Lol...NSA tools behind WannaCry Ransomware

> It's been a matter of weeks since a shady hacker crew called Shadow Brokers dumped a load of tools believed to belong to the National Security Agency (NSA). It now appears one NSA tool, an exploit of Microsoft Windows called EternalBlue, is being used as one method of spreading a ransomware variant called WannaCry across the world.

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This is why i back up important files on thumb drives

exploit of recently patched MU.

faggy euroshits still using XP.

ransomware is pretty based tbqh

Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Megafon(telecommunications operator) under attack too.


Until it happens to you.

>using windows

lmao its just like asking to get cucked

I work at a help desk and get lots of calls about scammers tricking people to giving them remote access and using a sys key to hold the PC ransom.

If pajeet (and it really is ONLY pajeet) learns how to do this en mass. sad day for me, only way i get money to trickle down from boomers.

Said the nazi

Actually pretty accurate. The only two kinds of people I've ever seen use Mac's are either very dumb normie people, or very smart people who know what they're doing.

Just restore your backup what's the big deal?

It doesn't help when a lot of these people who fall for ransomware have the computer literacy of a 5 year old African kid with a leapfrog. Give them fucking v Tec and leapfrog. Fucking retard doctors.

yea after apple refused to hack those terrorists phones for the FBI i sort of am glad that I own their products, it shows that there may be some safety in them

also my buddy who built a 2500 dollar gaming pc runs Windows, and literally has to panic and purge his system any time he visits a website or trys to download a movie because it gets loaded up with viruses

its hilarious how every time I complain that "my phone is almost dead" or "stupid photoshop ripoff isn't doing what I want it to do" he says "thats why you dont buy apple products"

I'm like "duuuurrrrrrrr OK, you literally have NSA microchips in your house right now"

>Actually pretty accurate

i know

>a shady hacker crew called Shadow Brokers
we mass effect now

Liara sthap hax NHS.

>tfw macOS master race

unless you have done it you have no idea.

really, there are no words fit to describe just how much they have no fucking clue about anything.

there are no words.
Atleast i get to do my job from home in my bathrobe and still fap and browse Sup Forums all day.

This is the same apple that gave us the fappening so apple is shit as well.

Funny how they didnt get sued to death by those bitches.

>Until it happens to you.
I just wipe everything and fresh install or system restore

fuck it kek

Attack is fucking global

What can apple do about dumb ass users that use shitty passwords and can't into two factor?

snowden is a pedophile.
i feel it.

People dumb

>mac exploits aren't leveraged in the wild
Are you fucking retarded? Since Apple's market share shot up in the last 10 years, so has the focus on developing exploits for it.

The only reason why Windows is so widely exploited is because it holds the largest market share. The more popular your configuration the more likely it is to be targeted.

you can't tell how long the exploit has been resident though

How do you even get ransomware?

Yea im sure you are a high reward cia target


I also want to know this.


Said the applefag that made the conscious decision of using an apple product. Even gmail has better security than your overpriced toy.

Dress up as a princess.

The vast majority of it comes via laced document files sent via email. Common attempts masquerade as invoices with documents attached that when opened execute a macro with embedded javascript to pull down the malware from a C&C server.


He didn't ask how it's delivered you fucking retarding nigger

>how do you get ransomware
Sounds like hes asking how it is delivered.
If he is asking how to obtain his own to operate with, its not hard to find it for sale on tor sites for bitcoin.

>what is vault 7

What if they got infected trying to buy ransomware to begin with? The good old bait and switch.

I got it once from an e-mail.
It said something about a bill, I didn't even click on anything. Just read what it was and deleted it.

Was enough to lock all my files, good I had a backup though, have to do it more often.

What is the purpose?

Just use ublock origin and you'll be safer. But really he should just use his PC for gaming if he's using Windows. Use Linux for everything else. Also Apple is cancer.

If you're savvy enough to set up and operate ransomware infrastructure you're savvy enough to make sure you're buying from a good source.

phishing, or visiting dubious websites

ouch the feels are hurt plus don't use main laptop to do important work paranoid 101 there

I got a call from a pajeet saying, "Hello, this is Adrian from technical support. We've detected a problem with your computer."

Adrian? Who could fall for that shit?

>just horny men using old passwords to get into an icloud account


NOW DECLARED MAJOR INCIDENT. Intelligence services now involved to find the perpetrators. Is to be classed as a terrorist attack and perpetrators to be classed as such and treated accordingly.

>13 organizations affected including 10 NHS trusts in England and 1 in Scotland.
>43 hospitals on shutdown
>at least 70 doctor offices affected.
>Friday is busiest time
>Confirmed to be life threatening as urgent operations now have no information of patients.
>Operations cancelled,ambulances diverted to hospitals dozens of miles away, current patients can't leave, impossible to check records of incoming patients, all patients records encrypted and unaccessible.
>Phone communications also not working at those affected.

Perfect time for anyone wanting to commit terrorism as hospitals are shut down. Holy shit lads.

inb4 this gets blamed on Russia.

Brexit I would imagine my greatest ally. Or possibly a plow towards Russia. Either way I am waiting for a crisis to call off Brexit and "united" Europe.

Old people.

>hospitals are shut down
Source? Oh wait you don't have one. Stop talking out f

wtf is this?

>inb4 this gets blamed on Russia.
Russia is also heavily infected.

>its hilarious how every time I complain that "my phone is almost dead" or "stupid photoshop ripoff isn't doing what I want it to do" he says "thats why you dont buy apple products"
>I'm like "duuuurrrrrrrr OK, you literally have NSA microchips in your house right now"

CIA iPhone exploit dumbass. Vault 7.

They are not shut down, they are just hampered to old tech. There have been limitations imposed though. Which will be challenging.

Yeah I like apple sometimes when doing normie shit but then I need to do something more in depth and then you can go fuck yourself because apple wont let you do it in a simple way

hospitals can still perform triage care, nitwit.

the EMR just helps documenting/administration/billing process

Personally i think this is awesome

>inb4 this gets blamed on Russia.
could be Norks

>I'm glad I have cancer

apple literally allowed infinite, non stop login attempts on their cloud service.

A number of NHS organisations say they have been affected by the cyberattack, which has caused major disruption and total shutdowns.

This list includes services that have been directly hacked and those who have shut down their systems as a precaution.

1 Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group

2 Wingate Medical Centre

3 NHS Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust

4 East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

5 George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust in Nuneaton, Warwickshire

6 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

7 St Barts Health NHS Trust

8 Derbyshire Community Health Services

9 East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group

10 East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

11 West Hertfordshire NHS Trust

12 Sherwood Forest NHS Trust

13 Nottinghamshire Healthcare

14 Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

15 United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

16 Colchester General Hospital

17 Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

18 Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

19 North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

20 Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

21 Morecombe Bay NHS Trust

22 University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust

predictable. It's their fail-safe when they think they're going to be audited.

Healthcare is the leading source of fraud.

Crypto-lockers are opensource.

Random fucks have access to NSA tools. It's like equipping hood niggers with nukes. Shit is about to hit the fan.

Hacker known as Sup Forums strikes again!!!!

glad I'm not the only one


>Ambulances have been diverted and there has been disruption at some GP surgeries as a result of the attack.

>"We can't access any patient records. Everything is fully computerised.

"We have no idea what drugs people are on or the allergies they have. We can't access the appointments system."

their systems that they use to check people in/out has been locked so they aren't accepting any new patients as of now. but if a terrorist attack did happen i doubt they would refuse to see the patients.

why are you just pasting the article? why not just link to it.

I actually got rekt by DoublePulsar a few weeks ago. The backdoor let a shitload of viruses in, had to reinstall everything. Thought that mere common sense would be enough for safe browsing, I guess I was wrong.

Not quite the same as "shut down". Is basically the same as saying to only come if you have a real emergency.

>ambulances have been diverted from a number of hospitals after the systems were targeted
>We can’t get blood results or even do X-rays

makes sense

sketchy porn sites and activex browser given root by default in windows. It's not really encrypted though, you can log in from another user and remove the virus from what i understand.

the dumb asses on twitter blaming this on WL



>EternalBlue not in Vault7
>Vault7 = CIA

obama was a shitskin but the ARRA is what prevented a major American outage. Health systems wouldnt have invested in IT and security if were not for the incentives laid out

thanks Obama

>Thought that mere common sense would be enough for safe browsing
is it, though


I don't go to russian websites for this reason.



13 year old detected.

it is*

Faggot detected
Kidnap an AI
I smell your fear

The amount of pearl clutching itt is delicious

I have to wonder if these areas are swing vote areas.

What are they going to do lock me out of my pepe folders? I format my HD every six months anyway.

Nah, I'd still laugh.

I don't really hold onto my identity, so it's not a big deal to me to restart from scratch.

>not TempleOS

do you even shitpost on Sup Forums?

Just an FYI for anyone using Utorrent: There's a ransomware being installed via a Flash ad exploit on Utorrent right now.

Do not use Utorrent.

How hasn't someone developed something like this for the Andriod Mobile OS, it's the most shitty, glitchy OS ever I would have thought it would be easy.

I haven't updated my client in like 9 years or so, and I won't (it doesn't even have flash hooks/ads/etc.)

>using adobe flash in 2017

Nazi firewall and Windows updates were not a part of my common sense.
Dude, you don't get it from a website. It's one of the NSA hacking tools that got leaked. It exploits a vulnerability in some Windows services that works on 445 port. The backdoor is removed when you reboot, but you PC becomes compromised and can be controlled or infected until you do so. Some script kiddies got their hands on those tools and sent out bots to listen to the port, and fucking the PCs where it is open.

These idiots have no idea what's coming. EternalBlue used for ransomware is child's play.

Close to 90% of ATMs worldwide still run on Windows XP/Vista.
Critical infrastructure throughout the world is still run on computers with XP/Vista.

Just wait.

Anyone still uses it in 2017?

Romanian hackers don't get their own happenings; they are subhuman scum.

Bittorent master race feels.