When is Eric Clanton's court date?

Any updates?

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Charges dropped already

This. Wasn't enough proof.

wow justice moves switfly in america

The fact that there were charges at all is amazing. Every time he goes to a job interview he'll have to explain why there are charges on his record regardless if they were dropped or not.

Say whatever you will about leftcuck SJW's, those hippy hoodies are comfy as fuck.

It's not a (((permanent))) record, and even if it was, it won't deter some cucked Californian school from hiring him

He got away with it. He got away with attempted murder and will have access to plenty of gov make work jobs for life with full pension and retirement after only 20 years.

Source? Where are you getting this from?

Patience, OP. The BPD is still gathering evidence:

From The Berkeley Police Department:

"We are still asking for your videos and photographs of those who may have committed crimes during the event.......For those of you who have already shared photographs and video from the event, we are grateful for your assistance."



Well his name is ruined if you google it lol. And he'll still be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life

I'd say that's still a victory

I was just about to post this

Victory is him doing hard time with a Jamal roommate.

>eventually get it expunged
The charges could be dropped and it will still show up in a background check. Moved out of my house and my crazy ex broke all her shit and claimed I did it. Charged with vandalism and she was kind enough to throw in a false domestic violence claim against me. Went to court and got all that shit dropped, that was over 5 years ago. Can still see these charges in background checks and this pretty much keeps me from getting a decent job.

Circumretit enim vis atque iniuria quemque,
atque, unde exortast, at eum plerumque revertit.

Violence and injury enclose in their net all that do such things, and generally return upon him who began.


I have a feeling that kek has something planned for Mr. Clanton.


Let's have that sodomite's legs broken. Cali niggers aren't going to prosecute him.

I have no sympathy for woman beaters

What part of 'false domestic violence' don't you understand, Dundee??

no smoke without fire

You know where he lives you should jump him.

Can we make these a symbol of hate attire?

nothing is going to happen

if anything he gets paid millions because he had to endure public harassment by right wingers

its americucks ... kingdom of crime

women who are spiteful and crazy know the law always sides with them 100%, you clearly dont understand how the mentality of american law enforcement and city prosecutors works

If anything he didn't beat her anough. Women are like dogs, if you don't show them who's boss they do whatever they want.

They're already a symbol of hate as proven by Eric Clanton. Only a hateful and spiteful person would attack an unsuspecting victim with a bike lock from behind.
White race represents peace and stability and you're playing into (((their))) narrative by identifying yourself as a hateful racist.

t. virgin

Bullshit, they usually arrest suspects with far less reliable evidence like forensic portraits and suspect lineups.

Oh no no no
Not this shit
Not going happen.
I'm agreeing with you.
I am being economical and selfish.
If the jackets become shunned then they will become easier to procure and more variety in colors and sizes


Fallacy of the hasty conclusion.

Also this..
>I will never forget his faggot face
>100% engage on sight.
I am up & down the west coast year round
I have tons of hippie libshit friends despite being a fashy Chad...Go to many festivals,events, etc...

This dude is a fucked,and better shave his head & fagstache

why the fuck is shit on your record if it was proven that you were innocent? Is that a state thing or national? Why is the justice system so injust?

Hi antifa :)

>Austrian man about to beat his dog
>The dog stands firm, ready to take it
...'cos he knows who's boss