Shareblue honestly can't be that bad if they oppose the_donald. If they're pissing reddit off, they must be doing something right.
Shareblue honestly can't be that bad if they oppose the_donald. If they're pissing reddit off...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not bad
nice deflection, the_donald
>being a redditor
>blumpf supporting shabbos goy calling anyone else a redditor
hey man maybe niggers aren't all bad if they robbed that guy i dont like before they rob me
>This is how Sup Forums debates and discusses things
The_Donald isn't so bad, it's basically Sup Forums light.
Anything stupid that I say can be deflected with ">Reddit" the thread
You guys still fucking suck at jewing.
If our happas manage to breed with even low tier whites, our grandchildren will be aesthetic supermen.
It would be a gamble, I suppose.
>Implying I support trump
Hey Shareblue, hook me up with a shilling job m8. I need the sheckels
Hillary voters are by far the most high IQ voters on the planet.
Normie stepping stones are bad. Blumfph is bad. Let's all get some shut eye.
>shadilay for kekistan my fellow centipedes! *gives gold*
Is that Eliott Rodgers and Dylan Roof?
>He's Simply Not Presidential!
>on Sup Forums
No, the_donald is cancer, the user base is cringy, the trump fan club they created is childish, their redpillls are gay rights and the protection of jews and blacks, they obsess over the left and reddit while they virtue signal to be accepted by both. It isn't paid shills who hate them, it's Sup Forums.
The position of potus is rightful Bernie clay
>retards in David Brock's basement getting paid to piss off autistic civic nationalists on the internet's biggest safe space
i'm okay with this
>this is how terrible shills operate
This was made by a trump fan to manipulate Sup Forums.
>e-everyone who opposes le god emperor is a shill!
Upvoted. :)
This was made by a trump hater to manipulate Sup Forums
Fucking this. Blumpfniggers are always looking to play the victim like the kikes they are.
>CTR projecting again
>the_donald deflecting again
The_Donald was essentially the Sup Forums version of r/Sup Forums. It took all the best bits of Sup Forums and posted them. It was cringy and shit, but holy fuck is it a cringe fest now.
Tranny love, gay acceptance, fucking based Jews, based blacks etc.
It's utter cancer.
>1 of the custom ranks is cuckholdsupreme
do you guys seriously think this is shareblue?
>posting that in defense of a zionist
the_donald is our retarded stepbrother, and are cancer. But they're better than shills. Never forget that.
>defending the_donald
>le frog meme
Not as cringey as LARPing as a neonazi. You fucking faggot.
>> u-u-u-uh shareblue!! u-u-uh kike!
yeah, but im not a zionist tho
Upvoted. :)
Look at the g on ducklingsareNOTTurtles, there's a few other mistakes. I really hate you cunts, You are not wanted here.
you've lost the plot m8
They're worse than shills because they accuse everyone of being one
i've been here forever, fuck off
Sharia blue new tactic: create thread hating on reddit, while naming sharia blue.
Result: goy believes this cannot be a paid shill post. Hah! Those goys will never suspect its us if we name ourselves!
You have, m8. You're probably apart of drumpfs internet defence force.
Assad > (((Trump)))
kill yourself and kill your family. you're a disgrace.
So ? You get paid to be.
we do it for free
Trump supporters are the good goys
The_Donald is that retarded down syndrom brother.
>Trump supporters are the good goys
hillary was full natsoc!!! How did I not see it brfore now!
OP is obviously a donald poster using ingenious reverse psychology tricks on you, and it actually worked.
>i've been here forever, fuck off
>tripfagging under the name "wonderful donald"
>forever to this nigger is 2016
you are reddit.
>Acting like there aren't actual shareblue shills on Sup Forums
Come on my dude
>Shareblue honestly can't be that bad
neck yourself
That's just my nom de guerre for the election, been here forever m8
>acting like everyone who dares criticize le based god emperor is a shill
Come on my dude
You lot always turn it to hillary, trump's president and i'm happy he is, your continued support and defence of him on the internet is pointless unless you're paid to keep him painted in a good light till 2020.
> A-assad is good!! Iran is based with white Russia1!!
kys faggot
>You lot always turn it to hillary, trump's president and i'm happy he is, your continued support and defence of him on the internet is pointless unless you're paid to keep him painted in a good light till 2020.
I can hate jared and love Donald
Show me proof there are ? How about you spend 15 minutes finding out what they do and how many employees there are. Trump supporters think there's hundreds of thousands by the looks of things.
haha yes
fuck real conversation
Ok ?
Where did I say that?
LMAO they're one and the same, Reddit.
>I can hate jared and love Donald
Only with a great amount of cognitive dissonance
What part of they do it for free didn't you get
>supporting kikes over Assad
>supporting kikes at all
>go back to plebbit
Top kek faggot
What's your point? Would you like to see Trump replaced by Pence? What so you recommend we do to fight the kike influence that has trumps ear??
>we want a fence
The part where they are being directed by someone who is paid.
Let him do his thing, this thread is about faggoty redditors bringing their faggotry to Sup Forums. The_donald has to go.
>this thread is about faggoty redditors bringing their faggotry to Sup Forums.
lets start making Sup Forums threads and stop fighting in shitty reddit threads.
>tfw you still don't have a wall that donald promised and the cartel is still carving up stacies in your backyard
feels bad man
>lol they're just using divide and conquer tactics to drive a wedge between us and people who might grow to fully adopt our ideas given time as the tensions begin to ramp up exponentially
>it's okay that people who exist solely to destroy us are shilling against t_d, obviously they're doing it with our best interests at heart
You're a fucking mong or a terrible shill.
that pic
>Shareblue is ok because they annoy the_donald when they spread misinformation and are overall faggots. The enemy of my enemy is my friend despite when they are clearly and actively trying to degenerate this board.
Redditors are just temporary normies. Shareblue is, and always will be, fake news.
>Someone is spending millions paying shills to shill here
>4 months afer the election
>3 years and 6 months until the next election
Makes a lot of sense. nu/pol/ thinks its about 6 million times more influential than it really is, we weren't the driving force behind Trump, at best we gave him a gentle nudge with some funny memes. No one would be retarded enough to throw millions away trying to change the opinion of this cesspool.
Would you rather pay people to shill here, where posts stay up for a few hours if you're lucky and everyone is paranoid and skeptical, or would you pay them to shill on reddit and social media where posts can stay up for months and the people are naive morons?
>Le Ebbin "If you hate Jews you must support Muslims if you hate Muslims you must support Jews argument".
>Pretending Sup Forums hasn't become a hotbed of normie bullshit since the elections
You're a shill, a fucking moron, or have been living under a rock. I'll let you pick which.
>Would you rather pay people to shill here, where posts stay up for a few hours if you're lucky and everyone is paranoid and skeptical, or would you pay them to shill on reddit and social media where posts can stay up for months and the people are naive morons?
here. you cant get banned or have your post edited by the admin
>TFW you've watched every libshit down to local judges attempt borderline treason to stop anything and everything Trump tries to do
Posting in a sageblue thread
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
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