People celebrate the fact Trump is autistic

People celebrate the fact Trump is autistic.

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We're past the point of hypocrisy spotting. Democrats, Republicans, and every other group are constantly contradicting themselves. It's ideology or nothing.

He actually has dementia and it's accelerating. He's going to be in poor shape mentally by the end of his 1st term.

Ivanka is there to monitor his meds and evaluate how bad his dementia gets.

He has been really trolling and shit posting today.

How fucking >JUST does Comey have to be right now? Can you imagine the entire nation hating you and then you getting fired in front of everyone? THEN, the LEADER OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY rubs it in even more.

>Wanting someone fired for not doing their job.
>Someone getting fired for doing their job.

People know these are two different things.

Kinda stupid since James Comey asked to testify before the Senate as a private citizen. No there is nothing stopping him from saying what ever.

holy fuck, absolute madman

Trump could institute communism and Democrats would be mad. Progressives will NEVER be happy. It's time we start ignoring or just straight up helicoptering them.

This man is the president of the United States and the president of Shit Posting

God speed

Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

The video could be much better if it had the last 24hours of their opinions.

The first U.S. president to have Australian citizenship.

Stop projecting Hillary.

Wow seriously this guy is worse than Hitler

Who is this cringey William LeGate cunt I see at the top of EVERY Trump tweet?

You're in /pol, how's this a bad thing?

>Trump could institute communism and Democrats would be mad.
Well obviously they would.

jesus christ look at the shit poor responses some people are trying to meme. Reminds me why I don't have a twitter

Look at all the normie libtards freaking out.
God Bless America and God Bless Trump
Day of the rope is coming faggots

Everyone is worse than Hitler. Hitler was great.

>It is fashionable among world intellectual elites to decry ‘American culture,’ with our domestic critics among the loudest in complaint. But traditional intellectual elites are of shrinking relevance, replaced by cognitive-practical elites–figures such as Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Madonna, or our most successful politicians–human beings who can recognize or create popular appetites, recreating themselves as necessary. Contemporary American culture is the most powerful in history, and the most destructive of competitor cultures. While some other cultures, such as those of East Asia, appear strong enough to survive the onslaught by adaptive behaviors, most are not. The genius, the secret weapon, of American culture is the essence that the elites despise: ours is the first genuine people’s culture. It stresses comfort and convenience–ease–and it generates pleasure for the masses. We are Karl Marx’s dream, and his nightmare.”
>Secular and religious revolutionaries in our century have made the identical mistake, imagining that the workers of the world or the faithful just can’t wait to go home at night to study Marx or the Koran. Well, Joe Sixpack, Ivan Tipichni, and Ali Quat would rather ‘Baywatch.’ America has figured it out, and we are brilliant at operationalizing our knowledge, and our cultural power will hinder even those cultures we do not undermine. There is no ‘peer competitor’ in the cultural (or military) department. Our cultural empire has the addicted–men and women everywhere–clamoring for more. And they pay for the privilege of their disillusionment

Someone who's paid to receive bump notifications every time Trump tweets.

I nearly spat up my coffee.

Fuck democrats. May kek plague them into madness.

He would ruin his entire rest of his career if he would spill government and FBI secrets now.

He'll shut up BECAUSE he's a pro

The truth.

This dumbass thought he could fire the guy investigating him and nobody would care if he brought up that he also investigated Hillary

fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl!!!

>The one guy under the corner logo smirking

It's always like that. The Trump account makes a tweet and within minutes you get fags chaining image posts. Every single time.

Quite the opposite, IIRC he's the guy that asked her the question in the first place about why the Democrats don't embrace socialism.

A billionaire autist wow.
What a retard you are.

4D chess

How fucked are the media personalities that have been shown with their obvious bigotry?

>Me democrat, you trump fire that Comey!
How the FUCK do people fall for this? There are democrat voters who call Trump out for doing the very thing that Democrats asked for.

Does anyone remember if there was any outrage or claims of creeping despot fascism when Bill Clinton fired his Director of the FBI William Sessions? Nope. Me neither. Not even being mentioned. For the Clintons if they could not fire someone they could just arrange a plane crash, heart attack of suicide. So shall we all go back and revisit the reasons WHY Bill Clinton fired HIS FBI Director? What was HE hiding? Worth reviewing???

He is doing pretty well, considering he is President and you are not.

Now I remember why I voted for him.

>Trump is now unironically a more credible news source than CNN/etc. combined

This is sad.

>all those fucking triggered lefties on his Faceberg
my goddamn sides

And that's a good thing.



Got 'im.

Except Trump specifically wasn't under investigation, you stupid fucking nigger.

fuck you and everyone who looks like you

I hope by "helicoptering" you mean "violently murdering"


Nobody fucking drinks coffee dude

ummm... no sweetie

fuck you and your racist, transphobic and homophobic "buddies". such a typical response from a li'l drumpfie

Trump isn't under investigation you braindead leftist

I took care of my grandmother for 4 years before she died, she had dementia.
I don't see any signs of it in Trump, leaf

bet you have a small pecker too!!!

>fire investigator
>no more investigation

>Trump should be ashamed. This is a disgrace!

Yeah he's slightly worse than Hitler at this point. If Trump starts gassing people he may move above Hitler though.

>Sup Forums: "hehe, this is 4D chess by trump"

You caught me.

Well yeah, but that's a hard standard to live up to

mental health institutions are going to be packed full of crazed libtards after the way Trump mindfucks them

He is 100% right

When the Colbert audience got the news that comey was fired they all cheered until Colbert explained to them that they were supposed to be angry about it now.

Democrats are completely losing their mind and them unraveling is funny to watch

AHAHAHAHAHAH Trump wins again


Comey is a spineless cuck who doesn't consider unambiguous written instructions to be mens rea, why on earth do you think he would prosecute trump even if he had real evidence?

KEk how will Sanders ever recover from this shame? Disgusting commie

Well yeah, he's one of us.

Also, they were actually calling for Comey to resign his position voluntarily. That's very different from him being fired by the guy who ran a campaign that Comey was investigating

The left are nihilists, they have no values. They exist for craven political opportunism.

>Hurr i'm retarded
You realize the assistant AG is the one in charge of the investigations right? And guess what, regardless, Comey, under oath, said that Trump was not being investigated, on 3 separate occasions.
Drink bleach

>Comey, under oath, said that Trump was not being investigated, on 3 separate occasions


Oh my god. We thought he was Hitler but we had it so wrong. He was LITERALLY NIXON this whole time.

fires comey, next day meets with Russian


Clip? I'd going to lel my ass off seeing Colbert say "NO, NO, NO GOYIM! You're supposed to booo not cheer when I mention Drumpf!!"

His whole campaign is material for hypocrisy

literally the last senatorial hearing you stupid nigger
there's 1/3, but you only need 1.

>a bong trying to troll
Go get your teeth fixed ya cunt

Triggered? If AG is in charge of investigation, then why does it matter what Comey said?

this ones for you

Dickweed, do you really wanna play the "I used to say one thing but now I say something else" game?

Lmao at the music at the end.

Dems like doing it, so, why not?

No he didn't idiot

>Democrats, What Changed?

Nothing Trump, you're still a neocon shill for the kikes and you haven't done anything. You replaced the swamp with your own one and let Jared take over everything. You're a fucking tool.

Hillary is not president

you may as well just kill yourself

I was in a similar situation and I see a little bit of it. I think the speeches are a big giveaway since he never foes off cue and has glazed over eyes. It means he is basically going into a fugue state and turning off hus brain.

Thanks. Good god, studio audiences are the goodest goyim of all.

lmao at the idiots who reply to themselves a million times to get to the top of his tweet replies.

Best post in ITT

The Left and Right are controlled opposition.
There is only Nationalism and Globalism.
Americanism and Zionism.
Pick only one.

REEEEEEEEEEEEE i need video evidence of all three utterances of comey saying this, 1 doesnt cut it, I need to see all 3 or else hes lying!


Looks like you went into a fugue state while writing that drivel.

Watching this again you can clearly see how he fucked up

He said "Comey has just been fired by trump" and they cheered
He should've said "Trump [pause for boo] just fired comey [more booing]"

Its like fucking Pavlovian conditioning only in actual humans.

>Sorry I cannot answer that question in a public hearing.

truth, and trips

what the fuck is wrong with these comments? dont they know that these democrats wanted comey gone? it makes leftist out to be fucking retards

That guy is pure soy. Fuck him


they don't care dude. they don't know what they want. they don't even know what their own policies are and don't care to research whether they've worked or not in the past. they just know that donald trump is the bad guy like voldemort and they're resisting him!