Post your political heroes


just kidding welcome to my thread


I'll post my two political heroes.

daddy roths

I'm going to frame this photo and kiss it right on Brudeaus lips every morning when I get up



A crack addicted homosexual prostitute.

Nixon sabotaged a Vietnamese peace deal under Johnson, he firebombed Cambodia leading to the Khmer Rouge, he instituted affirmative action, and he took us off the gold standard.

There's a reason no rightist, from any side of our spectrum, adulates Nixon. Whether you're a liberal, or a complete Sup Forums Nazi, Nixon was a deeply flawed patriot who screwed things up big league. Not a successful president at all.






>Genghis did nothing wrong


nixon was a prophet.
he knew communists and druggies deserve nothing but helicopter rides.
its possibly he was unironically the second coming of christ.




nixon was the last based president we had

it was just (((reagan))) and his christfags from there on out


Buy Stellaris.

he can still win guys
