The IQ question

Since the IQ is a gift from nature inequally given to people and some have a very high IQ, should a society exploits this gift by taking the high IQ childrens in special class to serve society ?

Theses childs needs to be stimulated so it's a win win situation.

What /pol thinks about that ?

Yeah sure whatever


Of course not, high IQ people should be left alone to be relentlessly bullied and lynched by their peers, only to waste their precious talents. This is how humanity operated since its conception. Few know this.

Does Hungary treat high IQ childs differently ?

"serve society" , commie detected
> children a national property
> serve society

Smart kids have usually smart parents who send them to special schools , where they get elite teachers and elite connections.

Fuck off you commie shill.

IQ is a huge determinate of long term life success. We all must come to terms with our limitation. Even if you're genius, there are still people out there with double your IQ. Life is about finding meaning, not how smart you are. Also just because you have a IQ does not mean you're privy to morals that the rest of us are not. Some of the smartest people I have met are completely lacking in common sense and morality. Some times it's just a measure of how well you can rationalize the stupid shit you believe.

>Smart kids have usually smart parents who send them to special schools , where they get elite teachers and elite connections

Is it the case in Ireland ? It's not in France. It's a taboo since our (((elite))) wanted to fight determinism. Retire children from public school can be seen as a treason and elitism.
I know some high IQ people coming from very important and milionaire family that have been in public school. It's a total waste.

>>>What /pol thinks about that ?


What is the relationship with my question?



>Since the IQ is a gift from nature
Who says that IQ is a gift? It's proven that people with high IQ are likely to have social and mental issues (very high IQ at least).

>should a society exploits this gift by taking the high IQ childrens in special class to serve society
Yes, but it shouldn't be forced or differentiated from other courses.

>Theses childs needs to be stimulated so it's a win win situation.
They need to be challenged, as does everyone. Part of the issues with anyone with talent is the DRIVE they possess to make them use it, and use it till it becomes a success. You can have a high IQ and do absolutely nothing but shitpost on Sup Forums all day.

tl;dr desu just spouted my opinion on the subject


Several things you need to know:
> IQ measures nothing
An IQ test measures your capacity to pass an IQ test, nothing more. The definition of "being smart" is too vague and subjective for any test to be relevant.
> Being "smart" isn't genetical.
What you consider being intelligent, mostly the capacity to quickly solve problems, always find the implicit and consider all aspects in one problem (sounds good but still subjective) isn't inherited. You may or may not have some predispositions but still can end up a genius or a moron all the same (proven with twins).

In truth those skills are developped when you're a very young child, even in-utero and concerns so many complicated factors we can't replicate it.

So yeah, it's a lottery, just not the genetical lottery.

Beyond that, education and good conditions of life can of course polish those skills.

>IQ measures nothing
>An IQ test measures your capacity to pass an IQ test, nothing more. The definition of "being smart" is too vague and subjective for any test to be relevant.

Eh not exactly. IQ=(G), G is general intelligence. The test started that noticing that students score ubiquitously across subjects. If a student has a A they're likely to have a A or B in all their classes. It's no coincidence the smartest people the west has to offer have very high IQs.

no, we should give social benefits to inresponsible and stupid people (read niggers), but only if they breed.

also, we should tax those high IQ people

>Since the IQ is a gift from nature inequally given to people

your point?

Doesn't this already happen? I went to a school where you learned Latin, Greek, Dutch, French, German and English, + other subjects depending on what you wanted to do afterwards.

Do Americans just all get ditched in one group and taught at a level the dumbest can follow?

No, there's levels.
>"Normal" classes (retards/the unengaged)

>Honors (normal classes),

>AP (advanced placement- for the try hards/smarter people),

>IB (international baccalaureate- AP classes with nose in the air faggots that get pats on the back. People that are actually smart and engaged)

>It's proven that people with high IQ are likely to have social and mental issues
Horseshit. The maryland report didn't find any support for the myth nor has anything since that I'm aware of.
>In truth those skills are developped when you're a very young child
Wrong. The heritability of IQ increases with age. It's highly heritable(.50) at a young age and damn near deterministic at adult age(.85 to .90).

By your assertion it should decrease with age, or at least stay constant.

>Do Americans just all get ditched in one group and taught at a level the dumbest can follow?
That describes Scandinavia perfectly. Gifted education is explicitly illegal here, as are private education, tuition fees, admissions tests and ability segregation. It's a shitshow, no wonder our results have been plummeting since the 70's.

People with unnaturally high IQs are usually socially awkward (Einstein, Bobby Fisher) or their ability manifests in strange engagements (The Uni-bomber/Jeffery Dahmer).

I'm not talking about sub 140 IQs.

Intelligence is the quality, not quantity
IQ test is just a certain pattern recognition task. Some people may suck on one task, but be good on another.

Not true Russia.

Smart is knowing an a tomato is a fruit. IQ is knowing that it doesn't go in a fruit salad.

IQ is a projected/assumed measure of results.

Just to clarify that you need to know that IQ is only one factor of measuring intelligence.
There's also another term that has slipped my mind, but it's a tool that measures the power of influence that some people have on others.
Most great philosophers and mathematicians we know had a power of influence on people.

Also Einstein didn't come up with the theory of relativity by his own, it was first elaborated by Pointcarré.

This means high IQ children grouped in a class would be like packed intelligence ready to serve those who influence them. It might be dangerous.

nah those fuckers can clean toilets

We already do this.
Children who do well in school are moved into higher difficulty classes of the subjects they excel in.

NO, u have to be human.
The races with high IQ should have more kids and combine 1/3 of them (x) with the lesser ones forming (y).
Another 1/3 with asians and slavs = (z)

Half of the "superior races" will combine with y and z

At the end the other half will chose and we shall have peace.

we need to take the sperm of intelligent people, and give it to the stupid people, so they can have smarter kids.

PERU, you circus tent flag ass mother fucker, you're on Sup Forums. Show some respect, and spell out "u".

read a study that shows text messages are making people stupider.

Also, you're drunk, go home.

Hungary doesn't have children with high IQ.

>posting a picture of Einstein in an IQ thread.
Fuckin triggered

When it comes to this the first thing that needs to be done is mass sterilisation of anyone that has IQ below 100.

ZOMG did you just really imply that wominz c'hant be smart?


No child left behind


Both disadvantage smart kids as lil Jimmy cant add 2+X=4 and god forbid he be sent to retard class as it makes the school look bad and receive less funding


You sound like a jew

I like your flag

Imagine living in a society where 90% of people are 25-60IQ below you. It's almost like living in an aboriginal vilage for an average white. It's not surprising that some of us break.


I'm not sure that's how it works. Color-all-day class = more funds? So I thought.


This thread is bs. Most countries have several tests that try to get the schools most intelligent students into advanced classes, groups like MENSA or selective schools.

When I went to school 10 years ago the science and maths classes where based on what grade you got.


Lol, Poland.

What I've found with high IQ is that they remove/imply themselves too much into equations. Facts, reality rule all. So when they unknowingly digest reality they come up with a ridiculous result.

There is path set forth by idiots for you to take advantage of.

If=then, always.

sounds like you talk about schizoid spectrum disorder type folk, these people aren't clever , they're hallucinating

I think one interpretation can mean that they are given special treatment and are a sort of cultured elite. They read the classics, they learn latin, they are taught to be refined. They can be a sort of aristocracy

They can opt out if they want to, but there should be a culture that values hierarchy as well as a love for your people. Sort of the old English idea of the cultured aristocracy that feels a responsibility toward their people

Then they wouldn't have a high IQ, or an IQ that is involved in nothing of results.

dang she stronk.

I'll add that our current system doesn't cultivate people into being cultured, you hardly even read the classics. "college" is a fucking joke. If you want to become cultured it has to be on your own time with your own research and leisure time. We should have elite schools for the young aristocracy that specifically cultivate classical culture. They read the Greek, Roman, and Medieval classics, they learn history, they learn about art, philosophy, etc.

now theyre immersed in delusions of grandeur and are actually fuelled by fear and hatred, have you seen the tv show sherlock holmes ( where he has a china chick sidekick) ? it's that kinda thing, like sherlock

>Greece watching T.V., there are debnts to be paid.

haven't seen the show pham.

How do you know what they are fueled by?

Have you considered that difference in your morals is a result of their higher capability of processing information?

Consider the fact that it is possible to 'visualise' a far more convoulted set of factors and possible outcomes that you yourself are able to.

we already do this. Its called Spotlight, children who test high on this test get put in these special classes that stimulate their creativity and critical thinking. Mississippi can't be the only one that does this lol we're retarded.

huehuehue .... sekret !
>for monies go to Krautland


Literally the stupidest state.

The irony when I know you fags will survive the nuclear apocalypse because your stupidity.... Stupidity has turned you to a life of living with nothing. Gud Jerb.

XSS is not excess you newfag

I can like whatever I want and the fact that you hate it makes me laugh even more.

Are your sins over 9000?


If it wasn't for Germany!

I lived through it, hence I know how it works

Lets make guns illegal so there will be no more gun violence.... because that makes just as much sense as No child left behind or Common Core.

>still are kangs and will be forever
well they must pay more now krauts, we here are displeased they stall to pay our debts.

>Are your sins over 9000?

tHAT FEEL WHEN, Sup Forums dat boi, when you done drop-ed oldfag references. Welp, even if you are an oldfag you'll aways be new, shareblu.

No because morals are socially useful.
He's absolutely right. High IQ is like a tool, but how you use it depends on a lot of factors.
t. 144 IQ

thats the case with psychopaths ive seen one solve puzzles , absolute fucking robot, no time to judge what it looked at, went full autist

>that lack of filtering gives a speed bonus to them

Well, I hardly doubt it's double.

Isn't that why they have AP courses? Isn't that why I went to college with 12 credits worth of college credit already?

>I had a lot of depression as a kid, which impacted my school.
>Parents had my IQ tested
137 @ age 12, not really even trying
>Still have depression
>Should probably just go back to

But yeah, we should segregate based on intellect. It would've helped if I hadn't hung out with degenerates in middle school and high school.

>IQ is a huge determinate of long term life success.
yep, but easily not always.

>We all must come to terms with our limitation
there is no limitation in a free market.

>Even if you're genius, there are still people out there with double your IQ.
Nope, even nigger IQ doubled doesn't = soundly resolvable application.

>Life is about finding meaning, not how smart you are.

> Also just because you have a IQ does not mean you're privy to morals that the rest of us are not.
Actually it does, because they are seeing things you aren't.

>Some of the smartest people I have met are completely lacking in common sense and morality.
You haven't met "smart" people, or people that are "smart" and are below the age of 25.

>Some times it's just a measure of how well you can rationalize the stupid shit you believe.

Nope, feeling is feelzzz.

Holy shit - since the inception of the IQ test, none of the most successful people on this planet (including Einstein ffs) have not had their IQs reasonably, objectively measured, Why is everyone in this thread talking about non-factors in the lives of say, Einstein?

Scarcity is a limit on the free market. Econ 101

tested at school 105, simply average , tested 15 years later oops theres a timebar hurry up 127, let's get a new test 135 , stopped testing i've had enough don't want
to have it ramp up any more kek

>how the fuck -30 points when i at school ???
i have a depression too, my highlight of highlights was last year though when i caught my inner dialogue actively lying to me, since then i dont pay attention to my thoughts and am much better

IQ is, to me, no more than the mere ability of pattern recognition - in the broadest sense.

It goes hand in hand with experience/wisdowm, so it is of absolutely 0 use to anyone who doesn't put their "IQ" to use. Apart from this, there are different kinds of intelligence. Someone who is able to visualize the abstracts of mathematics but is completely inept at socializing and understanding people's emotions and desires, or (another example) someone who isn't capable of refined audio-visual perception is to me about as normal as any average fellow. The list goes on...

It is the 'complete package' that makes a truly intelligent individual and not only the ability to recognize numerical patterns in those mensa tests (all of which can be practiced and mastered, by the way; there is even this one self-proclaimed genuis who spends all of his time fucking practicing mensa tests, would you believe it?).

But what do I know?....

scarcity is objective, or defined by the people who define it?

Biggest problem:

Your government should never have access to your resources.

Taxation is theft.

"Taking" child resources is kidnapping, faggot.

What I was trying to say is that IQ affects your assesment of certain dillemas. A hypothetical set of 2 individuals where the only difference between them is their intelectual capability will judge a portion of eachothers actions as immoral.
t. 135IQ

>it is of absolutely 0 use to anyone who doesn't put their "IQ" to use

I have to correct myself: it is of absolutely 0 use to anyone who doesn't put their wisdom and experience to use. I.E. repeating the same mistakes again and again, expecting that something will change... Someone once defined this pretty accurately.

Actually it is proven. Just take the IQ/income ratio alone (spoiler: 90% of multimillionaires+ are between 110-115, which is basically an average human with proper nutrition.)

The higher your IQ, the farther away you are from effectively communicating to and existing within the rest of society. A child with a genius IQ in a classroom of normals is literally exactly like a normal person sitting in a classroom of intellectually disabled persons.

If you spent K-12 in a special Ed classroom, and you WEREN'T special Ed, wouldn't you end up with some issues?

And this is why most Billionaires aren't geniuses.

In fact, being average is the most likely way to "win" this game. Life is far more like Family Feud than Jeopardy.

i dont care about your IQ, but your taste in anime shows that you are worthy of being saved. keep the wall high against the EU tide

Albert Einstein is broadly credited with exclaiming “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

Or maybe quoting this commonly known saying is proving I have something to prove?

mostly correct

It's federal law that high ability students are given special access to education - IF the school already has high ability programming.

(Side note: AP specifically is not considering high ability programming; it's considered high achievement programming and it's an entirely different breed.)

The federal law does NOT require special needs students on the high end of SPED get the same funding as the low end and therefore no programming is explicitly mandated.

Luckily, the later life success of any given student has nearly nothing to do with their chosen school - networking aside.

This post is so immensely stupid that I just lost a couple trillion brain cells to it just from reading it. Thanks, retard.

I'm sure he said that, I've no doubt he did. However, I was referring to the one person I know who said this quote with pic related in my previous post (the one you referred to). And thus, the joke was lost to the aether...

so a droplet keeps dropping from the ceiling, on a rock , until suddely cracks*

i believe it was a bad quote , people do the same mistakes all their lives, they're not crazy, they're misinformed

You are talking about multiple intelligences. However, IQ tests generally pick up their existance, if not measure them accurately. Nearly all students with untestable intelligence specialties (I.e. Intra/Inter personal knowledge etc) score a 120 at a minimum - mostly because they can use their intelligence to work the test.

Side note: I had a kid score 130 in less than an hour without answering a single question honestly. He just looked at the problem structure and used what he knew about the examiner to identify when the examiner read the right answer. He was 9.

I get you were joking but it's biologically proven that women are more average and men are more outlying.

Interesting point. I have to add, however, that by analyzing some of my own repeated blunders, that there is some kind of (subtle) insanity to this kind of behavior. But that's perhaps because I am somewhat insane, and not the act by itself - if this makes any sense?

Thanks user. I hope Japan never attracts the disease.
What? Why this reaction?

Lol. Mensa requires an initiation fee. And private testing. And it is NOT cheap.

It's already in effect actually. If you take legit IQ tests ( paid like 3'000 euros ) and score high enough your country will probably pay for your studies.

good luck exploiting people way smarter than you

sounds like youve never read a fucking book
here a hint for life: you have never and will never think of anything that hasnt been thoroughly explored by people much mroe intelligent than yourself

Sorry - IQ tests after age 13 are invalid.

So that Internet quiz was probably full of shit and you are average.

Maybe he was the guy with something to prove.

Who taught you to precieve that. They left out the subjective, when are you going to crack, when am I going to crack, will we ever crack? Things crack!?

Course. They used to be called grammar schools.


Please read

Also, to be more specific, the point you two were referring to in terms of power over people: I believe you're talking about empathy and the ability to foresee the desires and actions of the people/masses by being able to understand their emotions on a very fundamental, personal level... Basically being able to emulate their emotions and using this information to predict actions. At least this is my theory.


If then can always be worked backwards.

madness, a personality trait , it should be included
however don't treat yourself harshly , if you were really mad you'd insist you are sane as they locked you in a padded vest and spirit you to an ambulance

ha ha , shitposter detected

It's not empathy, per se. More like trajectory mapping. Generally these kids are terrible empathizers.

Jesus, I need to just have my AMA archive link saved to my notes. These threads are so repetitive.

I'll be honest: it could be my aversion to absolutely all animes that just don't happen to be FOTNS.
The way how childishly off-topic it was somehow triggered me. Honest answer

>trajectory mapping

>emulate their emotions and using this information to predict actions

I have a feeling we're talking of the same thing - in principle. Which is good?

Because intelligence is, for the most part, x tied. Current theory maintains that as women have two Xs, the outliers are averaged out. Men, however, have only one x and therefore are more likely to have either an extremely high or extremely low IQ.

Note- In any given life skills (basic living) class, 80% of students are male. Conversely, men dominating AP classes is not "The Patriarchy." But Science isn't appreciated much right now.

Consider all the smart wealthy men with brain dead shit eating sons. Exactly how hot are their wives? Boom.