Can't believe I'm saying this, but Laci Green comes across as incredibly reasonable and level-headed in her newest video. I considered her a huge reason why I dislike the left, but her newest video has her talking like an actual adult. Very proud of Laci.
We really need more level-headedness from people who have as much influence as her. Hope this is the start of a movement.
She's not fully red pilled however just the fact that she has extracted herself from slavish obedience to the strict SJW dogma will make her own life better by orders of magnitude.
Elijah Parker
kill yourself reddit
Jackson Baker
Fuck off, Laci
Kayden Foster
What's with the hostility? Have you even watched the video? You're all retards.
Cameron Wilson
Benjamin Smith
Has she been hanging out with Jontron? Does she hate blacks now?
Bentley Butler
All I want to do is stick my hog between her cow tits and then face fuck her senseless.
Jayden Rogers
i want to level my head on her tits
Christian Bailey
Luke Brown
Nathan Morales
t. Roastie Green
Ethan Clark
5 videos later and she's starting to discuss the (((truth))) about Israel.
Jose Sanchez
If she lost 20 pounds but managed to keep her tits i might watch her vids with the sound off
Zachary Roberts
Anyone actually watch this?
Landon Adams
youtbers are where i get all of my feels and knowledge liked and subscribed
David Thomas
She's making some actual valid points. Color me impressed.
Ayden Nguyen
its not that bad. seems bad at first then wait for 3 minutes in
Jordan Rodriguez
kill yourself
Robert Barnes
she destroy Blaire White in the sapate
Brandon Williams
the real question is if laci green is showing tits in this video.
Carson Price
Don't listen to anything females have to say, they are idiot attention seekers.
Aaron King
NOPE e Re3e3e3e3eEEE
Asher Bell
fuck off shills
Ethan Gomez
These comments are gold.
Easton Butler
I want to fuck her so badly
Carter Rivera
she's a slut
William Perez
didnt she screw her cousin or something
Jordan Thompson
Landon Anderson
back to plebit, faggot
Oliver Hill
Aiden Cox
>youtbers are where i get all of my feels and knowledge
Hello Youtube, get a load of this moron. It's pretty funny actually, I predicted this about phoneposting retards months ago.
That's about all. Peace out.
Adrian Johnson
Yeah I was ready to bail when she said she still considers herself "intersectional" and "sex positive." She's not /ourgirl/ until she utters the 14 words.
Daniel Perez
Are you thinking of Lena Dunham, who boasted of raping her sister?
Jeremiah Robinson
She has a lot more to do before she earns a redemption Laci once whored herself out to MTV, and has given terrible advice to young women for the last several years She may be jumping on the bandwagon to lap up a new fountain of shekels
Wyatt Rogers
B8 r8 0/0 kys
Cooper Harris
once you reject the imposition of jewish pessimism and self-hate, life gets a lot better. really the only thing I'm still angry about is all of the fucking kikes.
Zachary Phillips
Plus, Laci's never acknowledged Rotherham
Samuel Sullivan
Blaire White is much hotter
Cameron Long
>Can we applaud Generic Feminist?
No, but I can take a steaming shit on her manic, brainwashed head
Caleb Torres
lol i'll let lauren southern slide but this bitch can fuck right off
Elijah Turner
Do you think she'll come back in a few weeks talking about how the holocaust was a myth?
Landon Morris
Adrian Gonzalez
>sapate debate*...
Lincoln Martin
Brayden King
She is batshit on 'cisnormativity' and she needs to be redpilled or, really just informed/explained as to why.
When 98%+ of the population is not not-not cisgender, her use of the term demands that this 98% not regard 'not-not being cisgender' as other than... in fact... normative. Gender a spectrum sure but NOT not genetic or biophysical *sex*.... yes there are variations, but no that is not a reason to believe there are not two, essentisal, reproductive, biological sexes, even if normatively cis and hetero people themselves vary within-group in masc/femity
show us your tits. no one then asks for vag.
deal, Greenwich?
Jaxson Gomez
This is the 3rd or 4th thread about her I've seen today.. and everytime it gets deleted shortly after someone posts these pics.. so here they are. See ya
Justin Garcia
Jason Nelson
I always thought Laci Green was a porn star.
David Murphy
Nolan Lee
>rats jumping off a sinking ship
Never let them forget their mistakes until they apologize.
Luke Mitchell
I think she's a filthy KIKE
Nathan James
Thank you hero.
Adrian Mitchell
These don't look legit
Bentley Flores
want to slam my dick in her hairy arse
Ryder Jenkins
She wants to "white man" to take her back after she's all used up, getting old and saggy.
Didn't she admit to having HPV? Genital warts virus?
Anthony Moore
which ethno-nationalism did she mean by this?
Gavin Gomez
Nolan Thomas
she ugly af
Nolan Barnes
They're growing up. I'm speechless.
Kevin Brooks
The conditioning is working. This case shows more promise than before.
Jonathan Nguyen
I'd really like to see a rough sex tape of Laci Green
Dylan Jenkins
She must be hitting The Wall early.
Camden Edwards
>Laci Green comes across as incredibly reasonable and level-headed in her newest video. Kek, dont even have to watch the video to know that this is bait.
William Turner
>it's another former libtard sees the light for those shekels episode
Logan Collins
I like the looks of her, but I'm an oldfag that would rail any young cutie like this.
Jayden Scott
god damn, this bitch is full of herself.
How can any dude listen to this chick for more than 20 seconds. Oh god, she's fucking killing me. Her fucking voice...
Adam Ward
tl;dr please
i'm not watching 10 minutes of this bitch
Luke Hall
We should attack her with SJW-cultist sockpuppet accounts, a lot of the women who reject the cult cite the purity-spiraling attacks when you show any deviation as a major factor.
Blake Parker
She doesn't look as ugly either
Owen Rogers
>green ID
you outed yourself once again, laci
Carson Young
Give it 2-3 years and Laci goes full 1488 and founds a militant female natsoc organization. Hail Laci! Hail victory! Hail our people!
Angel Watson
I would literally pay money for it. Not a lot, but some. And porn is free on the internet.
Caleb Ortiz
i can't make it more than 10 seconds
Gabriel Bell
Attack her using SJW sockpuppets for being a white supremacist giving hate-hand-signals.
Brandon Adams
No. Don't applaud this heathen monster. You realize she has brainwashed and lead a generation of women and men into regressive ideologue degeneracy?
She has only opened herself up for debates.
Where she will get her ass handed to her. Fistfuls of redpill sadomy await her and then we will see if what she does. Reject the repill? or take it.
Only then she will may be at a standard of acceptable human being.
Than she has reperations to make up for by the boat loads.
Laci has much to make up for. No applause until she denounces her previous doings and pushes an anti degeneracy agenda.
Matthew Adams
She's 27, hitting 28 soon. Almost 30.
She probably met some red pilled dude who dicked her good and then dumped her.
She took a break from youtube for a few months. Nervous breakdown?. She thought she met a guy who was gonna ring her but he dumped her for someone younger.
Future cat lady.
Carson Morales
I got her channel blocked, but my god 1.4M subs, fucking nerds subbing for tits.
Eli Fisher
Don't worry, that's already happening.
Jordan Parker
becky lemme get the smash
Jason Gutierrez
70 REPLIES AND NOT ONE SINGLE GODDAMN SUMMARY I think I speak for other anons when I say could someone who suffered through it make a list of the points she makes in this so called red pilled video. I'm not giving that whore a view. If you faggots are really insistent on making us watch at least provide a mirror where she doesn't get a view.
Owen Morris
Who would you rather fuck in the ass Blaire White or Laci Green?
David Williams
Maybe this infographic is successfully shaming her stupid liberal hypocrisy, and the embarrassment is a red suppository?
Lucas Scott
>Le b*sed youtuber thread
Back to the_donald.
Ryan Wilson
Let me translate for you faggots:
>the culture is turning against me and if I don't get on board early then I'm going to lose all my revenue
on the internet where porn is vast and endless too
James Green
I would die a happy man if she named the jews
Ethan Edwards
I'd go balls deep and impregnate Laci.
Brandon Garcia
No. You never go full retard.
Dylan Baker
still a whore.
don't care, not worth my time
Jordan Clark
Yeah, probably one of those lefty chicks that wants to fuck a Trump supporter for their own kinky reasons, like how a white girl with a racist father will want to fuck a nigger. Feeling wrong and dirty makes it feel better, its in their heads.
Logan Thompson
I agree. Let's give credit where credit is due. We're forcing the left into being civilized by playing their own game.
Liam Scott
Fuck this Cunt
Stop giving her views
Jason Jenkins
That fucking clickbait title
Alexander Evans
The female one.
Christopher Rodriguez
>NOT ONE SINGLE GODDAMN SUMMARY Thicc slut got tired of sjw drama met up with alt-righters got the beginning of a redpill shoved down her throat. Now wants to start open discussions with alt-righters in which she'll get rekt and if she keeps up her contact with reasonable people she'll probably discuss national socialism on her channel soon >greentext
all in all 7/10, not bad for a start
Do we care? I want results, I don't care about their hearts or minds, if their bodies do god's work then let them work.