Huma Abedin

Too quite lately. What's she up to?

getting ready for her trip to hell with her husband


Da pope confirms

Collection is 180 now, thanks!

I think she's capped out at 5'2" OP


We want Ratzinger back.

she is my Sup Forumsfu

Pope Francis, is that you?

Munching Hillary's stank ass snatch.

She is still trying to work the marriage with Weiner out surprisingly. You'd think the sexting high school girls thing would be the end of it, but apparently not.


You degenerate piece of trash, the Big Bang is not real! I repeat, the Big Bang is BULLSHIT!
Damm pope.
Go to read the Bible for a change.
You are going to Hell.

Proxyfag pls

is it true a husband and wife can't testify against each other?

muh digits

Anybody can testify if they want. They can't be made to testify.

that's what I meant

lol good flag to post ratio

Foot modeling

Nice proxy/post pairing m8.

I would unironically colonize that before throwing her in jail. Then maybe a few conjugals later. Evil bitch is hot as fuuuu

any pre-having-a-baby nudes of her?