Adam Schiff, April 2017 >When asked, “Can you say definitively that there was collusion, there were people affiliated with the Trump campaign who were working with Russians to time the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton that had been hacked either from [Hillary campaign chair] John Podesta or the DNC?” Schiff replied, “I don’t think we can say anything definitively at this point.”
Joe Manchin, May 2017 >“People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved, to what extent the president might have known about these people or whatever, there is nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that.”
Go to Youtube. Get one of the congressional hearings. Now listen to the choices of words: they are extremely vague and leading.
Why? Because nobody has proofs. It's a Democrat ran hoax.
Anthony Brown
>The Russian government maintains connections to the GOP through Paul Manafort and Carter Page, who have worked for these shell companies in the past. Manafort has experience laundering illegal money into campaigns from his days working with Ferdinand Marcos in the 80s. >Flynn, being the closest to Trump, is the one finding these firms like Colt Ventures and building relationships with people like Jon Iadonisi, all the while acting as an agent of Moscow. >These SuperPacs, or potentially even the Trump Campaign itself, contracts out an insane digital marketing and fundraising push bigger than any other in history. The Russian money is now spread out over several GOP consultancy firms across the country. >The consulting firms pocket the payments as usual, but their fundraising push raises even more money online for the Trump Campaign. By paying these small-time firms with illicit Russian money, the Trump Campaign manages to trade it for legally raised donations. >That legal money is then pooled with more incoming Russian money, and re-invested in digital marketing to continue to produce a stream of legal cash.
Matthew Johnson
Bump for triggering
Kevin Wilson
Um sorry sweetie, but my feelings are more important than your "facts." Impeachment is happening