You're going to use goddamned steam
Electromagnetic fags BTFO
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makes sense since we are fighting people who fight like its medieval times
Electricity is without a doubt better than steam, you moron!
How do you think nuclear reactors produce electricity, user?
What happens when you battery banks are low after launching 20 jets and you cant recharge them in time to relaunch all 20 after refeuling?
Steam is easily replenishable. It take 6 hours to recharge a fucking commuter car. Imagine an aircraft carrier dipshit.
Also steam is free. The electromagnetic system will cost billions
whats up with his hair seriously?
its a fucking nuclear reactor. it doesn't need batteries.
redesigning the entire ship around switching to steam isn't free, it would cost billions. the billions on the electromag launch and arrest has already been spent
the reason for the new system isnt "ooh its futuristic", its the space and weight savings of miles upon miles of piping that is heavy, expensive, maintenance intensive, not to mention potentially deadly to sailors
they've already spent our cash on the new system, they'll make it work before the Ford's are deployed. Trump wouldn't see it any other way, presented with a full and accurate accounting of the two options
What trump knows about anything you could stick in a thimble.
I came in here to say this.
I don't know much about the engineering but I love that Trump blurts out some statement that tons of people will try to pass off as evidence that Trump is an idiot and doesn't know what he's talking about, and then inevitably it will become clear that Trump is right.