>if god is the creator of everything and everything needs a creator then who created god?
This simple question kills the religcuck
Other urls found in this thread:
the bogdanoff
>Canadian intellectuals
when the singularity from previous universe yelled Allahu Ackbar
Cute. Like an ant asking what math is.
>who created god?
this is illogical question, god isn't created
That question merely outs the asker as a fool.
Scripture says not to waste your time with a fool if they will not heed wisdom..
What is "thing"ness?
God is bogdanoff of real life m8
>lol nigga how did the universe exist without something creating it that's impossible everything needs soemthing to create it
>except god
>hurr durr I'm willing to except an omission to the rule I just made as long as it satisfies some set of cultural beliefs
God traveled back though time and created himself
That nigger is fucked.
silly FATheist XDDDD
>if god is the creator of everything and everything needs a creator then who created god?
a simple rebutal to your argument is what created the universe?
by its very nature the creation of the universe violates the laws of thermodynamics.
>everything that is must exist in our universe
>there are no scopes, planes, or whatever "above" that of our universe
Some bold statements for a
>mexican education
>everything needs a creator
Source needed, because if you have figured this out, the question that has vexed humans from the beginning, I for one would love to know.
so you see neither of the arguments answer the question, and don't tell me this proves god exists, just because one argument is wrong doesn't mean the others is correct,
it's almost as if the law that things thave to have a purpose isn't real
>religcucks literally can't answer a simple question even though their religion is supposedly supposed to give them the answer to everything
>"w-what, God is almighty he bends the rules of everything whatever non believers say is wrong"
Nothing I said indicates im a religionfag
Day of the Rake when.
>haha the old man at the front of this church told me not to think for myself or I'm going to burn in a fire forever so I better be a good little cuck!
Kill all religious fags when?
sadly this is one Question we cant get an awser for wether an edgy atheist is asking or a christfag theist.
its simply beyond explanation.
What if God is everything?
Duality BTFO. Better luck next time.
is everything /doesnt/ need a creator, then its on you to prove that the universe/ humans /did/ need a creator
what if the universe has always existed
I was simply asking you to expand on a conclusion you've made. You couldn't have thought you could make such a sweeping conclusion and expect us all to just agree and take it as truth, right?
Its magic i dont have to explain shit.
Atheist cucks need to watch this shit and kill themselves:
You're not smart, you atheists are just pathetic plebs.
>What is faith.
Yeah, I can't comprehend an uncreated creator, too.
would not make sense everything needs a starting piont if what you are saying is "treu" then that means you can create things out of nothing witch is inpossible.
Just take the pagan pill my friend. Not everything needs a creator, only a source. The gods are the source of the world as we perceive it, just like a man and a woman are the source of a child.
See I wasn't, and an not, arguing for either side of that argument. I'm essentially saying it is unknowable and is a matter of belief. Unless OP has proof of HIS conclusion, which I'm open to. Barring that, we are back in the realm of belief and not proof (and I agree with you, that's regardless of which side you are on).
wtf i like atheism+ now
>everything needs a starting point
>except god, that's just silly
I chuckled.
It's not everyday you get an acceptable context for an Asimov reference.
You like chess?
Why bother debating people about the existence of God?
Neither side ever wins.
These are the only good arguments set in this thread, I to don't understand why religious people should be able to make exceptions when it all of a sudden interferes and makes them question their beliefs, almost like damage control and denial.
>>lol nigga how did the universe exist without something creating it that's impossible everything needs soemthing to create it
its not impossible its physically impossible
The holy bang
The problem with liberal intellectuals is that they believe that they are smart enough to meddle in the affairs of gods. They believe that they truly know everything that can be known.
>>"w-what, God is almighty he bends the rules of everything whatever non believers say is wrong"
That's actually correct. We are just mortal 3 dimensional beings that God created himself. No matter our intellect, it will never wrap around the understanding of God. How can you understand a supernatural being and it's all of its powers? It's on a completely different scale. It's one thing to make a super villain like Galactus, however God himself is and always will be too far complex to understand. He has a plan for all of his children and we probably will never understand that either, but you must have faith.
Think of it like this-imagine you are new to the game of chess. Let's say you are watching Carlsen, the greatest player today, and he is your favorite player. You don't understand any of his moves because he is thinking 10 moves ahead while you can only see 1 move ahead. You still have faith and believe he will win without knowing what he is doing. This example is like God except with God, you can't train to understand his intellect. It goes on for eternity, because God is eternity.
God would not be qualified as a "thing" but the source of thinginess, transcendent to the quality of thinginess which he created.
Your question is basically "How can an omnipotent being be omnipotent?"
It's not logical.
this its a piontless descussion that always ends with who or what created the universe/god.
its simply something that cannot be awsered.
We can eliminate natural causes as the creator of both
You could also argue that the concept of "beginning" doesn't actually exist. Every process that has thus far "began" is actually a continuation of some other process. True "beginning" doesn't exist.
Anyone who asks this kind of question usualy has an IQ below 3 digits and most likely went to a shitty public school
Not doing an Ad-Hom, just being honest.
The proof is based on the lie that you believe, you believe that everything needs a creator and everything exists because of God and his creation, but by THOSE EXACT set of rules this means that God needs a creator, and so on and so on.
god always existed
So this means all religion is false and fake correct? If no one can understand it then what does religious texts and beliefs mean?
Checkmate, you suck kohai.
And that a celebrity's opinion is considered greater than that of a theologian or philosopher is why the West is fucked.
even then this "god" would not be the christian god or the islamic one as there are a lot of contradictions in those books.
it would be an unknown diety.
for the atheist explanation it would be the same
if natural causes are ruled out then we have to speculate in the unknown.
there is no natural way to create something out of nothing
you can believe something came from nothing but then you cant still be a naturalist
>lot of contradictions in those books.
that is your opinion
It's stated in the bible that God created time itself as he is an eternal being.
There are actually deep philosophical questions about creation, that's not one of them.
I did
how in the hell have you been able to end up with this after reading his post?
I think that God is more of a concept than an actual entity that controls and micromanages everything. It is a placeholder to explain the unexplainable. The unexplainable creation or initial cause of everything is perfect for such a placeholder. The attempt to semantically explain what exactly God will achieve nothing except to win some personal argument. Even if one could come up with an actual concrete answer, it really doesn't do anything.
just one of the numerous contradictions.
if god can see the futere how could he not predict the betrial of adam and eve (the fobiden fruit)
this would mean hes not omnipotent.
You are categorizing God as a thing, meaning a crated entity. "Thing" implies temporality and corporeality. God would be transcendent to temporality and thus not a "thing", being transcendent to dualistic modalities of being and non being conceived of in the human mind.
>there is no natural way to create something out of nothing
Are you religious? Because you just btfo'd your whole faith with that single line.
If no one can understand God then what is religion?
the book also says that the earth was created in 7 days witch is proven to be false.
if a "god" exists it would not be the christian or islamic god.
>if god can see the futere how could he not predict the betrial of adam and eve (the fobiden fruit)
who says he didnt predict it
Kathryn Ex-Gemini created GOD. She's the mother of existence. God just control this single universe. She even called him a 'novice' for taking six days to create Earth and needing to rest afterwards.
God was eventually granted omnipotent powers after completing earth. Kathryn told him to practice creating life forms. So he started with dinosaurs and plant life. The test went well, so the dinosaurs had to go. Kathryn wiped them out with a 100 teraton asteroid.
After the planet settled, God created humans. Adam and Lilith. Lilith didn't wanna submit to any man, and Adam was a Alpha male. Lilith ran away, So god made Eve for Adam.
Kathryn didn't like Eve very much for being a weak ass submissive bitch. Kathryn eventually coded the power of Lilith into every human female. It's why women today want equality, power, and full control...
>if world was created in a big bang what created the big bang?
So deep. So cutting. Ricky Gervais is literally a 16 year old edgelord.
I am not a naturalist
>days witch is proven to be false.
You cant prove the entire universe was not created 10 seconds ago
Apparently from what I've read, god implies that he is the creator of himself. However, what I struggle to figure out is how this was possible. The same is also implied in the big bang theory. The universe suddenly "poofed" into existence and created itself. Again, how is it possible for something to create itself? How can these two concepts produce such perfect results without any explanation?
Wow please kill yourself, now
Another cosmic being that reigns over an alternate dimension/universe, ad infinitum.
>However, what I struggle to figure out is how this was possible.
God is not bound by the physical laws of the universe
He is the creator of them
Religion is just an idea of how to live life. Whether its an individual journey of enlightenment or some entity that is all-knowing and all-powerful declaring what is right and wrong, it is just a way to live one's life. Some people like the aspect that some all-powerful being knows what is right and wrong. Especially if many others believe a similar idea as well.
>muh solipsism
I didn't say you can't understand God. How is this hard to understand that God is above dualistic binary categories? You are ascribing temporality to a non temporal being, which is false. The only religion I know of that teaches God is a temporal being is Mormonism but other than that religion no one believes what you are claiming. No one teaches that God is a "thing" that has needs.
if he predicted it that would mean he let the betrial of adam and eve happen witch would mean that he knowingly let satan taint his creations.
are you just pretending to be retarded?
i can prove the universe has not been created 10 seconds ago because we already existed 10seconds ago.
Its kind of like a calculus
1=/=0, thus 1=1. The whole logical process that regulate reality unfold itself afterward, following that very simplistic yet rigid logic.
atheists checkmate'd
He's just being retarded like most christcucks in this thread, they're all in damage control.
If this universe came from the big bang, what created the big bang? And what created that? This is hardly something limited to religion, deus vult, this is a christian board, reeeee!
Legal's patzer.
Atheists irreversibly BTFO
but its true
if he predicted it that would mean he let the >betrial of adam and eve happen witch would mean that he knowingly let satan taint his creations.
It wasment to be
> because we already existed 10seconds ago.
You remeber 10 seconds ago
Atheism isn't based on the belief of a creator, the big bang was an actual occurrence proven by science yet not written in any of "Gods" texts.
>we already existed 10 seconds ago.
or so you would believe based on the memories planted in your head that were created 14 seconds ago.
God dwells in a place with no beginning or end. We live in a finite universe but God dwells in the infinite governing the unseen forces that control our reality.
>Queen knocking over the king
>not knowing the rules of chess
>but its true
you only think it's true
how can you prove the universe is real?
>1=/=0, thus 1=1
Why can't 1=2?
Except math is real.