Ebola-chan has returned! I knew she would be back.
Ebola-chan has returned! I knew she would be back.
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I am unworthy.
>Dem Rep Congo
Isn't that one of the turbo shitholes in Africa?
We're going to have to start breaking out the blood magic again for this one, boys.
I love you ebola chan.
Can someone please give me a quick rundown of why people are suddenly excited about Ebola and what's Ebolachan? I'm here for past few months.
I like trump.
>tfw Ebola-chan was a natural solution for Africa's overpopulation but (((UN))) once again had to save them
I love you Ebola-chan!
Ebola-chan sugoi!!!
Ebola-chan was Sup Forumss first dabbling in meme magic, way back in 2014.
I love you Ebola-chan!
new reason to close borders to north african migrants and contain the area.