They aren't even trying anymore

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>(((Jancee Dunn)))

Married white male reporting in. I'm not taking any chances. Just got muh vasectomy. Fuck the white race. Self improvement and self indulgence is best life. this cancer so they don't get ad revenue, faggot.


Good Goy! Yes get a vasectomy because the MSM told you that white children are evil!

t. Goldstein

They encourage single motherhood. Again.
Despite every quantifiable mesure and evidence showing it is the worst possible thing that can happen to a family and a child.

You'll still be a white male once the minorities finally can start voting to actually oppress you in about 20 years because you and every white person with any actual agency is refusing to reproduce.

married white man reporting in as well. My wife and I communicate everyday and work on our problems, and understand that NOTHING is perfect. Reverse your vasectomy and have children.

archived link demanded to demonstrwte op isnt a quote mining fraud.

Normal healthy women naturally want to have kids and will leave you if you don't give them some.

Why on earth would someone with a self-indulgent materialistic worldview marry without children? It makes no sense at all. It is the worst kind of marriage, the nonsensical one.

My wife and I are in the early stages of starting a family. We're both white. Hope this triggers some leftists on here.

Fucking disgusting kikes, how can anyone deny white genocide

Single white male reporting in. Why the fuck would you ever get married? Dumbest idea ever.

He's right. Fuck the white race. No point in trying to save it -- too far gone.

>Fuck the white race. No point in trying to save it -- too far gone.
This tbqh

You goys aren't even trying

What is the breaking point? How much more will you take?

But hitler existed

Some of us just want to breed the next wave of Sup Forums posters to carry on the fight in our stead.

That's why you gotta nut in dem bitches and disappear.

Go to sleep user, go to sleep alone.

Why did you marry in that case, you retard?

What is their to try for? The majority of the white race is degenerate trash. Why would any sane upstanding white man waste part of his life raising kids with a a bitchy whore who will inevitably leave him, take the kids, the house and collect gibs from him for life?

There is no point in having white children. Its not like white children grow up to be anything but bluepilled wage slaves anyway. Only a degenerate retarded white male could be so stupid as to believe otherwise.

Top goy.

>Slate encourages whites not to have kids

You don't fucking say. They really do want us dead. This shouldn't be news to anyone.

Kill every jew before it kills you. Make it suffer.

That's honestly kinda sweet. Even these outcasts can find love

Also this.
>marriage without children
For what possible purpose?

I'm not having any kids
every white woman is completely nuerotic/self-absorbed/conniving
I'll never get married. I have so many friends who were married - had a kid - then divorced when things didn't go exactly how the woman wanted it....then they get all the money, child support for 18 years. then, during the child support years, the woman spreads vicious lies about how horrible the father is -- what a deadbeat he is -- to the point where the kid doesn't even want to see the father. Then you talk to the woman and she starts tajlking about White Privledge. Back in my Grandpas generation, no one ever got divorced... Now, almost everyone does . Its a sick trend that I want no part of. #MGTOW


Everytime, the eternal fenian strikes.

if you have a child you should literally be put into a camp because you're fucking worthless. esp. if you are a woman. hell, actually, only if you are a woman



Holy fucking shit you people are god damn stupid

You lost your ability to have kids you're so afraid of child support payments, but
then you go and sign up for alimony

What a fuckin dipshit

Is this confirmed? Is she a kike?


Either you're a jew playing tricks or you're literally so cucked that you disabled your dick willingly.

hope you're trolling and/or already have at least 2 children. otherwise you're the cancer eating away our society.
hedonistic, self-indulgent and self-absorbed. Undergo castration and become a hermit to redeem yourself.

He's not even a hedonist dude, he's married, he's a cuck role playing as anything but that

Fucking this, Sup Forums will shit on you and me for this but honestly after I die what do I care what happens to this shithole planet.

>b-but what about your kids and offspring and race

Only way I'd care about my race was if I had kids, kids would make me care more about the future, it's why I don't want any because it looks so bleak otherwise. Self improvement and self indulgence is best. If I accidentally have a kid I'd change my mind and start caring but fuck I do not want one because I do not want to have to care.

It feels good and liberating not caring about the white race or any other bullshit.

sure thing, Shlomo

Married black male reporting in, your wife is having fun with me and thank you for removing your chance of getting more kids, you'll have little jamals soon!

you are a weakling

It's why I'm planning on adopting a kid.

>being so obsessed with your fetish that you construct an elaborate mental delusion that you are not a cuckold but are trying to "save the race"

this again?

Your not even white you faggot breeder. Enjoy spending all your time and resources on growing a little youngling so they can spend all their time and resources on growing a little youngling so they can spend all their time and resources on growing a little youngling and so on.

Fucking animal cycle with no point to it.

Remember Hitler didn't have kids. Hitler didn't even get married until his last days before death. Do something meaningful with your life, don't doom yourself to be a breading fucking faggot. At most lend some of your sperm out to a sperm bank so breeders can get your good genes but don't waste your potential and your paycheck on being a breeder pleb.

At least we know the kind of whites that read Slate aren't the ones we want procreating.

I saw a graph, I wish I could find it, demonstrating how white birth rates are the strongest predictor for how red or blue a state is. Also, another graph that showed how political ideology directly correlates with birth rates, with self-identified "very liberal" having the lowest birth rates, with a consistent slope going upwards to "liberal," "moderate," "conservative," and "very conservative."

Natural selection would be working itself out, and these disgusting, decadent, pathetic leftists would be dying out right now, hence (((the system)))'s need for open borders and extreme immigration policies.

Pass the RAISE Act, and build the wall, or I'll have a hard time justifying going out to vote for you again in 2018, Trump. Those two things are even more fundamental than the economy.

>comparing himself to the great Fuhrer because he didn't have children either

lmao, if you can compensate not having children with leading the white race to prosperity, then sure go ahead. You won't, so do your duty and have white children, you pussy

Researching Jewish bolshevics, Jews who fund the socialist left in the west and push immigration and nation destroying policies, it's all starting to connect the dots. It's the fucking jews guys. I'm fucking ruined for the modern world.

How's it going, Schlomo?

well children are the most natural consequence of sex possible. he decided to only have sex for pleasure, forgetting all the consequences that it entails. that's why I called him a hedonist.

also, self-improvement is a western lie. at our core, we'll always be the same person we were as 3 year olds

>when the artificial womb comes out women will kill themselves largely
>tfw it's their own fault

just fucking with you.. not everyone is born to be a father. But the race is in danger and even those not inclined to having children should do so, just because of the times.
If it wasn't in danger I'd support your right to not having children.

If you want kids, have them. If not, don't. Most MGTOW guys I know are losers. Keep in mind that being a bachelor and doing whatever you want is fine when you're young. But, as you get older, people will ask questions about why you're alone.

Kids are a pain in the ass if you don't control them through love and fear. If you wife dirts you, she's definitely a piece of grabage, but there's also a good chance you're not a man in here eyes.

No I will contribute to society through other, longer lasting more impactful methods. Children are the plebs contribution.

Even a criminal like a rapist, a degenerate into incest or a mentally broken retard is able to produce offspring. It's nothing special and wont leave a mark like you hope it will.

Anti white life can not be supported by a white who lives

T. Scholomo

bruh its not relevant if you are white or not. if you dont have children or live forever you can basically kill yourself asap. no reason to live. only a selfish life with every death sin. greed, lust, sloth and later in your life envy for the loving couples with children. kys retard.

yes its easy to pop children, everyone does it

producing strong, smart, productive children is another matter


>people will ask questions about why you're alone

Who will ask me when I'm alone?

It has to be the fucking jews behind this one.

You do those things because they give you pleasure

Your sense of pleasure was evolved over hundreds of millions of years to guide you to reproduce, but modern living has so thoroughly changed the realities of life that you cut your cock up in confusion of what your supposed to be doing

Sure you will guy, sure you will


Wait, the left one's a woman? I thought it was an autistic father/son duo??

That's where you're wrong though.

To be a Sup Forums poster, you have to be a useless male. No girls want you. Therefore, you won't have children anyways.

But it will be ok.

Stacies high demands will only get worse. I think in 20 years, there will be more Sup Forums posters (virgins) than they are now at the same age.

I'm literally at the doctors office right now with my wife. We just found out we are having a girl. We are both white, and we're still going to love each other afterwards. Eat a dick (((Slate)))


Never again will I argue with a jew, from this moment forward I will spam every jew related thread or poster with images and facts detailing the crimes of the jews.

Our race doesn't need weak men like you

Its sad to see how deeply the kikes have gotten to some people though

Imsny white who is anti amwhite life should kill them selves if you are alive you are pro white life

congratulations dude !!!

Married 22 y/o with 3 white kids over here. I'm breeding and nobody can stop me!

Daily reminder that whites have always been minorities in the world, have always ruled it, and always will.

On the other hand, having children creates more consumers. It makes you a slave to products and services related to child-rearing.

You're a good goy no matter what you do.

>You will hate your husband
They're liberals. The article is probably completely accurate... for liberals.

This post is totally KOSHER


What a fucking cucklord

That cycle IS how you enjoy life you dumb faggot

>She grew up in Chatham, New Jersey and attended University of Delaware but dropped out 17 credits short of her bachelor's degree in English
Useless cunt.



Post pics of baby


Have 50, you will know life is the answer don't let kikes attack white life.

They literally believe in murdering whites before being born

Fuck off kike

meant to use this one

(((What does it mean?)))

>if you don't have kids you are weak

See Would you say a 5'4 manlet who was born with one testical and was also a mentally ill and had an iq or 74 who lost his virginity to a morbidly obese fat lonely woman at the age of 47 and knocked her up by accident is a stronger more worthy member of the white race, than a 6'4 powerlifter with an IQ of 152 and liked to solve mathematical equations in his spare time between having safe sex with prime bitches, driving fast cars and acting in B level horror movies for shit tons of cash, and by the time he was in his childless late 50's ended up making a very groundbreaking discovery in his field of mathematics that lead to significant technological advantages and a further understanding of how the universe works.


obvious bait is obvious, but Sup Forums is so full of newfags its sad really..

Through these redpills, I am liberated but so begins my mental exile from western society. I'm done. Am I a Nazi now that I know the truths?


nice idea will copy that.

Pay it forward


is this so bad?
soon enough as there are less and less whites the blacks will have to rape the Jews since most of them will be the clesest thing to white pussy they can find. in reality Jews are digging their own grave