Following data clearly shows that as a municipalities use of the EVC Edge Touchscreen increased so did the percentage voting for Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:

Occam's Razor: Trump better served the interests of rural voters

Occams razor part deux: There was interference prior to touchscreens.



Soros had dealings with Sequoia. He had dealings with 2 of the 3 companies that did voting machines for the election.

Guess who has business ties to Soros?


It's almost like Soros has ties to anyone in high positions of power.

Especially Jewish ones.

This guy needs to die, for mankind.

>By modifying votes of genuine voters

Or you know, you had your demographics all wrong and people voted how they did.

And yet it doesn't seem at all suspicious to you that the one factor between the generally higher vote count was the machine, even when it defies expected results?

Really fires the neurons.


What is fake video demonstrating a machine which is not calibrated.

Are you not old enough to remember resistive touch screens? You had to calibrate Palm Pilots and shit like that all the fucking time as they got older.

Maybe instead of Trump hacking the computers Hillary stuffed tha ballots you fucking retards.

Drumphlstiltskin is finished

Mind posting sauce?


How about an actual source?

>guy with credentials of this kind of work analyzes election on his own
>posts links to where he got data and how he analyzed it

I don't get you faggots. You don't trust the MSM, you don't trust the government, and when independent people investigate you don't trust that either.

I suggest a rope.

>Hillary didn't have a single appearance in Wisconsin.

>no it's impossible for her to lose Wisconsin without haxoring

Ever think, maybe, subrural retards won't vote for a bitch that doesn't even visit their state?

Nobody is saying Hillary isn't a retarded shill. What we're saying is that Trump's people may have still cheated. These aren't mutually exclusive.

Maybe if you understood what the guy analyzed you'd stop making broad generalizations to convince yourself it isn't true.

When they did the recount in one city (I think Detroit) they found that when someone voted for Hillary twos ballots were printed out instead of one.

You could give all wisconsins 10 votes to Hillary and she still lost btw

It's very suspicious. All the fucking rigged talk was probably projection

Im no expert in voting districts, nor do I know which states were deploying these voting machines, but if its a state like michigan, that was blue and fliped red, I see no reason why this would have exactly the effect we are seeing here

Again, Hillary winning is irrelevant. Trump cheating however is. If there's ever any indication of widespread voter machine fraud it needs to be taken real fucking seriously.

Trump would have won with 296 then

im confused, all the article dictates is the fact the votes couldn't be digitally fabricated, but rather added on by genuine people voting for trump? as if he had actually convinced people to vote for him. is this what hacking is now?

Doesn't it sounds suspicious that out of 2 surprise flips to red, both states(Michigan and Wisconsin) were one of those states that were hit the hardest by Obamacare collapse?

Oh no wait Obamacare was perfect and totally wasn't collapsing.

You're like goddamn robots, you can't even process words.

Again, this is IRRELEVANT.

Look at the fucking data. Different machines are used in different places in the SAME STATE. And yet the data indicates that the usage of one type of machine produced unexpected results, consistently.

>faggot still playing make believe
This is why you'll never be an American. You're not good enough. Nice that you're doing the bidding of those who would destroy your country once the U.S. is out of the way.
The people you're working for literally steal brown babies to rape and sacrifice to Lucifer. This is what you're supporting: Lucifer himself.
Enjoy your afterlife in hell.

No i can process words, the thing is. After months of MUH RUSSIA I could care less.. All the whining protesting and general faggotry has done nothing but turn people off from anything like this. We simply don't care to listen to you anymore

especially when clearly wisconsin doesn't matter one fucking bit

wasnt trump winning an unexpected result by itself?

Thought you were a typical troll until the Lucifer bit.


No, you can't process words, that's why when I said that Hillary winning was irrelevant you autistically still pointed out that she would have still won.

And stop saying "we", you're not part of some big movement of righteous people, you're a stupid faggot arguing a study by an analyst who is probably smarter than this whole fucking thread combined.

Didn't you hear? President Obama himself said the election couldn't be hacked and that doubting the final count was doubting our democratic process. Why do you hate democracy?

You can get two things from data.

Either voters in some regions of the state were more convinced by Trump than in the others or the machines were tampered with despite Soros money(you know, the guy who has ties to company making them) backing Hillary.

>inb4 soros played 7d chess and by giving money to hilldog and getting his NGO's to support her to turn away your average american from voting for her

Personal theory. They both cheated. Trump was better at it than she was.

Or it could just as easily be that these machines were the only ones not linked to Soros.

>I said that Hillary winning was irrelevant you autistically still pointed out that she would have still won.

clearly i said she would have lost not would have won. WHY CANT YOU PROCESS WORDS?

>And stop saying "we"

WE don't care
WE think you're a fuckin fag
WE aren't listening
WE know why hillary lost
WE know any 'hax0rmaning' in wisconsin wouldn't change the result of the election
WE know you're triggered as fuck nobody cares

Correlation != Causation, even if you think you have something it's just correlation, period.

What if Trump changed a liberal vote for every illegal alien that voted


That doesn't prove anything, but yeah someone could investigate if they want.

I'm pretty sure Jill stein paid to have Wisconsin explicitly do a recount/investigation and they couldn't be find shit. In fact his numbers went up or they found low scale fraud on hillary's side

So what exactly are you implying?...That US election voting machines are connected to the internet, vulnerable to hacking through that avenue?

It is already knoiwn how departments under Obama during the election, hacked into Georgia's computer Housing Voter Data, and we also know that the CIA can hack, leaving markings that make it appear that another country, like Russia, China and Israel has breached sensitive material.

check AND mate

OPs mom has to bring him emergency tendies after an artistic rage episode


ID: hxzor


Will leftists get off their little Russian conspiracy and name the Jew?

Trump's lead increased by 131 votes

Everybody who ever at broccoli ends up dead.

So basically it's nothing.

>Machines operating as normal
>More people voted republican than we thought would
Must investigate anyway even though we've already admitted there's nothing wrong.

And those that haven't.

Broccoli will eventually kill you indirectly or not.