Are there any realistic alternatives to the current private banking model?


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national socialism

money needs to be tied to a versatile and stable commodity, possibly even a basket of them, eliminating fiat currency

usury needs to be limited

Educate people in such a way that they have to means to maximize their own wealth without resorting to mob violations of personal property, violence, and theft

and hand over the big bag to a set of different, lazier Jews*

Pretty much this. Labor backed currency avoids the pitfalls of fractional reserve currency and of commodity backed currencies. When work creates money and that money is paid straight to the worker society and the economy flourish. Germany went from the poorest country in Europe to the richest in 5 years on this model. Research MEFO bills to learn more.

That won't eliminate inflation nor usury.
Educating people won't do shit, thinking that educating people will solve anything is putting the cart before the horse, it's more that people aren't smart enough to make use of the education effectively if anything. There need to be structural changes or alternatives, maybe something like mutual credit unions.

That image is stupid and made for intellectual gnats to masturbate over.


Check out the Bank of North Dakota
and anything by Bill Still

get rid of fiat currency and start printing a shit load of money. then, no matter how hard you work, you'll still only be a billionare.

How would you go about setting up labor backed currency?

Basically in order for a dollar to be printed a dollar's worth of labor has to be done. That dollar is then paid directly to the laborer.

In practice public works are commissioned. Infrastructure projects etc. The laborers are then paid directly. They spend the money in their communities. Wealth trickles up like it always does, but the generation is now healthy.

It makes useful labor into necessary labor. You don't need money to pave a road, you need to pave a road to make the money. Public works become self-funding.

This is also inseparable from an absolute ban on lending at interest, known as usury. Even low interest rates create money out of thin air and allow for corruption of human interaction. Unattainable things become affordable, the debtor becomes a slave, and the creditor becomes the master. The trouble is more than moral because the market inevitably has to correct from speculatory spikes.

The problem with commodity backed currencies is that commodities are traded in the market and are likewise unstable too.

Store fiat in bitcoins. Fiat will erode vs finite supply of bitcoins and altcoins. Consider them digital gold. Anyone who doesn't believe this go look at the total money supply vs the total bitcoin supply limit. One has a limit...the other is endless...hence...bitcoin is a protector vs inflation while (((they))) figure out a better system of fucking us.

>That won't eliminate inflation nor usury.
they don't need to be eliminated, just reigned in

you have described a centralized system that ultimately imploded and is now under control of angela merkel
if bitcoin fails we can try this again, but for now ill take "instability"

It's not the same system.

And it's based in the abolition of loans and heritage.

But no one brings up the heritage thing again, that kind of backfired the last time.

ever heard of hitler fag

That is the most retarded idea I have ever seen.

Not only that, but MEFO bills aren't even what you described. A MEFO bill is just an IOU. It has nothing to do with labour-backed currency.

Let's examine how roads are built today:
>government has a sum of money, either borrowed or from surplus
>government tenders out to a private firm to build a road
>private firms bid
>government picks one and pays them the money
>private firm uses this money to build the road and fund their firm
>firm hires workers and buys materials and builds road

Now, your system.
>government has no money because without usury there will be no lending and without government expenditure there will be no economy to tax, and without tax revenue there can be no government expenditure

The end.

But let's be generous and pretend that the government already has some reserve of money left over from the old world order.
>government (or private firm if you still want to keep the tender process) takes its money to company to buy materials
>materials companies take that money and use it to pay for labour to get the materials
>government takes the materials and hires labourers to build the road
>labourers build the road, getting paid to do so
>labourers then go and spend that money
>which the government gets back in taxes and uses it to fund more roads
You have, in essence, achieved nothing more than replicating the current fucking system. And you can only do that if you inherit the wealth of the current system anyway.

Fucking kill yourself retard.


The problem isnt the system its the education.

The fact 95% of teachers are outright communist doesn't help in the slightest

burn it all down

>burzum gets louder

>95% of teachers are outright communist
[citation needed]

>government has no money because without usury there will be no lending

wtf are you even talkin about drunken abos ?
governement as no money because if banks doesn print if no money exist wew ?
Retard Aussie the admitted point is to try to keep the same system without the usury from the greedy that goes with it. You are the perfect example of a retard who talk alot to say nothing.

Free banking Hayek style, abolish central banking monopolies and let currencies compete internally; Cyrpto, Metals, Fiat all fluctuating with supply/demand with equilibirum seeking behavior keeping them in check from excessive inflation/debt/devaluation.

Read: The Denationalization of Money, by Friedrich A. Hayek

Yes, leaf. Governments rely hugely on deficit spending.

If you get rid of lending governments will have no ability to borrow to fund expenditure.

That's why there was another half to the fucking sentence.


Also it's pretty clear you're either phoneposting or can't even speak English so don't expect further reply until you clean up your grammar.

Of course, America had it twice.

Look up Ben Franklin's Colonial Scrip and Lincoln's Greenbacks.


No usary

Old Christendom forbid usury before (((they))) took over

>you have described a centralized system that ultimately imploded and is now under control of angela merkel

It was replaced by private central banking you indolent nigger.

Also, read Feder.

Interest isn't the bad part of our system, it's the fractional reserve system that's the problem.

If you lend money to someone you still have costs, say, paying your muscle to get that money back when they try to nigger their way out of paying. As long as I cannot loan out more money than I currently have there isn't much of a problem, it's when I can create money out of thin air that it becomes a problem.

If banks had to function like everyone else inflation would be less an issue. If a bank couldn't loan out money it didn't have they would have to borrow that money from somewhere. So where do they get their money? A central bank, but the current system has central banks being private institutions, do away with that shit. If banks had to borrow their money from the government at interest we wouldn't need anywhere near the amount of taxes we currently take in. In fact if the government charged just 1% interest on all loans to banks and had a national 5% sales tax our financial problems would be solved.

The issue is that banks would flip their shit at a proposal like this because they can't just create money out of nothing anymore.

>implying i should care of my English grammar when i talk 3 language and I'm on a Taiwanese kit surfing and origami image board.
fuck off and die already wast of space.

Inflation isn't much of an issue though, at least with the current system, inflation is minor and predictable/steady, and it encourages spending and economic growth if at a low and consistent level. There are much larger problems inherent to the system that I was talking about, like the power it has, the fact that it doesn't really equitably enrich society's commons, etc.

>what is the Jekyll Island accord