I bought a 23 and me DNA test

I bought a 23 and me DNA test
what are they odds they fake in subhuman percentages as an (((agenda)))?

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>He still thinks he's white

What is it in it for them?

Take it twice with different name or convince your sibling if you think so

I think basically anything they see as an "unassigned" haplogroup they just say : fuck it! Let's say Africa. It will help diversity!
Can I prove that? No. But using basic logic and seeing other actions by the "scientific community" it makes sense.

I could see Jews taking DNA test results to trick people into thinking they have nigger DNA in them
that would totally fit their MO

or this


>taking a 23andme test


if you have brown eyes irregardless of your skin tone, you are a nigger.

ok Ahmed

What about hazel?

kys for wrapping up your self worth in a set of percentages from a bullshit Jewish con job.

Oh shit.. that means...


>american nazi finds out he's 52% white


And Kek has blessed me with his holy digits, so now you know it's true.

My whole family is Blue eyed blonde haired, my sister has brown eyes though. Had the tests done and no nigger in my family. Kinda puts a hole in your logic

Meme me up Scotty

>t. the snow nigger

dont you have white people to kill ? since thats the only thing you faggots are good at

00.01% native

Hows it going Varg.

>shiteyes detected

Your DNA will be used in shady projects. It's not charity they're running, they are collecting samples.

>be op
>thinks he is white
>do dna test
>see results
>"uhu-uh umm t-the j-ews must be r-responsible for t-this!"

I was born with ice blue eyes turning into hazel

I won't get the results back for 2 months you prick

Digits of truth



Possible reincarnation...

The reason for the 0.1% non-white that often shows up is microchimerism.
The semen from non-whites whom your slutty mom fucked stays in her body.

Same, also had blond hair at birth/for 2
Brown eyes/hair now

Im already redpilled on that

Look at that bit of everything, just missing some ashkenazi and you would be a pure example of the average American mongrel.
Post face pics.

How reliable is the neanderthal % data?

I took one and found out I'm 60 percent Ashkenazi and 1/12th native American.

dumb ass paying jews to sell his DNA to third parties. hahaha

and faggot things he's redpilled.

thinks ha

Have you bogans done a good job of maintaining your Anglo criminal outcast purity?

it's bait but just in case anyone needs reminded;
two blue eyed parents can only have blue eyed kids
if youre telling the truth your dad got cucked

Behold, I have brought you white men.

The future of this country is a hapa population.
Too many cucks with chinks.

Literally a psyop to discourage youth. Proof? Telegony is bullshit with humans. Flies aren't mammals.

I don't think anything is being faked.

>two blue eyed parents can only have blue eyed kids

No, they can very well be carrying genes for other eye colors thanks to parents or grandparents that could then be expressed in one or more of their children. This is basic genetics.

My brother took this test and I'm less than 1% Mongol. Everything else was scandinavian/norman/Germanic.

I think people are just getting upset that they aren't white or something.

Mine had 0 nigger but a little sandnigger

If it came out that they were giving out inaccurate information, a competitor would be able to take over their market share pretty quick since the market is so new. So, basically 0%.

The science probably isn't even right and they are bullshitting from the start.

>he has a bank account
>he wears clothes
>he listens to music
>he thinks he's redpilled
there is no escape from the Jews nigger. they have their fingers in everything

I have documented evidence of both my family trees. if anything seems misconstrued I won't shake a stick at it

any 23andme alternatives? i don't want to end up on some list when they sell my data

if returnofkings is your cited source its probably horse shit

Don't worry, you won't look out of place soon anymore

Just realize that YOU are the product and they will use your DNA for unscrupulous purposes. Better that you don't use the test at all.

Well actually brown eyes are a dominant trait and blue eyes are recessive. (Maybe this is all bullshit now but this is what I learned.) So if you have blue eyes you must have 2 recessive alleles.

This means that there is no way for two blue eyed people to be carriers as brown eyes are dominant and would manifest in either person carrying that gene.....

He got cucked the fuck out .

You learned incorrectly, or forgot some details.


This is why, for example, Prince George has dark brown eyes, even though both of his parents have light eyes. He likely got them from Kate's genetic lineage.

If this was an impossibility, his birth would have been surrounded by untold scandal for obvious reasons.

Stop giving your DNA to Jews to CISPR and genetic engineering you fucking morons

Founder of 23andme is part of Google too

Anything less then one percent is genetic background noise
It will disappear on the conservative estimate

You give out your DNA everytime you go to the hospital
They already have your DNA

dude americans fucked everyone and everything.

"It is a scientific fact that there is not one full-blooded Caucasian on the floor of this convention. Every member has in him a certain mixture of... colored blood...It would be a cruel injustice and the source of endless litigation, of scandal, horror, feud, and bloodshed to undertake to annul or forbid marriage for a remote, perhaps obsolete trace of Negro blood. The doors would be open to scandal, malice, and greed."

George D. Tillman
"All Niggers, More or Less!", The News and Courier, October 17, 1895.

good i need more people like me.

Most white Americans aren't mixed


take multiple tests if you're worried
you should do genealogy research regardless. that way you know that it's a match

>I bought a 23

23 what user? A glock, I'm taking it. if so then ya and live stream it .40 cal would make a big mess.

>I bought a 23 and me DNA test

maybe you should buy one too. your nigger genes might explain your inability to read

>two blue eyed parents can only have blue eyed kids

i wish this were true

dont worry hes just a brit