French Election Stolen

UP TO ONE THIRD OF ALL BALLOTS SENT OUT TO VOTERS, MOST LIKELY 60 PERCENT OF LePen's BALLOTS, were destroyed at the time of mailing. ONLY LE PEN BALLOTS WERE DESTROYED, THERE IS NOT ONE REPORT OF A SINGLE BALLOT FOR MACRON ARRIVING DESTROYED. It was reported before the election that an enormous number of ballots for LePen were destroyed at the time of mailing, by tearing them badly BEFORE THEY WERE MAILED OUT. The French election was, in this method, STOLEN. Macron is NOT THE LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE.

Macron is a usurper, and not a President. He was put into power via an overtly and openly scammed election. The French have had it visibly and obviously proven to them - their nation can only be saved via violent uprising

Other urls found in this thread:

bump for justice

France needs a new revolution.

I believe it but I don't understand why you can't simply print new ones with your home computer.

Ever think that maybe having a banker in charge would be good for the country?


Remove the jews and add proper citations if you want this to spread

hippie kraut

0% source or evidence

yep sounds like france