Drumpf fired James Comey because 'he refused to end Russia investigation', say multiple FBI insiders

No sane person can doubt at this point that drumpf has colluded with Russia. There is literally no reason that drumpf would want to end the Russia investigation if he was innocent.


#notmypresident #resist #impeachtrump

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You're just mad because you will never have a cool leader like Putin again. How does it feel to know Russia is better than you in every way?

Yeah James is pretty bummed about it all

The Nixon strategy but dumber.m

Oh look, more made up anonymous FBI insiders. Will commie cucks ever learn?


Have we reached peak ironic shitposting yet?

>h-h-haha f-f-fake news

How sad is it that kids like you think they are "winning" despite the fact that your liberal counterparts STILL make more money and lead more fulfilling lives than you?

How does your ass feel after being butt-blasted by Soros so much? Do you like the chaos? Do your like the white blood spilled on your soil for the will of one crypto-Jew?

>There is literally no reason that drumpf would want to end the Russia investigation if he was innocent.

Just like I'm sure you'd love it if the FBI claimed it was investigating you indefinitely though you're innocent and they have no proof.

Comey was like a potty training toddler - he couldn't shit and he couldn't get off the pot. He thought he could play fuck-fuck for four years with Trump. Good that he's gone.



That's pretty classist dude, maybe there's a reason the white working class is going to murder you

FBI insider here, i can asure you that those sources are correct.

You are aware there was a sizable income gap between Trump voters and Hillary voters and that your "argument" isn't the least bit supported by reality, right ?

>multiple ((user))) sources
There are multiple commie partisans in the FBI, this means nothing.

>No sane person can doubt at this point that drumpf has colluded with Russia. There is literally no reason that drumpf would want to end the Russia investigation if he was innocent.

No sane person can believe at this point that Emperor Trump has colluded with Russia. There is literally no reason that Emperor Trump would want to continue the Russia investigation if he was correct.

All this smoke and yet still no fire.

in other words, more fake news

Half of our media is owned by mexicunts, why no outrage?

kill yourself already

Then Joseph sent and called his father Jacob and all his relatives to him, seventy-five[a] people.

>country is in a deep state of division
>allow eastern block to form again
>them vs us
>america is a united strong country again
it's 23095725D chess DUH

LOL Hello Shareblue, good to know you are still alive and providing jokes

He better pick the next head really carefully and not be a dumbass agian so they get rid of these "insiders" leaking to the press. I'm guessing he'll just be a dumbass again and appoint some establishment career politician priebus or jared sheckleberg wants though

All of Washington knows the "Russia" investigation is Obama's parting "f-you" gift to Trump. It will dog him every day of his presidency and it is 100% false.

It hasn't gone away because the old Republican guard preferred Hillary to Trump - they could keep the big government thing going. The pro-globalist, let the CIA go rogue thing is out of control in DC. Trump causes problems for the establishment so he will always be known as Putin's bitch and it was never true.

Only one way to know it's false, and it's not to dismantle and impede the investigation at every chance they get. Besides, it doesn't really matter if Trump himself is compromised or not - the investigation has been focusing on his cabinet and there is misconduct, like it or not.


fake news

FBI insider here, ignore the flag, it's a proxy. I'm on a super secret anti-Putin operation rn. AMA.

as reported by the nut and wapo based on anonymous sources.

still ZERO proof of any Russian hacking by the way.



Gee, I wonder how they figured that one out.

>retarded investigation with zero evidence
>not wanting to end it
I see you (((Ukraine)))

what fucking timeline are you in?

I think Trump is a zio puppet and sucks anyway but the neocon anti-Russia shit is worse

fucking leftards get triggered if you ask them their evidence that Russia hacked the DNC.

And they certainly dont want any reference made to Hillary's crimes- including arming Al Qaeda in Syria.


for her Saudi and Zio masters



IM not sure how firing Comey would stop all the other non-FBI investigations into Trump and Russia. Seems more than a little far fetched.

>pic related


'colluded' with what, exactly, OP?

provide evidence of a 'bad act' where Russia's govt is implicated, please.


Of course they are going to say that, retard.

Say it with me, NO EVIDENCE

Libtards btfo


How are the nachos.

Is it the same (((fbi insiders))) who said the fbi were rampaging after Comey's testimony of releasing Hillary from crime.

Didn't he say there was no involvement there was no link but then a month later he said he was still looking into it after he was asked too he is flip flopping on everything same thing he did with Hilary but that bitch had ppl killed

I really don't understand what you're trying to say with this post. What does that have to do with anything.
Grow up

No sane person can doubt at this point that every Ukrainian flag poster is a shill.

>pic related.

"multiple FBI insiders"
Entry level millennial grunts that know literally nothing at all but boy oh boy the MSM sure did get them to "say".

the russia investigation is a massive waste of time and resources during a critical time, should have fired him long ago for even playing along with this farcical, russian, non-issue, manufactured ruse.

I still want to know what Trump did with the Russians? No one can tell me.

it would not stop an FBI investigation at all, user.

meanwhile Comey conspired with the former AG (whomet with Bill privately days before her decision) to not indict Clinton despite *clear and convincing* evidence of the violation of about a dozen federal laws.

he also misrepresented those laws, or most of them, with his nonsense talk about 'intent to break the law'.

that is not a fucking element of those crimes - you merely have to do the act intentionally that is a crime.

Frankly there should be an independent investigation of Comey and Lynch for obstruction and conspiracy- I hope some anons will consider pushing for that.

And its not a fucking crime for Trump people to talk with Russians as they are prepping to take over. Its literally not a crime.

see, the neocons and global jewry hate Russia and Putin and US media is lousy with zionists/neocons and their useful idiot warmongers like McInsane

dared to think we could possibly have a positive diplomatic relationship going into the future

i bet this next witness will surely blow the case wide open when they testify
>no comment
>that is classified information
>i cannot confirm or deny that
gee this evidence is mounting up


Of course he's not your president, you're a fucking Ukrainian. Except you're not at the same time, because Ukrainians are an artificial people and therefore don't exist.

Fuck off faggot.

No one can deny that Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and the other democrats and even some republicans have colluded with Britain and France to influence US culture and politics

Nice try pleb,

President Onigger had his puppet, Susan Rice, spy on Trump and his administration during his transitioning period. (something she's admitted to on national television!)

If there was any shred of evidence Trump was colluding with the Russian government, we would have heard about it long ago.

But by all means keep slurping up Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper's cum like the butt fucking faggot you are!

Look OP, the only reason your fucking country exists is because several other countries (USA and Russia primarily) decided not to be giant dicks about it and let it be.

Your entire national idea is a dumb-ass invention of a few 19th century narodnik LARPers like Shevchenko who got too excited about fag shit going down elsewhere and decided to LARP in a similar way like the faggots they were.

You are trying to build on retarded 19th century nationalism by clinging to a retarded 20th century idea of a world state (the EU) in the fucking 21st century when all the best and brightest are moving in the opposite direction --- and you don't see that this is a dead end full of fucking contradictions.

Go fuck yourself faggot on the top of Hoverla and don't fucking come back.

Yeah it's a bullshit investigaionnthat should have ended months ago.

Investigating weather Russia "meddled". In the election

Answer: yes they did, and it's impossible to know what effect it had

All countries "meddle". In other countries elections because they have a stake in who is im charge this is all kabuki theater so dems can rile up their opposition support and waste congresses time.

If Russia had actually hacked voting machines or had somehow registered a bunch of non citizens to vote or turned in a bunch of fake mail in ballots maybe we would have an issue

But for it to have at effect the Russians would have to fraud hundreds of housands of votes across multiple states to change the outcome

It's nonsense and if you have an ounce of grey matter in your dense skull that should be obvious

To add to the above --- if you want to understand why nobody has any sympathy for Ukraine here --- think about the last years of the USSR, and then imagine some fucking communist LARPer trying to tell you that the USSR should be stronger together and not fall apart.

That is precisely the situation here, except that EU and the global state are the USSR, and you are the communist LARPer.

Keep "resisting"

Podesta represented interests of Russian Government Owned Putin bank Sberbank and was paid $170,000 for his efforts over a six-month period last year to seek to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country. Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

I'd almost feel bad for the democrats, at this point, if they weren't all traitors.

It's just fucking embarrassing to watch these retards flail about with their complete lack of self-awareness.

d-delete th-this

Mexicans are white than jews or africans, idk


Hillary catered to the ultra rich while Trump got the support of the average Americans? Youre kidding, right?

The Independent has lost all credibility.