What would you tell the liberal version of you?

I'm right wing these days but some years ago I was liberal.
So I have a question for you all.
If you could go back in time what would you tell your liberal self from the past? If there is a liberal version of you that is, some of you might have always been right wing.

Stay away from Sup Forums and live in blissful ignorance without knowing how bad things really are.

Always been pretty right-wing but I guess the most liberal I've been was when I went through the whole socially liberal fiscally conservative lolbertarian phase.

I guess I'd drop some subtle redpills on myself like pic related. Race realism is important

This tbqh famalam

Too bad I'm already left leaning :^)


i'd call myself a nigger

I would tell to him that the left actually hates white straight cis males like you and if you propagate their ideas, you are just means to an end. Also that they are lying about the right wing being the hateful ones, while it's actually the left who is absolutely about destroying the western world and transforming it into something else entirely.

Another thing I would tell is that feminism was never about equality, it's effectively about turning women against men.


Stop being so trustful and actually look at what's happening.
Also you're not getting any cookies by acting virtuous and righteous.

I behaved right wing when I was still thinking I was liberal so it wouldn't make a difference.

First for kill myself.

My "liberal" former self was just nihilistic and happy with the system as it was, but still edgy and liked the Nazis.

My conservative self realized that the Nazis were also right.

I never understood how people can actually "believe" in (what is now considered) liberal politics, like the removal of white heterosexual men from power, their replacement by "minorities", which are actually JAPS from NYC, the reallocation of wealth and resources to foreign or "minority" hands. I was never so stupid to believe it was anything other than a power grab.

Me: "Okay, I have 3 important words for you me. Iss da jooz"

That's just every American "conservative". It's completely normal, and they go full red-pill as soon as they're expected to own up to their own socially liberal nonsense.
>haha, race doesn't mean anything, whether you're white, black...green haha
>those taxes though, that's literally the only thing that matters
>Kendall, no. Black men don't treat women well!
>Where did I go wrong?!?!

Is this what it was all about? Espousing your adherence to the default position, or what you are told it is? I was literally always edgy, whether it was towards parental American "Christianity" or teenage / young adult liberalism, so I never tried to appease The Group.

Is that the actual reasoning?

That pic would be more realistic if the second gen Africans got better then the third gen got worse again.

That I am aware that not all refugees are terrorists but there is a high chance that many of them are.

That's true. It wasn't until the implementation of race-based welfare (basically urban negro reservations) that the black family and community was destroyed.

"Hey user, in the future you can be fined for not calling someone a unicorn if they chose to see themselves as a unicorn. You will be disciplined if you tell jokes that are over 10 years old. And you know how you wanted a young democratic president who can better relate to the people? It happens but the poor just get poorer and the president was only good at being hip. The left are fucking nuts now and at the same time they are corrupted. Vote conservative early and save up. Oh yeah, Cubs win the world series"

"Feminism at its core is designed to stop you from having a family."

i am the liberal version of me. more of a moderate, but liberal to you idiots.

I would tell him that the people he wants to help hate him. I would tell him it won't get him the girl. I would tell him all the facts I know now that destroyed my childish old leftist worldview.

>cant get girl as liberal
>i-i-its the liberals fault!

haha pathetic

fucked 3 girls last month and am going steady with one I actually like as an open conservative nationalist right now soooo

It wasn't the liberalism though it was the feminism specifically, so, fair enough. You can be a sexist liberal.

don't marry sara

Dude, don't defend yourself on an anonymous internet board. It's cringy and pathetic.

i just think becoming conservative is a function of learning how the world really works through experience, and realising that just because you have ideas about how things "should" be, doesn't mean you're correct, or that those things will actually have the intentions you strongly believe they would have.

example: welfare creates not only creates more poverty than would exist without it, but but locks people into poverty