Game to my french class early

Game to my french class early.

What do you guys think?

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>learning a dying language

If you're going to France why wouldn't you just learn Arabic? Then you can speak in many European countries and no just the rural villages of France.

I think you have autism

Jeg tænker at du er mindreårig, gymnasiebums.

>Mfw I got send out of class when I laughed at my french teacher when she said french will be the most spoken language in the world

I like it user.

Keep updating what people think of it

What is that food?

I think you're a faggot.

Depending on where you're from in Denmark, it's either a wienerstang or a bollestang.

This is bananas.

Fact: French are the most powerful race in the world

umm in English?

>Je suis Pepe

Ask your teacher why you aren't learning Arabic because you'll be forced to learn it anyway.

Very nice. We'll keep the fight thou, and wait for Marion's return once she has taken enough experience in the private sector, as she said.


is it bullshit day already?

Given the number of African countries that speak French as their primary language, it's not entirely outlandish.

>Marion will never embrace you like that


She was a Muslim. I would've got expelled.



and btw thanks to africa french will be one of the most spoken language

French langage is too difficult for them. They continously ask to ease it, loose of grammatical difficulties, exceptions (and we've got a shit ton of them), etc.
They are ruining French so don't worry, futur langage of the world will be as easy to learn as preparing a good kebab.

Du er ynkelig din klovn.

It's a wienerstang you inbred american.


Where you live? Meet up?


All the bread recipes.

>nigger teacher
well there's a year down the drain.

This happened in 2008. It was a catholic school but it went downhill fast after (((diversity))). Such a shame.

This. Even if whites became just a tiny 4 digit minority, I'd still fight to the end until I go down with a bang.

And you don't want to fuck with a dying star.

Stop with that cringe shit.

it has to be some pajeet or gook language second to english, which the pajeets and gooks all learn

Its a canelstang actually.

That ain't cringe that's pretty good.


You do know outside of France and Quebec, only people who speak French are all niggers?