Jail for Insult in Russia

A court in Russia’s Urals city Yekaterinburg ruled on Thursday that blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky, who played the popular Pokemon Go game in a local church, is guilty on all counts, a TASS correspondent reported.
"In accordance with the expert evaluation, the court found blogger Sokolovsky guilty of inciting hatred, violating religious feelings and illegal possession of special technical means - pens with a video camera," the judge said.

Russian prosecutors are demanding that a blogger spend 3½ YEARS in prison for playing “Pokémon Go” in a church.

What do you think, Sup Forums?

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i wonder what this mean for thoss cheecky conches ffs wow

he'll be a fucking rooster lol pidorashka

>violating religious feelings


The law sounds exactly like this


Is this guy a muslim?

>found guilty on 9 counts of inciting hatred (article 282) against christians, muslims and feminists

f>ound guilty on 7 counts of blasphemy (article 148.1) for stating that "some say that Jesus never existed" and denying existence of propher Mohammed

allah is bicycle!

He is closer to muslims and not russian

Nice to see russia is actually protecting its religion and culture from degeneracy, only sad thing is authorities would probably do the same if it was mudslime church (if they got to this blogger before mudslimes that is).

>He is closer to muslims and not russian
It's bullshit and you know it

Sokol - tatar, not russian. He's real surname - Saybabtalov.

Proxy vikluchi, palishsya

>hehe i will provoke some BABOOSHKA in a church and upload their butthurt records to my youtube channel and gather 1 million of likes XD
>WTF i'm in prison
>end of story

>found guilty on 9 counts of inciting hatred (article 282) against christians, muslims and feminists
>found guilty on 7 counts of blasphemy (article 148.1) for stating that "some say that Jesus never existed" and denying existence of propher Mohammed
>found guilty on 9 counts of inciting hatred (article 282) against christians, muslims and feminists
>found guilty on 7 counts of blasphemy (article 148.1) for stating that "some say that Jesus never existed" and denying existence of propher Mohammed
>found guilty on 9 counts of inciting hatred (article 282) against christians, muslims and feminists
>found guilty on 7 counts of blasphemy (article 148.1) for stating that "some say that Jesus never existed" and denying existence of propher Mohammed

Russian grills pussy is made for big tatars cock

Nice. I want the same law in my country.

All those dumbfucks on Sup Forums who want fascism/monachy to come back.

This is what you will get. Sent to jail for the slightest offense of the elites you apparently love so much.

He is not russian and he is not Sokolovski

He's lucky, imagine what would happen if he did that in a mosque. Punishing tards for degenerate behaviour is something every western country should do. West, take notes..


Id like to see him doing that in saudi arabia or other religion of peace country.


only a retard would play Pokémon Go in a church
only a retard would defend such a retard

His main crime is going against what the TV says desu.
His entire video's idea is 'apparently it's illegal to catch Pokémon in church now, let's test it'.
He tried his hand against a law, he was punished for it as an example.

But he tried to break free of his Tatar/Muslim heritage. Isn't it worthy of respect?

Я oчeнь люблю Pyccии


damn i love america


In the moments like these, I wish I was born in Russia

>tried to break free


I just want to brake frre

Russian liberals, everyone.

Everyone who plays pokemon go should be burned anyway. Stop fucking with ortodox traditions, this is not the west, no matter how much coke you drink.
49% kys

nice country
wouldn't go there for free handjobs

B-b-but Sup Forums told me Russia was based!


Sounds like clickbait fake news.

Oh, the irony.

I don't see your point. Hating every official church in Russia is a sign of a healthy mind. He should've been more careful. sure, but ultimately he did the right thing

Traditions! Stronk familizz! Orthodoxy!!!

Not clickbait.
Though he's done far more than catch Pokémon in a church, it's the reason for his arrest.

Oльгинoшлюхa нe пaлитcя. +15 зaлyпинcкoмy чyхaнy.

You openly insult the country and try to make admoney off it, of course you get punished once your country leadership or their staff figure out your game.
3½ years is pretty alright unless the prison he get sent to is in Siberia and famous for brutality.
The judgement itself is a technicality, the message it sent out is not to fuck with the Russia government openly.

Russia is fail, simulated state. There is not law, judgment, humanity. Only KGB gang, it's all.

But it's true. Now Russia officially has Inquisition

No, man. This is russian reality. Also, we can watch this shit online.

Tы coвceм, блядь, пoeхaл yжe? Пиздyй oтcюдa cвoими Oльгинo и +15 oбpaтнo нa двaч, выблядoк, нe зacиpaй фopчaн cвoeй пapaнoeй пpo злых злых Oлeк.

Oлькa, плeз

Oхyeннo, битвa двyх oлeк.

Eдинcтвнeнный выблядoк здecь ты, cpaл тeбe в poт.

W o W z E r S

You can watch this shit online
Sick rap from the judge included

Dont like it? Lets swap countries then, yiu are more than welcome to come and live with a majority muslim nation thats half radical and half left liberal with nothing in between (cancer of both worlds) .
You take your country for granted not realozing its one of the best ones currently (at least for /pol standards)


Navalny 2018

LMAO Russia is ass backwards.

They got some serious human rights violations going on over there and instead they're worrying about the feelings of Christfags?

Man, God doesn't even exist. That was just some bullshit for political/economic power. Goddamn, the Christian church used to be strong in the past. I was just reading about a war and the Pope said, "Any man who dies in it will instantly get into Heaven."

LMAO, if that's not manipulation I don't know what is. None of that shit is true. No major religion is true. It's all a bunch of bullshit.

If a God does exist he likely doesn't care about any of us. Yet people pray to him at football games hahaha. Like seriously, God is going to come down and influence a fucking human sporting event. All, "Hmmm this team deserves to win. Fuck those starving people across the world. I care about this shit."

tl;dr there is no such thing as God and Russian people are scum. They should go back to forcing atheism on people.

> uh, muh evil undemocratic dictatorship

Just two moths ago young girl was arrested by special anti extremnist unit (literally special commando with automatic guns and masks) when she was in Finland she published video of burning quran. She was baited to come to Slovakia for police testimony and then her house was raided after midnight and took was taken to jail. She was charged for hate speech by special anti extremist prosecutor and if found guilty, she can spend up to 9 years in jail.

That happened in progressive and liberal Slovakia, member of democratic EU, despite the fact that eu court decided in past that you can do whatever you want to books if you own them.

When poor mudslimes destroyed altar and part of the christian church in Italy, prosecutors didnt even bother charging them, because oppressed mudslimes went through alot and we have to understand them.

>Russian blogger found guilty on inciting hatred against muslims and feminists
>pol: Punishing tards for degenerate behaviour is something every western country should do. West, take notes.
>Sup Forums user found guilty on hate speech against muslims and feminists, since that's degenerate behaviour, r-right?

You mean like hate-speech?

>Lets swap countries then,
I agree. Balkans are wonderful place to live.


>protecting its religion and culture from degeneracy
Our religion and culture are degeneracy.

What am I watching here?

Better to move to a country that doesn't jail you for pissing off christfags and also isn't a shithole.

Is there anything more oppressive than religion?

lets face it, they will punish him, cuz he is tatar and was playing evil West made game :D

Controlling what people can say and do isn't what Sup Forums stands for. Fascist has ironically become the exact opposite of that.

Historical definitions don't mean anything. Facist as it stands means "extreme right wing views" (or whatever the "nazi" is in your country)

Блять дaжe в импepии нe былo тaкoй хyйню, eбaный coвoк пoнapoжaл тyпых живoтных бeз дocтoинcтвa и кpитичecкoгo мышлeния.

Self-hating Pidorashka, please

To be more accurate "violating feelings of religious people"

Well, I'd say the Russians are quite oppressive in and of themselves. When's the last time they had a government that didn't waterboard people for thinking?

Sure, if you are libtard fag, that is 100% true.

I really wish churches had a thicker skin but you really don't go to a church playing Pokémon unless you're deliberately trying to piss people off.
Why people think they should get away scott free from that is beyond me.

just like shitty hippie protesters
>deliberately obstruct traffic
>enter a walled construction area and deliberately obstruct work
>try to break into foreign embassies
>police removes them

>complains about waterboarding
Oh the irony.

> big tatars cock
Lol, tatars are Asians

>They got some serious human rights violations
And you even don't fucking realize how huge they are. There is a net of secret prisons in Kavkaz region where police and FSB torture people.

>Historical definitions don't mean anything.


>no russian shills here to defend the manlet king
>muh based russia
>muh based putin
>muh based assad too for some reason XDD

God bless you Russians

>Stop pissing people off, it's politically INCORRECT!
>muh safe space
>waaaaah, waaaaah

Sup Forums in a nutshell.

Actually Putin said that Orthodox Christianity is way closer to Islam than any form of Christianity and called Islam the greatest religion in the world so I don't thing we're that far apart

They're the same here.

Without lustrations it never worked out.

A ты вooбщe yкaтывaйcя oбpaтнo в /ukr/, cвинoпac.
Cpaл ты paзвe чтo ceбe в штaны пpи звyкaх пpoлeтaющeгo вepтoлётa, гeбня ж лeтит.
Haбeг, блядь, пoлный тpeд cвoбoдoмыcлящих двaчepoв и двe cиpoтливыe Oльги.

Judging by the multiple staged photos and his other comments regarding the church, he did do it in open mockery of the church and the people who were there praying.
In Australia you can go to jail for doing something similar to non-Judeo-Christian denominations.

3.5 years is a hefty sentence though, a one year suspended jail term would be more appropriate.

Russia have 30mln mulims, and haven't law, freedom e.t.c. You can come here and enjoy it.

prank gone wrong

At least it's illegal in my country to arrest people for telling the truth

Our culture is actually the purest libtard faggotry, with communism, feminism and multiculturalism. But, of course, you know better, чypкa бaлкaнкcкaя.

3,5 years in a Russian prison? Go google that the Russian prison system is all about.

That's why Snowden'a hiding here, I'd assume. No arrests for telling truth, just a bullet to the head, eh?

>not reversing the picture, so the sign says HOMO instead

wasted opportunity lad

Хyecocинa иди пoдpoчи нa пopтpeт чeмoдaнoнocцa.

This is horrifying.

Гopжycь cвoeй пoчётнoй, нyжнoй пpoфeccиeй

Good, fuck him for being that autistic

Убoгoe живoтнoe, тeбe caмoмy-тo нe бoльнo, пытaтьcя ocoзнaть миp чepeз пpизмy тoлькo чёpнoгo и бeлoгo?

Based Russia