Redpill me on Bhutan.
Prefer happines over GDP, main religion is Budhism.
Is this heaven on earth?
Redpill me on Bhutan.
Prefer happines over GDP, main religion is Budhism.
Is this heaven on earth?
Having a benevolent monarch is the best form of government.
It needs to take back their refugees and democracy.
Well, In Bhutan you have to give away one kid to monastery.
You can't decide how much storey house you can build. Government decides it for you.
Bhutanese people must wear their traditional clothes everyday.
We should give them democracy. Or we will ask Chinks or Americans to do it. Your choice.
>Well, In Bhutan you have to give away one kid to monastery.
What do they do with shitton of children ?
>You can't decide how much storey house you can build. Government decides it for you.
Nothing wrong with that, it's same in Europe in old towns.
it's basically a medieval state in the contemporary world, good and bad included.
>globalizing yet another isolated sovereign state
fuck off.
Parents don't mind because they are poor.They think it's good if monastery is feeding one kid in Return Of Indoctrination.
>Nothing wrong with that, it's same in Europe in old towns.
Where? In communist eastern Europe?
Because it is exactly same in North Korea. Actually in North Korea govt. Assign you a house and place where you HAVE TO live.
That's what you get with Free housing.
So parent's who cant feed their kids are giving them away to monastery ?
In every civilized country i guess, if you live next to some old church/castle/monument you can't just pop up 5 flats to your house and ruin the view/atmosphere/nature, you need to get a permission from the government and they will tell you how high you can build.
Fuck Bhutan it is our rightful clay. And Sikkim.
We are going to unify both states under pajeet occupation with the help of China.
Not voluntary.They are Required to give one kid to monastery.
But people are religious so they don't mind that.
not really under any historical circumstances.
>we are going to give both states to india with the help of china
oh, you're just retarded.
Bhutan is literally sitting on a tonne of Noble metals , when the real players get wind of it then we will see who comes first offering freedom and democracy
t.silenced and fired geologist
can confirm, for example here in munich you are not allowed to build higher than the highest church
sorry for bad English. I meant to say they are under Indian occupation and we are going to take them back with the help of China.
it's not sitting on any significant source relative to surrounding mountainous regions.
t. respected and employed geologist
Sikkim is under India occupation?
Ever heard of Sikkim referendum.They abolished monarchy and decided to be part of India.
Why is Nepal jelly?
not sure if you understand what "occupation" means.
Nepal is land locked country sandwiched between India and China.
Why do some Nepalese like China?Is it because of your communist party?
China will grab your land like she did with Tibet
found a le redditfag
Sikkim is Nepali ethnic nation (i hope you know the difference between nation and state). Bhutan kicked out Nepalis from their country because for the same reason, i.e. they will revolt and want to be part of Greater Nepal.
We will do it anyway in the future. Unless you genocide Nepalese in both country.
U people sure know how to take b8
Did India murder Nepalese in Sikkim?
Pakistan killed Hindus in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
Sri lanka killed Hindu Tamils.
China is giving Han population incentives to move to Tibet to change demography of Tibet.
Do India do such things.No.
But everyone criticizes India because it's democracy here. And you can say whatever you want.
>t.unreliable and disgraced geologist
Pajeet McAyush influenced politics. Need I say more.
Go Forth & Conquer...May The Force Be With You
India allowed Bhutan to boot Nepali ethnic monitory and send them to Nepal. India as an immediate neighbor failed to uphold international refugee obligation to stop Bhutan from doing so, instead it helped it for it's own sick politics to keep Nepal on its knee.
This is why your neighbor hates you pajeet. But ofc average Indians are unaware of such facts. You are no better than burgers in terms of blindness.
>Well, In Bhutan you have to give away one kid to monastery.
>Because it is exactly same in North Korea. Actually in North Korea govt. Assign you a house and place where you HAVE TO live.
At least they don't shit in the streets...
No, that's just how they get their organs, blood and sacrifices.
Based isn't the right word at all.
>At least they don't shit in the streets...
I wouldn't bet on that, romania is literally the india of europe
So Buddha walks into a pizzeria and says, "make me one with everything".
>tfw no young monarch to lead your nation
>make me one with everything
But Please hold the Pork and Truffles, those are the Shits.
Who members Bhutanese Passport meme?
Better than surrendering to the Muslims or something. They don't seem to have a lot of friends there excepting the PooLoo peoples. Who have there own problems to deal with.
Bhutan is under Indian occupation? This is news to me.
Holy shit i want to live there
Tobacco is illegal there. Wish to move there and stop smelling perfume of cancer
How come smoking is getting more popular in asia? It's declining everywhere here. You're barely allowed to smoke anywhere.
They have a king, abolished slavery in 1958 and by many houses have one or more paintings of an erect penis at their front door. These are some things I know about Bhutan.
They draw dicks on their houses for good luck.
>And Sikkim.
Hah, this was an interesting read. Basically you guys ruled Sikkim for under 25 years, lost to East Indian Company, cucked beyond belief and simply can't forget. Later you aided in suppressing Indians which inevitably resulted in the creation of the Indian state instead of allowing India to balkanise.
>Some of the Terai lands were gifted to Nepal in 1816 and more were gifted in 1860 as thanks for helping the British to suppress the Indian rebellion of 1857.
Now, Nepal does not have a king but it seems like you're holding a grudge.
Fucking hilarious.
>he doesn't have a penis on his door
Do you get sick weekly?
Thats A Big Cannon!
>inb4 for u
Tell me you at least have a pocket totem to protect yourself from evildoers?
Also they make cakes from cremated ashes and leave it in the mountains as worship.
Consumerism. They didn't have the same open markets we had for a long time. Now they do and the tobacco companies and such shill their shot hard to a bunch or uneducated people, selling them an image of toughness and individualism. It's basically just the jews expanding to new markets. Same in Africa and island nations.
Stupid people have enough money for the tobacco jew
Indonesia, China, Vietnam cigarettes companies are often owned by the government itself
They actually promote smoking
And who gave them that idea?
TFW no hot queen
whole country is a meme
the more you know user...
we were cucked by then Prime minister who went against our then ruling Queen's decision. We hate him desu
>the more you know user...
How is Bhutan ruled by India?
In the meantime, I actually read a little bit more about your country, it seems like your country is a communist shithole. Only thing that could be worse about you is if you were annexed by India.
>How is Bhutan ruled by India?
do a little bit more reading about that too. Bhutan is basically a buffer state of India.
it seems like your country is a communist shithole
oh yes it is, and I dont like that.
>Only thing that could be worse about you is if you were annexed by India.
this is why we need chinks roads and railways here asap. Otherwise it will be just a matter of time.
Nepal is also a "buffer state". I don't think I've heard anyone describe buffer states as entities that are ruled.
>this is why we need chinks roads and railways here asap
So a commie country has to save another commie country? Sounds about right.
India has open borders with Nepal? China is building roads to Nepal? Well, I think India will close all borders with Nepal in the near future. Anyway, I've never heard anyone describe Chinese involvement in their country to be benevolent, I would even go as far to say that China is primarily looking for a market to dump their goods, and there is only one country that might be its target.
Your politicians also seem to be terribly corrupt, have they literally pocketed billions of dollars of aid during the recent earthquake?