This was it, Comey was our knight in shining who was finally going to expose Trump.THIS IS NOT FUCKING FAIR. I DEMAND THAT DEMOCRATS HAVE COMEY ARRESTED FOR BEING A PUTIN PUPPET
How bad do you think libs will break down when they realize that calling Trump's bluff was a yuge mistake? There are legitimately people who believe Trump would publically tweet on a controversial topic without having a contingency in place
Asher Brown
its all ogre now, maybe you should kill yourself, think about it! little bleach and one cup them BOOM no more worries.
Logan Scott
You fuckers haven't heard the last of us. Trump WILL be in prison by the end of next year. And now Comey will be his cell mate. Just watch.
Benjamin Thompson
>Comey was working with Trump to get him elected
>Comey was investigating Trump
James Cooper
Luke Adams
Its funny watching Comney crash and burn but seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Anthony Baker
>I DEMAND >mfw
Jonathan Jones
Hillary and Comey unemployed af
Ian Gomez
Comey is so confusing. Who's fucking side is he on?