Protip: This number debunks science

Protip: This number debunks science

uuhhhmmm no sweetie

its not a number .. it is just a theory

That's not a number. It's a sexual position.

It's a loop not a number

its theoretical only


This OP debunks Australian intelligence

Not a number.

obviously not theoretical if i have a picture of it

it's a concept not a number, and it's called a Möbius strip

it's a number not a concept, and it's called infinity.

>Australian intellectuals

Why is that 8 lying on its side?

Pro tip: You have no idea what infinity is

>universe had a finite size per one idea
>yet something is infinite size per another

It's almost like "science" isn't some idea you should blindly follow since there's multiple ideas, branches, and theories. Almost like something else people who swear by science say is for sheep.

>beer you can drink as much as you want of and you wont get sick
>bad science


ITT people not knowing shit are typing words

I can't help but assume that it causes terrible diarrhea or something, like those chips with olestra that caused "anal leakage" but people ate them anyway because they are fat fucks and crave chips. If you're afraid of hangovers just keep your hands off my beer and stay out of my no-faggots-allowed zone, or just start using GHB.

Infinity isn't a number

did you know that some infinite numerical functions are logical larger and more "infinite" than other infinite numerical functions?

it's the largest number dickhead

Sure senpai.

No, you can always add +1, forever.
There is no stop

that's not a picture of it

>cuck who never heard of transfinite numbers an shit
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Works quite well in calculus and differential equations.

Not believing in the infinity its the same as saying that the space has a limit


infinity is just the point not on the plane that you add to the plane in one-point compactification to turn it into a sphere

infinity is literally the north pole under the inverse of stereographic projection of the sphere onto the plane... you're not doubting the existence of the north pole, are you? :^)


0.9 0.99 0.999 0.9999 0.99999.
Muh 1 breaks the math.
Math is all theoretical but it is used to explain reality. It is like a language for physics.
And there can be many different languages but the core the real things that theas seamingly infinit possible languages explain dosn't change.

what do you consider

0/0 to be?