Why so many fake libertarians?

Libertarianism without Georgism is philosophically contradictory.
Geolibertarianism/Georgism/Geoism is not "another variant" of libertarianism, it's the only choice for a philosophy based around self ownership and non violence. You cannot be free if rent is monopolized.

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government is a scam

the government has no claim to the land of America you cunt

Youve been cucked into not recognizing the commons

What you are taught as "capitalism" results in inequality and inefficiency because it lacks a theory to manage common resources. It doesn't even recognize that there is such a thing as common resources. Georgism corrects this flaw by not only recognizing common resources like land, minerals, water, fish stocks as such, but adds that by managing these resources with user fees, you can get rid of all other taxation and remove impediments to economic development. So under Georgism, regular folk are mostly taxed in proportion to the value of any land they may possess. The vast majority of people would pay a lot less than they currently pay in income, payroll and consumption taxes, but absentee landlords would pay a lot more, and the mortgage business of banks would be an order of magnitude smaller, because land taxes cancel the benefits of homeownership as an investment. The system also discourages the inefficient use of land, controlling sprawl and inefficient farming practices. Housing and transportation costs would be greatly reduced, thus allowing for a greater equality of opportunity. A Universal basic income (UBI) could provide for those unable to work.


Most libertarians have no idea what they're talking about


They don't know what classical economics is and how Georgism related to it, they just parrot Jewish style Austrian School/Randian/Rothbardian and very occasionally actual American Transcendentalist thought like Thoreau/Emerson/Benjamin Tucker style Individualist anarchist talking points without the slightest bit or critical thought.

In reality Georgism was the ending point both of classical economics AND of American transcendentalist thought.

You can't have a system where a single sovereign controls the land, that's just feudalism/aristocracy all over again.

You also can't have a system where the workers have no representation, that's just feudalism/aristocracy all over again.

Modern libertarian conceptions of freedom, which are mainly based on the AUstrian school are just thinly veiled justification for more feudalism.

What's ironic though is that the modern left, mainly through it's own jewish, globalist ends is also pushing for a return to feudalism by abolishing all concepts of nation, race, democracy, etc.

It's all very ironic and just goes to show Bakunin was right about Marx/Rothschild

There's a reason libertarians are so morally corrupt and irrelevant


It's because they thoughtlessly parrot the ideals of a long dead and discredited ideology.

this is the inevitable end result of anti government ideology

you just get taken over by the new government.

I always see these LRG threads and none of them seem to actually understand what natural rights and self ownership are let alone take these concepts to their logical conclusions

Im not sure delving into the international Jewish aspect of things is even necessary to advocate for a georgist system. However it is true that george and his ideas have been forced out of mainstream economic thinking over last 100 years or so



Georgism, despite being forgotten after his untimely death was still fairly popular in terms of using real estate taxes to fund local infrastructure in the US up until the 1970s. Then that all changed with the new (((Chicago School))) system where you tax the productive class as much as possible and the land owners and speculators not at all.

It had always been a classical economist feature in the US to oppose all forms of rent seeking until the full Friedmanite invasion in the 1970s after Israel's feud with the Arab oil states created an economic collapse in the west due to oil prices.

Anyway I imagine a hopeful future synthesis where right wing parties adopt Georgist/Keynesian/MMT ideology which is all ultimately based on classical economics/American and German national economics in order to oppose the current neoliberal/leftist globalist system which despite technically being the ultimate form of elite billionaire authoritarian rule, is ironically fully supported by modern Marxists, antifa, egalitarians, etc.

the Libertarian Party is one thing, Sup Forums libertarians (mind you the people who have been here the longest) are completely different.

if you don't know who Hoppe is you probably just came from The Donald

I wish you fags would just look at fucking American history.

>Impyling you can leave your state
You don't have to rent. You can choose to go elsewhere. You can't choose to go to another country, you're only a citizen in the one in which you're born.

Yes please Mr. jew worshiping teenager tell me all about how America was founded on Rothbardian baby selling ethics.


>The American System was an economic plan that played a prominent role in American policy during the first half of the 19th century. Rooted in the "American School" ideas of Alexander Hamilton, the plan "consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other 'internal improvements' to develop profitable markets for agriculture"


>protecting industry through selective high tariffs
>government investments in infrastructure creating targeted internal improvements (especially in transportation)
>a national bank with policies that promote the growth of productive enterprises rather than speculation.[8][9][10][11]

>It is a capitalist economic school based on the Hamiltonian economic program.[12] The American School of capitalism was intended to allow the United States to become economically independent and nationally self-sufficient.

>During its American System period the United States grew into the largest economy in the world with the highest standard of living, surpassing the British Empire by the 1880s.[14]

Oh wait looks like I was right and America was founded on Nationalist economic principles, and all the jews who immigrated from Eastern Europe in the 1900s were wrong.

Oh well.

But will libertarians admit they were wrong? Nope they'll keep parroting Randian, Rothbardian, and Friedmanite cult beliefs and while *insisting* their cult like jewish libertarian belief system is somehow related to American history and not eastern European jews.

Even a cursory understanding of Hoppe let's you know how impossible his system is

How do you "physically remove" people without a system of government? How do you choose who to remove? How do you decide laws?

All roads lead back to government

Of course ancaps always had problems with roads.

you're the one bringing up Jews you autistic faggot.

what about Thomas Jefferson? what about James Madison? what about the states rights that the Confederacy fought for? who is Andrew Jackson? who is Calvin Coolidge? why did such good things happen in the economy when these men were president? who is the Old Right?

you don't know any of this shit, you only know what big government fans think. you only know what you were taught in fucking public school.

you are not an American, you are not Anglo, you are not a fan of freedom, you have no idea why America declared independence nor what the principles were that America was founded on.

I can't believe you are trying to contribute your dumb ass shit here.

all you know about Hoppe is physical removal. you are literally a meme. go back to the books, retard. physical removal is defending of your property.

i dont think you understand what Georgism is. You cant claim some deep knowledge of my country without understanding one its most important people. Granted he has been wiped from history; Henry Georges Progress and Poverty was second only to the bible in sales during his day. He was far more popular than Marx whom he despised.

You should read pic related because i think you are also having a hard time understanding what self ownership actually is. Georgism is by no means a collective ideology.

>Universal basic income


>what about Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson believed in government and certainly believed in the same principles as Georgism

In fact he believed in the same type of land reform and land tax that Georgism eventually supported since he was also a reader of classical economics of the time.

>James Madison?

He outright supported the Constitution and chartered the second bank of the United States

>what about the states rights that the Confederacy fought for?

The right to keep black people in the Americas? Yeah what a great idea that was. Fun fact 30% of southern Jews owned slaves and the Secretary of State in the Confederacy was a jew.

>who is Andrew Jackson?

The biggest supporter of Federalism ever?

The man who said:

>"John Calhoun, if you secede from my nation, I will secede your head from the rest of your body.

Yes I'm sure he'd be very supportive of your retarded anarchist movement and *wouldn't* execute you for daring to leave the Union.

>you are not an American, you are not Anglo, you are not a fan of freedom,

Americans and Anglos were never anarchists, you silly jewish puppet

Not even the confederates, were anarchists.

Hoppe is largely only known because of memeing libertarians who also believe Pinochet was an ancap

lets call it a citizens dividend.

Tell me are you okay with people skimming community created value off the backs of productive people?

You find it okay that a person can by land in the middle of nowhere with 0 value, lobby the government to use public funds to build roads to said property and schools and all the other systems hard working folks money go towards and then turn around and pocket the profits from it?

>he thinks he knows Jefferson

and here come the commies

>You find it okay that a person can by land in the middle of nowhere with 0 value, lobby the government to use public funds to build roads to said property and schools and all the other systems hard working folks money go towards and then turn around and pocket the profits from it?

Yes, I unironically see nothing wrong with becoming rich.

Yeah sneak memes incoming; royal libertarians are the socialists fella

The classical liberal distinctions between land, labor and capital were greatly confused by socialists, and particularly Marxists, who substituted the fuzzy abstract term, "means of production," for all three factors. They also blurred the distinction between common property and state property, for socialists believed, as royalty also believed, that they were the people.

Today, the confusions between land and capital and between state property and common property are shared by socialists and royal libertarians, and only classical liberals keep these distinctions clearly defined. Yet royal libertarians frequently duck the land issue by charging that it is the classical liberals, not the royal libertarians, who have embraced socialist ideas.

>I'm a commie but I want to call myself libertarian to trick people into thinking I'm not a commie

UBI is a scam

the government is supposed to build infrastructure and provide public services, not discourage labor.

That lines up with the Russian love of dictatorship and feudalism

Who cares if someone is fucking up the system as long as they're rich/a soviet commissar it's ok right?

>Thomas Jefferson was a communist

this is your mind on Libertarianism

Right now my house is being expropriated. Please explain.

>ancaps always had problems with roads
Who needs them when you can fly?

Why should I care, how working calls rural hillbilly feel?

>Hoppe is largely only known because of memeing libertarians who also believe Pinochet was an ancap
Nobody believe Pinochet was an ancap. Sup Forums libertarians like him because marxists were thrown out of helicopters in his regime

Jefferson is arguing for government protection of property in that quote.


yeah, he wasnt exactly a fan of your butt buddy Hamilton.

I'm fine with not getting ancap, lets just restore government back to when Jefferson was president. of course, that is too much freedom for you commie faggots

>"John Calhoun, if you secede from my nation, I will secede your head from the rest of your body.
And that's why he should stay on the $20.

>ancaps always had problems with roads
>they also have a problem with contracts
Who needs laws, courts and lawyers when you can just shoot it out.

>heh you haven't even read hoppe and joined the echochamber

no ancap proposes no laws, courts, or lawyers. it should just be up to the communities. have fun strawmaning and wondering why none of us will ever take you seriously

So what you're saying is there has to be some overarching authority to enforce rules, like say, a government?

The NAP is up to the interpretation of each individual anfag autist

If you knew anything about history or the development of political systems, you'd know that "leaving it to the community" was a completely worthless and corrupt system that basically translates to "insiders win and outsiders get fucked" which was why there was a movement towards laws that applied to everyone, all the time, not just sporadically when the community decided they didn't like you.

So basically you're proposing dropping the entire history of law so you can gang up with some friends and screw over people you don't like.

That's not having no laws, that's having laws that you write and enforce when you want, with no court to ensure legitimacy and no possibility of defense.

And it is so fucking retarded that no one takes ancap seriously, so it exists solely as a meme on Sup Forums, never to see implementation in reality.

>all you know about Hoppe is physical removal

Well considering that's all you Hoppefags talk about in your attempts to seem edgy and cool I wouldn't blame him.