The original whiny SJW

the original whiny SJW

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Tell us some of your favourite bands, and be honest.

"Never met a wise man / if so it's a woman"

"What else should I write? I'm sorry that I'm white"

Yep you're right OP

Nice try Courtney Love

>literally made a song named "rape me" just to piss people off
Kill yourself

not really

Life was different in the 90s

fascists weren't around to bait on

He was an angsty proto-emo, he would fit perfectly in the Twilight movies.

And let's be real, the guy made good songs but he is overrated as an individual due to his premature death. And if he had been ugly he would have never had a legion of teenager girls every generation obsessed over him.

I hate how people think he was some sort of slacker hero who accidentally became the "voice of a generation" when he was a borderline autist who was dead set on making a successful career out of his music.

If I was married to Courtney Love, I'd kill myself too.

I remember there was a letter that came with Incesticide back in the day. It had some bullshit about if you don't like gay's then don't come to his show. It had far more logic involved in it then 99% of what SJW's today spout, but still retarded.

>killed himself

bluepill detected

>gen grunge

lick upon this absurd pomp

It wasn't cool to be an SJW back then. He wouldn't be one if he was alive today because then he'd be a normie and Kurt fucking hated normies.

the original whiny SJW

I agree, Hendrix was way better for his time

>inb4 b-but he's black

I couldn't find the best version of this from Monterey pop festival, but this one is decent

Except he hated PC crap

Too bad he didn't died sooner. Pearl Jam was a cuck band too.

Rape Me was calling attention to the Bosnian rape camps. Literally wasn't just trying to piss people off.

Kill yourself.

I'd too. I would shot myself two times in the back of the head with shotgun

Rape Me was about his treatment by corporate executives

He'd probably be redpilled as shit today after he got the angst out of him. You're really going to compare the early 90s to the final stretch of the 10s?


lol that didnt work well hold on

Given that he "killed himself" over Tummy Problems I'd say you are right.

Da fuck am I meant to do with that?

this 100%


way better band. 90's feels

"He and Nirvana raised money for women’s issues by playing at benefits for reproductive rights and a benefit in support of Bosnian rape survivors" -

I recall an interview he gave at the time that stated that that was what it was about. Can't find the actual interview though.


He had just told Courtney that he was going to expose the DC pedophile ring. Guess where Hillary was the day before he "killed himself".

Not a lot of good bands from the 90's that weren't SJWs of some type. Even RATM were hardcore leftists and I still love their music.

I would love some sauce on that. I don't doubt you but I'd like to see it for myself.

I think you might be wrong. You can say he was an edgy faggot, but an SJW, I don't think so.

you're right.

Also, holy fuck...
>the final stretch of the 10s
this is surreal. I feel like yesterday was 2010.

I don't want to endanger your life. You wouldn't believe the burden this knowledge his put on me.

nice LARPing faggot. Courtney would've helped expose it. She wasn't as bad as people made her out to be.

At the end he did the right thing user, I wish all sjw end up like him

Would Kurt have voted for Trump? If he was alive today I can see him doing it and loudly proclaiming it just to be edgy.

Cobain was no fucking SJW. Your fucking retarded and show how young you are just for saying that.

>tfw we're now closer to 2030 than we are to 2000

It hurts, user. I don't like it.

>liking Kvetch Against The Machine
Man up, cut off the weak parts of yourself and cauterize the wounds, otherwise you're no better than the feelie weelies crowd you claim to be superior to

>Being this underage to think he was the first.

80s: Bono
70s: John Denver
60s: The Beatles

Shy are there so many music-related "1 post by this ID" threads tonight?
Sage and report this shit, it belongs in /bant/

I'll just leave this here.

(((Zach de la Rocha.)))

He's the reason RATM fell apart, he was too leftist for the rest of the band.

They weren't even focused on political issues in the end, it was really retarded stuff like freeing convicted murderers from jail because RACIS and nonsense like nu-age feminism.

At least the rest made something of themselves with Audioslave, though they'll never be as good as RATM.

Keep in mind that RATM railed against a lot of stuff, including the greedy fuckin kikes that run this country.

He didn't even want proper success he just wanted to survive being a shitty band hardly anyone had heard of.

Yeah OP politically he was a little bitch.

Urrrrgh. How did I miss this?
Much like Led Zeppelin, I'm glad they called it quits when they did, because it was right at the dawn of some truly shitty shit. And yes, I suppose if we're being fair, something like say, Bullet to the Head, could easily be interpreted as a (((bullet))) to the )))head(((

He knew what he wanted and what he was doing when he made nevermind

I see him going the libertarian route

It was different back then. The culture was still dictated by conservatives (largely because the country was still 85% white) and liberals just wanted a more tolerant society. Liberals like Kobain would be considered centrist nowadays. For example, Kobain was really into guns, clearly. The was an SJW element but, it wasn't nearly as bad. Conservatives in those days were the Heavy Metal record-burning Religious Right. So liberals seemed to be on the side of personal freedom. Liberals always had SJW traits, but the Obama years freed them from holding back.

My how things have changed. I used to be a liberal Democrat back in the day. I'm a white nationalist now because Nazi's are far more rational, reasonable, morally legitimate, and easy going than liberals ever were.