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Really roasts my chestnuts
who'd have imagined it
whoa deep
Soooo Profound! le ebin black science man.
So there's some where there was conflict because they believed the same?
Not even remotely true
This is classic communist misdirection. He knows all conflict is over resources, but to admit that would be to admit communism is a kike fantasy with no historical basis. What a dumb nigger tool.
Would be nice of people like this stuck to their own field of expertise as to not come across as a fucking retard
>all the people insulting this
>all the people don't realize SJWs don't understand this
good job boys
really makes you think
Woah ... so this is the power of african intellectuals.
He's absolutely right and Sup Forums will pass the entire thread trying to debunk him
>you cant
this is the most intelligent nigger alive. this is their peak.
They don't think the universe be like it is, but it do.
In other news, people fight a lot.
reading his feed is like getting the little fortune cookie message without the fortune cookie.
Daily reminder that even Black Science Man opens his mouth before thinking.
Damn, that is one smart nigger.
In other news, Water is wet.
Why is this self-proclaimed "voice of science" who hasnt published anything relevant in the past decade now trying to project his retardation onto history?
The majority of armed conflicts are done over land and resources.
I mean it KIND of is but not in the way he meant it to be. Meaning that truth can mean very different things (like the truth of slavery or the truth of letting roving bands of Mexican bandits cross the border in the 1800s). Obfuscation is actually a very concrete reason many wars have been fought. Pretty ironic for black science man.
I mean even then he is still technically right.
Two different people believed that the resources belonged to them.
He's just a retard for making a statement that is the equivalent of saying that "all humans in history have taken a shit because they ate food"
So truth is subjective.
never thought of it like that
So the scientific solution must be to not allow people to have opinions.
The science is settled.
In a way. If I believe that your land and women should belong to me but you believe otherwise, then that would lead to armed conflict.
All armed conflicts in the history of the world boil down to two causes.
>The Acquisition of more power
>The Defense of the power you already have
that's all war ever is, and it fucking works.
There's no justification for the "because" there. Correlation does not imply causation.
No, most arm conflict centered around agriculture and arable land.
Belief is little more than a bullshit catalyst. Even if it didn't exist, they would have slaughtered each other wholesale anyway. Stick to astronomy BSM.
So does he agree with banning/killing all other opposition?
Retard? That's not an obvious statement, it's a completely wrong one. Most wars are started because one side has something the other wants like land, money, ports, etc.
he needs to be president NOW
>when you say something so shallow that even the normalfags that worshiped you and thought you were smart turn on you
things like, i can take this thing so it's mine now
No he isn't. His assertion is nonsense.
Lol what an idiot. Talk about stating the obvious.
holy shit is this real?
Could've (should've) said:
> because opposing sides grew up listening to different fairy tales *tips fedora* XDD
Almost all conflict in the world happened because I forget what I was saying but I wish I knew my father - Neil DeGrass Tyrone
most wars have been over stuff.
I thought it was jews manipulating two opposing sides to fight so they can profit off of it.
Ok but what if my country fucks up another country because we want their fucking oil?
I guess then this statement holds true. My side believes the oil should be mine, the other side believes allahu akbar fuck a goat.
War for resources though
People think this guy is a genius.
>i'll rephrase a very common, accepted and widespread opinion in a way that makes it look deep and meaningful while I look smart
This has to stop.
this cant be real
its just too fucking stupid
>hur people fought because they had a disagreement
It's actually possible to make an unhackable system. You just do to it what he needs to do himself, which is to stay the fuck offline.
Thas rite black science man! One side believed the other side had too many resources! Or he could be hinting at battles over sphere of influence. Oh wait is he implying that it was almost always religion? Hmm. I don't know about that. I am starting to not like black science man. He keeps commenting on things he knows nothing about.
This is a moronic statement.
I was told we fight wars because the other people call us poopie heads
pls tell me it's a fake quote
Jesus christ, le black science man memes are actually true. The guy is an idiot
He is trying to hide the fact that he is attacking religious ideology with this post. He stepped on his dick by not re-reading the post without any anti-religeous sentiment behind it and ended up looking like a moron by stating the obvious while trying to look like the smartest person in the room.
The bad thing is he seems like a likeable guy when he isn't being a smug asshole.
So insightful......
Did he really say something this profoundly stupid?
You're right. Everyone Poops.
Being this retarded while simultaniously holding a phd in astrophysics is pretty amazing in itself
what a retard...
Unhackable system = offline and even then its open to physical intrusion. I don't think he knows that.
He so smaht!
Well one side now believes that all white people should be exterminated
Sorry, but as a white person that doesn't leave me a whole lot of options as far as picking sides goes
Like my gas...bring the kikes
>>I don't believe this to be true
>>conflict intensifies
no shit. what a worthless faggot
Can i get a bunch of science awards n shit like based black science man?
This changes everything. I thought people fought because they agreed with each other.
Digits confirm Tyson is globalist puppet
nice quads. checked.
and what a faggot black science man is
...and that side BELIEVES they should take it by force.
he only got it because of affirmative action
F You, I think your right and that pisses me off.
Open border fags never have a comeback to this other than "it's not the same thing"
Also checked
That nigger is a fucking retard
holy shit really?
damn.... this really opened my mind....shit.....
In other news, shit actually stinks. I can has phd now?
> astronauts/cosmonauts/taikonauts vs flat earthers
In here we say that war is coming when people go insane.
PHD for (you)
Can we just disagree to agree?
yeah except what about his cool vests and ties he wears
i agree with you you fucking faggot. agree with me to my face bitch watch what happens
really lights my menorah.
What was that Goyim...you're a science denier now? :^)
Are unhackable systems impossible, or just way beyond our capabilities / impractical (i.e. permanently offline machine)?
Serious question no bully pls
Not when it's frozen you fucking bigot
It's like when one group of stone-age Africaniggers believed that the shit of another group of stone-age Africaniggers belonged to them.
Why not create a system that isn't capable of hacking
>checkmate hackers