Liberal Hypocrisy

Tanned German here (not a muslim)

How come i can't get a job in germany cause every company is racist?

I thought germany is full of welcoming liberals who let shitskins run all over them but that is apparently not the reality here.


what is so funny about this my dude?

There's still hope.

>Tanned German
WTF is tanned german, are you looking like guys on pic related or something?

but for what?! i want to improve the GDP but i can't


My tip would be to check the possibilites you have in your homecountry or sell yourself to the multinational countries and work in your homecountry through that.

Failling that, apply to govermental jobs.

>My tip would be to check the possibilites you have in your homecountry

but this is my home country ... i grew up here .. my Abitur and Bachelors Degree are above average too

>Bachelor Degree
Akademisches equivalent eines Berufsausbildungsvorbereitungs Diploms...

what the fuck

German companies want people who are as well educated as a German who went through almost two decades, but will work for poo in loo wages.

Germans aren't willing to do that so they import random other ethnicities and hope that they'll eventually find this mystical creature which has a PhD and works for minimum wage.

Bachelor in what?
Don't say BWL.

>Tanned German
no such thing

Coming from a blue eyed blond Serb.

>cause every company is racist?

Tfw completing bachelor's in bwl..

VWL actually ... economics is a meme


what is there to elaborate?! its just coffee sipping liberal faggots who vote left but want a workplace full of white people .. they are just virtue signalling

Do you also believe in Santa Claus and think you magically deserve a job?

Get some fucking relevant skills. That is what gets you hired.

You expect a normal wage for your qualification. If they have to pay the full price anyway, they can just hire a German too and not take the risk of you turning out to be a sanddindu rather than just being brown.

Foreigners are only interesting if they are willing to do the same job for less money, the moment they want the same wage the statistical risk is not worth it anymore.

Maybe you arent the best pick? Maybe there are people with more skills or exp.

>Get some fucking relevant skills. That is what gets you hired.


>they can just hire a German too

but i am a G-g-erman

>but i am a G-g-erman
But you don't look like one.

This basically just boils down to what you initially said - yes, they are racist.

>implying we live in AnCapistan

99% of our jobs are designed in such a way that everyone can be replaced easily ... the government also supports low wage earners financially if needed which means we have a lot of jobs you can't even live on without relying on the government

yes ... so hows that a thing when people pretend Germany is lost and everyone gets blacked

tfw you have no face

What was your expectation? Get your masters degree or get an apprenticeship.

>What was your expectation?

getting a job

>Get your masters degree

then what? apply for the same positions 2-3 years later and still get rejected cause im too tanned?

>an apprenticeship

that would require getting hired by a company lol

>special ed tier degree
>in the law/med/pharma rejects subject
>expecting to find a job
Mate you fucked up on so many levels, get Hartz IV and ask for a legal guardian. You're clearly not able to make your own decisions.

you seem to be projecting really hard here

>so hows that a thing when people pretend Germany is lost and everyone gets blacked

It's Sup Forums getting its information from clickbait and defeatists.

i know

thats why i hate leftists

This all depends on your appearence/behave.
Sounds like it's your own fault.

I'm not even native german (non german name and accent) and got a well paying job.

>he doesn't know about the tanned german meme

pic related

>and got a well paying job.

where and what are your qualifications?

Tbh mate, I don't know if you would get a job with this major even if you were a whitey.
Nobody I know with an economy degree is extremely successful.
Most try to branch into IT.

>not a muslim
There's your problem

friends in uni all got good jobs in banks and what not

highly paid 48k entry level and higher even without Masters Degrees

That sounds really lucky. Most people don't even try applying without a Masters, at least here.

No just showing you the reality.
Applying for a job with a Bachelor Degree is like asking to get sponsored by Nike for presenting a Marathon participation degree showing your time: DNF.

3 1/2 jährige Berufsausbildung als Elektroniker für Schaltanlagenbau/Automatisierungstechnik.
Industrie (Kran-/Sondermaschinenbau)

I'm thinking about making a Meister or Techniker to increase my pay up to 50-100%.

im competing against Hans in a Boss Suit

Well I got a job 2 weeks after I got my CS bachelor and I don't see much reason to do one now.

Is your German accent free? Are you good with interviews?

nigga i grew up here .. my german is perfect

i think im good with interviews im a normalfag by Sup Forums standards ... problem is i can't get interviews

upload your application and cross out your personal information.

If you don't even get an interview theres more wrong than your tan.

Is your name Al'Ahmud Durka Durka?
If not, send in the resume without a picture.

i write a new application for every position specifically tailored

no i have a normal name

>being that low IQ to not find a job in a 4% unemployed country
>but still knowing enough enligsh to be here


We can't help you if you give no info.

Doesn't matter, just show one of your applications.
Die sogennante Stichprobe.

what the fuck?! the unemployment statistics are obviously fake

like i said earlier lots of jobs here are meme jobs subsidized by the government

what is the point of getting a 8.50 shekel job you can barely sustain yourself on?! 160 hrs a month for 1300 of which 300 or so get taxed .. then you are left with 500 bucks after rent and utilities

might aswell stay home and shitposts for 150 hrs a month and try to get by with 200 bucks less

there is just too much personal information .. what part are you mostly interested in?!

i obviously know all the rules and formalities

Upload to your resume to the Sup Forums career center.

If I would have the option I would always get a German worker. It's a question of work ethic. Sure you comepte against Hans - you live in Germany. This is Hans his base. Work harder, be smarter or shut the fuck up and piss off. My Grandgrandfather was a blacksmith. My Grandfather was a coalminer. My father was a steelworker. Praise their work or eat your tongue. I keep their graves clean and put flowers on it.

Let me tell you something about the situation in this country.

1) Unemployment is a meme
There are pretty much no positions open. The only things you can get anytime are the shittiest minijobs that part time students usually take for some time to get some spare cash for parties.

2) Germans are racist. We are racist.
You can be the most best integrated atheist turk in the history of earth and people will still complain about turks infront of you all the time. That's how we roll here. The only non-racists in Germany are TV celebrities who only pretend to not be racist in order to not get their career killed by BILD (Shekelstein) and social science students.

3) The giant cuck bullshit comes from out leadership asking for more migrants so companies can push down the wages everywhere. There is no actually need for any arabs or africans. Even educated ones. At the end the white german guy still gets the job - He only has to deal with the pressure of 5000 arabs wanting his position (Even though they will never get it)

There is a reason why like 90% of all unemployed people are not-german or ''only'' *born-germans*
Not only they are mostly shit but even if they are educated - Chances are shit.

Just blank everything personal out.
We just have to know where the Hase begraben is.

Do you have a German name? Do you have any skills? Can you hold a conversation in an interview? Maybe it's just you.


there is the Hase

there are no tanned germans

>then you are left with 500 bucks after rent and utilities

its auschwitz all over again.

I tried to help. Seems you doesn't want it.
Es sind ja immer die anderen, bloß nicht an die eigene Nase fassen.

how about you apply for a job with a fake name and fake picture

then do the same with the picture of a hot girl and check the results

Dies uezs.

Master or GTFO

I don't need fake profiles to test this out.
Like I said, I'm non native, with accent and non german name.

You can't even provide your application, why should someone hire you if you act like this?

No, if it fails at the
>get a interview
stage there must be almost everything wrong with the application or your CV.
Even 90% disabled cripples with need of assistance get invited to interviews if their application is up to the standards and meets the minimum requirements for the job. They won't get the job but even they get that interview.

HANDWERK =/= muah Banks


VWL is a much greater spectrum than just banking.


>ID is brown

>ID is black


there are enough tanned companies here in lower payment segment. In higher segment it's multicultural af because of actual professional shortage

how much does the government pay you to post this and where can i apply?

>there are enough tanned companies here in lower payment segment. In higher segment it's multicultural af because of actual professional shortage

Nah. I live in Berlin and all bankers here are white or/and jewish

>Tanned German here (not a muslim)

You might think you're German but you're not.

Why is this a thing? Do these guys realize how utterly retarded they look?

>ID is black

My advice is: Move to a shitskin country like south Spain for example. You will feel better there and you will have zero problems with the natives.

The welcoming liberals don't own businesses. Anyone who has the potential to hire people probably learned what happens when you hire shitskins long ago.

>tanned german

nice try mohammed

he could be austrian

Only rich liberals wanted this. But of course, they never explained how they are going to integrate them. They only wanted to virtue signal how "humanitarian" they are and sip wine in the gated communities while country folk get raped and pillaged by mudslime barbarians.

According to google its from some dumb health magazine claiming that muscles+white skin are a bad thing. And i guess those airheads are retarded enough to believe that.

>It's written in Men's Health so how can it be wrong?

Do we look tanned to you?

Are they niggers?


Austria is part of the Balkan nowadays tbqh

>it's not because i'm incompetent and uncharismatic
>it's because dey ray ciss
This is the hallmark of shitskin thinking, and why your kind will continue failing.

nice try Shlomo

how many of your relatives are in a position of power? how many jobs do you get thrown at you cause you are simply a jew?!

you'd be nothing without the help of your people

You posted this on Sup Forums what do you expect?

Why don't you go to Africa and help your people make it great?

Boo hoo. Oh so hard living off of that, hey? Welcome to the real world.
You don't deserve a better paying job, faggot.

>how many of your relatives are in a position of power?
> how many jobs do you get thrown at you cause you are simply a jew?!
None. I'm a freelancer. Again, you're just demonstrating your inferior shitskin thinking here. If Germany is too "racist" for you, why don't you fuck off back to Shitkinistan?

lmao i bet you are just a teenager who lives off mommy and daddy

>phone posting britfag


Und trotzdem ist der Master nicht besser :^)


>i know literally nothing about you bet let's pretend that i do because it soothes my butthurt
So tell me, Mahmoud, do you think all 7,000,000 Israelis have relatives in positions of power and hire eachother based on Jewishness, or are they all teens living with their parents?

Again, your shitskin intellectual abilities on display. "Everyone is ray ciss against me and every Jew is a banker!" Your entire world view is a meme because you can't deal with your own genetic inferiority.

I can't help but think that behaviour is absolutely haram.

>I'm not buying this thread, I feel like some German proxy shills are larping as migrants to make actual fermented cabbages complacent.

>Tanned german
Oh, so a nigger tainting the fatherland? Fuck off back to africa.
>Even his ID is nigger brown

This is actually not a meme german companies obviously prefer the masterrace over some shitskins

Just to prove a point, here, let me show you something...

£595 rent
£45 landline, internet, mobile
£32 TV subscription + license fee
£21 gym membership
£80 council tax
£20 electric bill
Total (food not included): £793
What I earn (rough average): £1160
What I save (before food): £367

I live alone and deal with it, because I'm not a fucking CHILD like you, nigger.

Not even phone posting, faggot. Nice try though. How the fuck do you even get the idea that someone is phone posting? Because I didn't give you more than two sentences?

>Tanned German

>tanned german
nice try, Jamal

>genetic inferiority
>a fucking jew
Kek. U mad