ?
Alan Watts
Eckhart Tolle
even Deepak Chopra if desperate

Basically you are correct and wrong at the same time.


if you call other people "roach" or similar names, don't bother reading or thinking. you will most probably die without any meaning or purpose in your pitiable arrogance..

it does

Are you seriously triggered, roach?

t. Burger/Amerifat/the cancer of this planet

what books are these? don't care to make an account.

>t. nihilistic cuck pleb and/or kike shill

came here to say this

And yet something within you feels the need to broadcast this here, this small part of you aching to hear a convincing argument otherwise. If what you say is indeed true, why bother arguing about it?

It is a good question to ask how to define higher purpose. I think it must be something that explains why there is something rather than nothing, explains us why we are here and why we are gifted with consciousness.

Having feelings such as enjoyments is just a reward developed by evolution. For example, when we eat then it may taste great so that we eat regularly to keep us alive. So it is just a biological function to keep us alive. But there is no higher purpose than that in it.

what did you do when you determined it had already been said?

are we forgetting about making money for the purpose of drugs and prostitutes?

yea thought so you fuckign faggtos

We gettin' Ecclesiastes up in this bitch, niggus.

man this people will eternally be like this, it's trigger everywhere , normie tier shit at this point . Gonna trigga ya muahhh
I tried to escape to the internet from all of this , and I end up in the epicenter of it .
Just waiting for internet 3.0 and up

Life's higher purpose is to reach physical, mental, and technological excellence.

>my life has no purpose, therefore your life has no purpose
And this is why plebs need religion. Some people need to have their purpose dictated to them.

For what?

>you could also not be.

No. This is literally impossible. Consciousness is eternal. Has always been. It is alwaythis moment. We're bith literally the same person. Both the universe experiencing itself through different nodes.
It's never gonna stop.
An individual life is not always a gift, since it's random per definition by the infinite amount of variations it can be really good or really bad.

But, what you say still sounds good and is a good philosophy in a way if you manage to convince yourself of it. But my advice is better. Do PSYCHEDELICS. HIGH doses. In darkness by yourself.

So what is your purpose, Schlomo?

Your conception of enjoyment is too narrow. "Higher" implies something outside of the material. If it is possible to experience something "higher", then these experiences must not have anything to do with biochemistry

That's exactly what the Atheist Commies working towards a Jew World Order, want you to believe.

Nihilism and Apathy, make you an easier victim.

what can i say.. perhaps some people deserve to be sad. perhaps its a type of punishment for their evil.

ps. i am not hurt or something but when you try to help someone sad and he calls you names you usually show a reaction as a human being.

to find the seems of our reality


>So what is your purpose, Schlomo?
To do something remarkable enough to be remembered for. Not saying this will actually happen, but it's something to strive for.

Even though I agree with you. If you think that, why come to this site? That's standard here.
And yeah i don't know where i come here myself. This site is shitty and makes me more negative. Will never go on here again after today. It's just confy with a board where you don't have to sign in, but it's just a cesspool though

Hm, thank you of making me aware of it, but I am just lying in my bed and I was genuinly asking myself if there was any higher purpose of life. And I did not find any good answer and apparently nobody else did too. So it seems there is none, but we do not want to accept it, because this truth may be too strong for us.

Exactly, the very fact we exist and experience things the way we do is a fucking miracle. So enjoy the experience because we're not here forever.

Does too

The meaning of life is SAGE.

You can only understand it through use of high dose psychedelics. Ayahuasca and mushrooms. In serious. The meaning is only experiencable not deliverable through human language.