

Look at all that Red.

Probably makes him feel better about losing the popular vote.

Great, I hope he remembers who put him there. Not a bunch of beltway Merchants, New York rent collectors and certainly no urbanites. Get rekt régressive lefties. Also Whites. It looks like a map of the whites in America.

Not after the uncovering of the voter fraud

t. Hillary


and to distract him from his 36% approval rating

>it's ok Donny they still like you, Hillary can't hurt you anymore. Ivanka will be in later to give you a handy

>This much salt

>Trump: Umm, sweetie, the election is over, get over it
>Anyway time to hang up a picture of the election map lmao
I'm starting to wonder whether he's doing the politician thing where he flip-flops, or if he actually is exhibiting signs of alzheimer's and starting to forget things he's said.

It will make liberals see red

He should put it up in the press room behind Sean Spicer.

Jesus we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Hillary can't hurt him because she is a dumb fucking NEET now.


>trusting polls

You're smarte.... Wait, no, you're not.

>Hangs victory map over Clinton in the WH
>Hangs calendar in 6' x 8'

Everybody wins I guess.

Are Californians and illegal immigrants even real people though?


Trump has lost his fucking mind. Are you fucking kidding me? Electoral map in the white house? He is completely deranged and needs to be put in a straight jacket before he gets us all killed. I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF THIS MANIAC.

Is "Uncovered" the same as "Trump said it happened", now?

Because that's what actually happened. Trump just made it up and ran with it. As usual, there's no evidence to support half the stuff that pours out of his mouth.

Most Americans didn't want him and he's upset so he has to keep reinforcing his confidence.


He's doing more cheerleading for himself than actual work lol

Or, you know, it could be a nice reminder to him how the MSM are full of shit and the country wanted him?

He has it hanging on the white house because it's a territorial map.

Notice it's a map with winning percentage scale on it. Trump is looking at his empire and trying to make policies that will turn light blue into light red.

Like a king strategizes on which lands to conquer next

Absolutely based

This board does not come with trigger warnings, fag

This is good, makes him remember the people...


so he can look at it and remember his voters, and say "fuck the cities"

>Hangs victory map over Clinton in the WH

>all those lib votes in those tiny blue pockets

Thank fuck for the electoral college.

>half of alaska is blue like right down the middle

Did the libs just pack up and move to the other side? What the fuck.

He should frame and hang this picture as well.

>confirmed: clinton is bananna

>This much pepper

>Did the libs just pack up and move to the other side? What the fuck.

thats like a national park, nobody live there
just treehugger beuracrats & liberal nPs fucks

Two problems with that.

So you're saying that instead of performing his duties as president, he is (Or at least should be) essentially still campaigning?

And the second problem with that is, if he's using the map to help him come up with strategies, why the hell is it hanging in the hallway? lol

can't tell if larping or actually insane

>Right wing retard feeling superior over a right wing retard mocking a bad impression of a left wing retard
Why do Republicans fall for such obvious bullshit? Probably the well researched theory of how redcaps usually have a smaller brain from all that sister fucking and corn farming.

ego so fragile kek, were supposed to believe this faggot is alpha?

>Doesn't know most of America is empty space and more than half the country's population lives in those blue specs.
Moron alert

He is middle America's idea of an alpha. Pretty much a retarded edgy teenager for the rest of us enlightened folks.

Fucking lol.


t. rural and suburban retard

what a fucking beta ass cuck

The blue part is where the Alaskan natives live.

You should be proud of your achievements, especially of those hard.

The election was little miracle.

>Answer first question.
Yes the first term is thinking about getting re-elected. Did you have a problem when Obama was catering to certain demographics during his 2008 -2012 term?
>Second Question
I walk in my hallway on a regular basis. Is the average American too fat to walk?


>about losing the illegal vote
You can't always win the stupid prizes, but fortunately, you can win the ones that actually matter