Where are the fucking Female Refugees

Every pic or video i see of refugee crowds are like 80 percent fighting age males. Seriously, every time. So whats the explanation?
>Men go by boat, women and children go by train
>Going by boat is more dangerous so thats why its mostly men you see on the boats
Ok first of all this makes no sense. Why wouldnt they just all ride the fucking train? Could they not just make double the trips? And even if there is some reason for it, WHERE ARE ALL THE FUCKING PICTURES OF FEMALE REFUGEES? Seriously. For all the massive crowds of mudslime men there should be pictures of massive crowds of muslim women at train stations? And why are there so many pics of refugee men clogging up trains also? Pic related is the largest group in one pice i could find.

Rly makes the almonds turn don't it

>refugee crowds
more like hostile invasion

Look at all those women at the train station


I assumed it's because Muslims believe women should not leave the house?

>So whats the explanation?
Cowards fleeing the front lines

>2nd from left has a black eye

can't make this shit up

Notice how the 2nd from the left has a black eye.

Lol the chick next to one in the green jihad has a pair of Irish sunglasses.