Should obese people be forced to water fast (under doctor supervision) until they are 15% body fat (men) or 22% (women)?

Should obese people be forced to water fast (under doctor supervision) until they are 15% body fat (men) or 22% (women)?

>minimal risk for most people
>low cost - just check in with doctor every few days or week
>cures type 2 diabetes
>lowers blood pressure & glucose
>no loose skin, heals scars due to autophagy
>repairs cell/organs/intestines
>removes bateria/parasites/dead or toxic cells that can lead to cancers and other diseases
>increases HGH
>super cheap compared to the long-term costs of obesity/diabetes
>easy as fuck
>obesity & type 2 diabetes cured in one year across the country

Restaurants/groceries/individuals could be fined for selling/feeding obese people more than once a week.

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No one should be forced to do anything you fucking muppet. Stop fantasizing about the government being your overbearing daddy.

Fatty detected

You do realize that he took the right picture before the left one? For the "day 1" he just ate shitload of chips and soda to retain water and look fat as hell. This all took him less than 4 hours.

anarchy brah B)

>easy as fuck
That I disagree with. It can really be difficult to shed the pounds and you need a lot of motivation to get up everyday and work your ass off. And for people who are addicted to fried shit and obscene amounts of sugar, it's not easy to start eating clean immediately. Of course not to say it can't be done but the vast majority of people lack the willpower

Allah abhors fat people. That is un-islamic.

>forcing people to do shit "for the good of society"

fuck off commie, the only thing the government should force people to do is die after they commit a crime.

I never said it wasn't a good thing to lose fat, I just said it isn't easy. People who work out regularly don't have to put in the effort that fatties do to do even basic shit and it would be unfair to say that it's easy for them.

Fat people shouldn't exist in the first place. Americans are fucked with their health, especially compared to the Japanese. Everyday I see Japanese people on the streets running and working out.

What's up lardo

Yep, another wannabe nanny who wants the government to try and control people's lifestyles.

Even though it's a not-serious shitpost thread: fuck off, OP.

>less than a month
>no loose skin

>no loose skin, heals scars due to autophagy
>repairs cell/organs/intestines
>removes bateria/parasites/dead or toxic cells that can lead to cancers and other diseases
>>obesity & type 2 diabetes cured in one year across the country
top lel
>check flag
should've guessed

I tried this once for a week, and it was a nightmarish experience. I'd not recommend this to anyone who needs to go to work or school every day. May work better if you're in some faggotty meditation retreat, and hardly move for a week.

Thank for letting me know I can't be forced to pay for fat fucks, nuggets and retards. Oh wait... I am. Bloated fucks should be locked in solitary and pissed on till they lose weight. Can't trust them to do it alone, cream cake snaffling bastards.

>NO FOOD for 28 DAYS
>I've been working on this video for months

Hey Fatty Bom Bom have another cream cake

Who's gonna pay for the water??

check with doctor once a week
>stop eating food
>die in less than a week
no loose skin [citation needed]
repairs organs/intestines
>gut flora dies
>chemical imbalance causes mood swings
>immune system goes to shit
easy as fuck
>alright m8, why don't you stop eating for a month and let us know how it goes


You would literally see hourly changes on a controlled water fast.

Never heard of water fasting, its a neat idea. However i am not sure how one breaks the fast and gets back into eating like a normal person.


AAAND on top of that he said he was working out... Call the /fit/ boys in here and they will tell you what this """"work out"""" is about.

Why not just charge fat people more for healthcare? Wouldn't that be easier?

>Croatia can't into biology
Big surprise there

video is faked on the duration and method, in 28 day his skin would be flappy especially near the neck and belly

>should [people I don't like] be forced into doing [something I like]

so many lolbertardians ITT

fuck off back to the reddit

Why do all of your solutions have to involve invasive government intervention?


I love being fat. In fact I can say that being merely overweight is not enough for me. I must be obese, and generously so! Some days I just sit around all day and stroke my belly and enjoy the sheer substantiality of my body, the many mysterious folds of my corpulent girth. I oft am wont to increase my weight through the consumption of seemingly limitless amounts of luxurious delicacies, for which my appetite is most voracious and indeed insatiable. My cheeks have a healthy ruddy glow and by swinelike eyes a happy glint. Often my performative belly quakes amuse small children enough to send them into peels of laughter. I would not change myself for the world entire. No, not I, your fine fatty friend. Could I laugh as heartily or frolic as amusingly if I were to lose my blessed baggage? I think not! And so I shall remain,
-rotundly yours.

you just have to eat easily digestible foods in miniscule amounts. After a fast your stomach acid levels are incredibly low, which can result in death if you break your fast with a huge amount of food as it can physically not be digested.

Fuck off and die you usurious sodomite. Thanks for ruining the "alt-right" by making it liberal fag worshiping garbage.

Holy fucking shit dude, what are you doing.

>No one should be forced to do anything
>gov forces you to pay healthcare for everyone's sake

I used to be overweight, but I got fit on my own without the government telling me to do so.
It shouldn't be that way. Fat people should just pay more for health care. Problem solved.

>Day 28
>of year 3

He's confusing what those "get jacked in 30 days" pics with weight loss pics.

Fucking reddit...


>you can do anything you want as long as you have the money to pay for it

money worshiping kike

>you can do anything you want as long as you have the money to pay for it
Why does this bother you so much? As long as it doesn't effect you, it is not your problem.

The only sin he's committed is being a SLAV.
Stoop kid gonna leave his stoop today?

The other day I saw this really fat guy carrying this really fat dog in his arms and they were both out of breath. The dog had gotten too tired to walk so bro had picked it up to carry home. I nearly laughed my bum off. Japanese people are hilarious.

>It shouldn't be that way
>Fat people should just pay more for health care
Yeah. They should work more too.

This, most of you faggots are borderline Muslims with your unending list of shit you want to force on people.

Null diet (no food, only water) is not healthy in any way shape or form. Apart from the temporary weakness, which can set you up for a lot of indirect damage, like infection, it will also cause your system to cannabilize itself to keep you alive. It will not only use your fat, but also your tissue-bound protein (especially muscle tissue) to sustain the fat burning process. The conversion process damages the liver, which causes fatty liver disease. In addition the lack of food will kill off your vital oral and gut flora, causing permanent damage to your teeth and colon.

All of these symptoms can be avoided by eating just a little bit every day, preferrably at 3 regular times distributed over the day. You don't need much, just a little bit of carbs to get the fire started that will burn the fat and a little bit of protein to allow your body to do the normal system maintenance. A single boiled potato every day will starve you just as well but with much less permanent damage to your body.

The actions of others don't exist in a vacuum retard. Everything affects you, and even if it didn't i'm not such a gay sociopathic narcissist as to think it's okay to let people destroy themselves. You confuse freedom with slavery to desire.

>I used to be overweight, but I got fit on my own without the government telling me to do so.

No one is saying fat people should be put a gun to their face, but it should be the absolute first recommendation from family and personal doctors and other health experts for obese and fat people.

how's obesity in Japan? I always read about extremely low data, but also that youth is getting dangerously fat now.
Around there youth obesity is definitely still really low, however after marriage people inflate like balloon.

Not easier on my eyes. What many fat people fail to appreciate is others have to look at them and their repulsive slobbering whale-from as it blubbers down the street.

>stop eating for a week
Is this why burgers are so fat? Like they literally think they'll be flirting with death the moment they stop shovelling tendies down their throats?

Tbh the whole idea sounds flawed

In Japan sumo wrestlers are considered sexy. A large robust fatty who can still move their bulk around can totally get laid.

I mean you have no actual authority so who really cares

> but it should be the absolute first recommendation from family and personal doctors and other health experts for obese and fat people.
Why don't they recommend they lose weight by eating healthier and exercising?
> i'm not such a gay sociopathic narcissist as to think it's okay to let people destroy themselves.
How do you plan to "help" these people?

the low amount of calories in many vegetables doesn't really justify staying hungry at all. eat as much carrots, green beans and lettuce as you want with that potato, the extra intake is negligible compared to the volume and satiety.


Stop forcing me to pay for societies baggage you can then eat all the cheetos you want you fat fuck.

in that video guy say alot of things that are simply not true or even deliberate lie

>many of you fat ppl have "parasites" that trick your chemobalance to avoid ketosis


It's nowhere near as bad as back home, I'm 50 lbs over and I feel like the Goodyear blimp but girls still throw themselves at me.

>minimal risk for most people

Sure. Yes. Sup Forums should absolutely give it an honest go.

>Why don't they recommend they lose weight by eating healthier and exercising?

Because fasting is absolutely fail safe while people who try to eat "healthier" and excercising almost always end up quitting because they don't see results fairly quickly.

I would recommend healthy eating and excercising too, but having fat people in the family and knowing a lot of them, I know that it doesn't work unless they have a lot of internal motivation.

>Who cares?
prove it

no-true-scotsman fallacy


This is the most retarded thing I've seen

He was saying in the video that if the body only eats your organs if you're not overweight. Fat then muscle then organs.

I don't even live in your caliphate kek.

I'm afraid I have to agree. There shouldn't be a law that strictly forbids you from getting fat (goverment daddy), but it should be heavily discouraged by society.

>Because fasting is absolutely fail safe
lol no, it statistically never fucking work.

It's wrong though. fat can't be burned alone, so it damages other organs in the process.

God helps those who help themselves. Or in this case those who stop helping themselves to ice cream sundaes with all the trimmings as a sweet to wash down yet another meal of pure fat fuckery.

>you fucking muppet.
Fucking embarassing

>Allah abhors fat people. That is un-islamic.
Unless they are women.

>people who try to eat "healthier" and excercising almost always end up quitting because they don't see results fairly quickly.
>but having fat people in the family and knowing a lot of them, I know that it doesn't work unless they have a lot of internal motivation.
Maybe that is because your family lacks willpower?
I got fit by eating healthy and exercising. It wasn't easy, it isn't supposed to be.

I lost over 60 pounds in 60 days doing fasting. I went from overweight to having a 6 pack. I wasn't water fasting the whole time but I there were multiple weeks where I was. Other times I would do intermittent fasting and I would only eat one high protein and low carb meal in the evening (steaks, chicken, eggs, bacon, etc.).

It's funny how "fashy" types always complain, but never have any plans or solutions.

You can tell this is bullshit because he casually mentions lack of salt and claims to be drinking all the time, and just drank more when he lacked the salt to retain the water lol. This is how you die fasting, you flush out all the salt from your system you should only drink when thirsty not to fill yourself up for an hour until you piss it out.

Fasting for a month is retarded. Most do 3-4 days and veterans a week. maybe once every other month.

Rule of thumb is 3 days without water is death and like 3 weeks without food.

That is just profoundly wrong. You wish that's how that worked. Fat is actually the last thing that's getting 'burned' when you're fasting, because your body thinks you're starving, and it sacrifices muscle tissue rather than losing fat tissue, because IT THINKS YOU'RE STARVING.

If you fucks actually want to lose weight, fast three days, then eat whatever the fuck you want, then fast three days, and so on. That's actually a way to trick your body into avoiding shutdown mode.

That creature in OP's vids is such a gigantic misrepresenting dumbass.

Are you proud of that?
You lost your nerve, you missed the point.

Suomi bro knows.

I have just lost 15-18kg in 2.5 months,whilst working out 3times/week and I am currently as loose as a pornstar's vagina.

Also, being a proper fatty (was 140kg) I cannot imagine how another fatty didnt eat for a whole month .

I actually want to put on weight, lol. So you're saying his bs in the video?

Keep working out. Your flabby skinsuit will serve fine as cover to stretch over your awesome muscles.

Also, hold on to your manliness very tightly, then venture into the pregnancy/women's hygiene/whatever part of a drug store and find yourself some 'anti-stretchmarks' oil for pregnant women/young mothers. Start massaging your body daily, give that flesh a right rubbing, bro. It won't make your skin magically disappear, but it can help tighten up a bit, and you'll familiarize yourself with your body.

Everyone should fast at least once a year purely for the sake of their own health. We eat SO much shit these days that we were never meant to - fasting is the simplest and cheapest way to detox and purify yourself. Just take time off, do your homework, and you can do it.
Read Bragg 'miracle of fasting' book. It's a real eye opener.

Kek at all the fat burgers getting triggered when people suggest not being fat.

Idiots who think you'll die without eating for a week - students who wanted to study under Pythagoras in Alexandria FASTED FOR 40 DAYS beforehand. It will unlock levels of energy and mental clarity you didn't know you had, which is exactly why they fasted.
Read up on sifu John Morrow. Near the end of a 40+ day fast he did over 120 pushups in a fucking minute.
Fasting will purify your body at the cellular level anons... Try it at least once in your lives. Just don't break the fast by drinking an iced coffee like I did or you will feel like SHIT. Lol

Yeah best to do it during time off.

Salad or soup is ideal

I told you the solution is to starve them in solitary confinement. And piss on them. Why do communists think it is society who has to fix all their problems because they are to subhuman to look after themselves. Stoopid fatties actually imagine we give a single fuck about them. How do self discipline?
>Inb4 "muh genetics" and other such spurious nonsense.

go fuck a roo

>I told you the solution is to starve them in solitary confinement. And piss on them.
Who will be given authority to do this? How do you plan to implement this policy?

it doesn't think, it's the actual reality of the process.

>If you fucks actually want to lose weight, fast three days, then eat whatever the fuck you want, then fast three days, and so on. That's actually a way to trick your body into avoiding shutdown mode.
Now this is a faster suicide than 28 days.

Why don't you bounce from Sup Forums fatty.

Of course he's bullshitting and misrepresenting facts. If losing weight and staying healthy was as easy as not eating, you wouldn't have people dying of anorexia/bulimia, and y'know ... starving.
You can fast for a CYCLE (maybe a week, two tops) and that can actually be beneficial, but you absolutely have to ease into eating normally after. And if you think you can fast and work out at the same time, you'll be passing the fuck out on day three. Yes, shit lowers your blood sugar. It absolutely completely depletes it. That is why during the month of fasting (Rahmadan) in Islam people hardly ever work out/hard, if at all. They're too tired. And they actually still eat.

If you want to gain weight, I suppose carbohydrates are your friend? Also, some workout wouldn't hurt. You could actually get yourself some GAINZ powder. I doubt it's super healthy, but if you want to gain weight ... I guess?

All those replies instantly for
This is why this board is dumb

I bought some vegan meal replacement powder, but I don't replace it with a meal but drink the shake after a meal. It contains all the vitamins too.

Kek I know right? Shows how greedy and conditioned they are to keep on consuming, literally.

How? Why? Ancient religions near universally recommended fasting and for good reason. Ancient Greeks knew the power of fasting as well.
"instead of medicine, try fasting for a day"
- Plutarch

"fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within"

I'm Greek Orthodox and we fast twice a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays (and more during Lent and less after Easter).

Aside from the spiritual benefits, it also is good for your health

I was told that ointments/balms exist for such cases. To be honest I want to keep working out, mostly abs, push ups etc, before trying any "medical" remedies. Also, no fucks given about manly hood. I have turned my eating life (and life in general ofc) upside down.

Thank you for the motivation user.

The content of those replies is what makes this board dumb.

>3 weeks without food
If you have next to no fat reserves. There are cases of people surviving up to half a year, thanks to their massive flubber.

Water however is pretty strict. 3 days is a good measure for a cold climate with little activity. Running in the Sahara during the midday sun can kill you in just 2 hours.

>students who wanted to study under Pythagoras in Alexandria FASTED FOR 40 DAYS
>will unlock levels of energy and mental clarity you didn't know you had
>Near the end of a 40+ day fast he did over 120 pushups in a fucking minute
>Fasting will purify your body at the cellular level anons...

If you remove that stupid decorative bullshit, what's left is 'it has health benefits if done carefully and rarely' - which it does.
And one or two weeks are exactly the amount of time that most nutritionists would recommend, yes.

Inject yourself with some abstract thought, you humorless fucking frog.
