she's literally doing it to harass them and to get someone to dial 911... get the cops involved.
Other urls found in this thread:
why does anyone act that way?
it's not real retardation or schizophrenia so why?
Holy kek, this is totally spread-worthy!
That must be how autists feel. They know they feel *something* but have no logical and reasoned way to express it, and it frustrates them.
She sees the sign and wants to respond, but nothing she has to say will be logical and reasoned, nor be able to withstand scrutiny and comparison to say, her thoughts on Islam.
reminds me of trump
The two playing together is pretty amazing...
>It's not funny, it's art.
holy fucking shit. What is society coming to?
Well, I was interested until "she's an art major".
Art people. Not even once.
Has Godzilla been found?
Artsy people have always been fucking weird and mentally unstable. Long before the SJW/political correctness movement.
>Yeah, that'll teach em!!!
dem titties tho
Basically there are "people who become stories" at a time. So you might be in a literature class or science class and your lecturer mentions an eccentric genius "who did X at university!" and everyone laughs and it's a cool story about this academic figure.
They're trying to be that. They feel that they're going on to be some notable figure in their "movement" and THIS is the "wild thing they did at university" to be remembered.
But with real academics the funny/wild thing is usually intelligent or endearing, rather than embarrassing to themselves and their families.
This. Everybody wants to be famous.
What the hell does she keep pulling out of her purse, chalk?
if only this was russia
I fucking hate niggers
>so this is the power of autism, eh?
oh for fuck sakes lady... just give birth already.
Can anyone provide a video of a male acting this stupid?
>Mark, no!
Whoa... So this... Is the power of freedom of speech... Amazing...
I go to this university (WWU). THIS IS SATIRE
Uh huh.
Barely anything there.
Sure it is pal
i have watched this enough to realize that sign guy really doesn't deserve a companion like mark
>shut up, mark
if you can hold out long enough, just keep going till she has no voice and resorts to getting an assault charge. i would have said earplugs or noise canceling headphones but without sufficient backup somoene will sneak attack you
>Everybody wants to be famous.
Even if it means dragging your name and reputation through the mud. Fame is the goal, at all costs.
Amazing, truly Trump has broken the spirit of leftist world wide
What is going on here??
marijuana or suicide, maybe both
anyone else kinda getting the impression that she isn't actually upset but performing some kind of [still misguided and retarded] protest.
vape in a smoke machine
how do you even become that shape?
Processed Corn+Soy. And Freedom, lots and lots of freedom.
Did this idiot just kill himself? is that liquid nitrogen? need link
Reality tv was a mistake. It gave rise to this entitled "I deserve to be famous" attitude.
she's one of us merely pretending to be retarded for irl (you)s
But water vapor doesn't make you cough.
You guys act like you've never vaporized weed before.
wtf happened here
it's way too late for this shit
top KEK
dumb fog machine "prank"
>mark mark mark.
let her scream, she'll wreck her voice...and then shut up