What happens here?

What happens here?

Pic related.

Legitimately nothing.



Libertarians never left. We just became nationalists.

1990's America



True communism.

Mental hypocrisy

nothing, it doesn't exist.

People get co-opted.


A abomination of the other three all rolled up in a joint

People spending their trust fund on travel and weed before becoming Prime Minister.

More government but with less government.

Nothing substantial.

unworkable fantasy

These were my results

Pick one and only one.

Weed and fedora memes

Wrong. The logical extreme of this square is true communism. Not that i think it would work, but that's the theory.

>wanting the government to leave you alone
>want mandated equality amongst everyone

but how

Not the guy you're responding to, but I'll answer. Leftist economics are inherently authoritarian by their nature because nobody is gonna give up all their shit to the state. This is antithetical to libertarianism. Green square is hypocritical and impossible.

It's where the idealists hang out and contemplate how wonderful a society that ran under that model would be. It's basically a politcosadists fantasy.

People wanting to have their cake, and eat it too.

I find that I flip between the two depending on which I find is best for the situation. This of course is basically based on situational opinion and really that's where I ended up after answering the questions. I understand that my personal beliefs shouldn't really be a governing force over a large population though.

>the logical extreme of this square is true communism.
The "logical extreme" (by which I assume you mean "internal consistency") of this square is a self-defeating absurdity: "we value equality but it doesn't occur naturally and no one should try to enforce it".

Immigration, and lots of it

>I find that I flip between the two depending on which I find is best for the situation.
So you're basically neither. I.e. you're the average lib.

Weed. No estrogen. Freedom. The knowledge of the fiat economy. Banned zionism

Possibly. I'm registered independent because I really don't think any party or ideology is without its flaws so I don't choose to align with one.

Oy vey

This is my roommate in a nutshell.

Stoners and nihilists who don't actually give a shit about politics but still push for change.

Pretty much this.

>i don't have any consistent set of values so i vote based on my arbitrary whims
Okay, that's called being a centrist.

Cuckoldry. Cuckoldry happens here.

>types on a computer and costs the nation a tarp program
How are the thai traps and blow this evening? Running lemonade stands and playing capitalism ii for PC, are not hard

find out


Fuck you kike, we aren't communists


If that's true then that makes the true communism argument even more retarded. Without an authority, redistributing resources and restricting free exchange become impossible.

You're the expert. How are /soc/ and Sup Forums doing? Mighty fine. You seem more like a /bant/ guy

Most people understand the dangers of communism these days, so you are effectively worse than communism because your cancerous growth goes unchecked.


Levels of autism and cringe that shouldn't be possible

Weed is in breastmilk pretty much. Ban assault tits

Pledging allegiance to the Triple Entente in their fight against German Imperialism happens there.

Isaiah 40:17. Ettore ovazza. Elliot shimon. Pink swastika. The nature of original sin

the pirate bay etc, anti-property and anti-government.

Nothing, anyone who falls in there is nothijg more than a useful idiot. Every ideology there is purely hypothetical and every government is impossible.


>actual libertarianism is about imposing my subjective whims on others using government force

How is wanting to ensure our children live in a non polluted shithole cancerous?

Exactly me but at least I realize that I shouldn't have government control kek

this is essentially millenials.

Want single payer health care, high taxes on the rich, etc.

they also want to smoke weed, let gays get married. etc.

>israeli flag

>how is delegating my responsibility to corporate cronies because it's easy and makes me feel good about myself cancerous?


>True Communism

Thats just it, that is exactly why its unobtainable. It is impossible for humans to have perfect equality, no wages, no hirearchies and anarchy all at the same time. These things all are unnatrual, unrealistic, or conflict with each other


Also just because I told you I was like that and I'm in the square doesn't just mean that everyone in that square is like that you tard lmao

Grab em

"I was just following orders"


>can't refute the argument
Nice deflection there, cancerous piece of Marxist trash.


> just because I told you I was like that
>doesn't just mean that everyone in that square is like that
You realize I knew you were like that before you said it, right? How do you think I knew you were like that? Fucking retard.

Many taxes many social freedoms

ron paul levels of inefficacy

Nothing wrong with capitalism, as long as its...regulated to prevent corperate cronies.

Hello milton friedjews. Guess what asshole. He invented fucking basic guaranteed incomes. The most welfare welfare piece of shit ever. And your elven hat wearing fag smoking fag marrying loner woman ayn rand, took social security. She was an author. Why not leave them uncashed? Try and give them back? Because usury. Because you don't do that. You steal and then cry

All money is a worthless fiat interest payment

You have "a right" to
>food aid
>whatever else social safety net encompases

You don't have "a right" to
>your money

The refutation is in the pic, you illiterate zionist.

You dont even know what is free gibs and free sheit. You call it a zero sum gaym

>don't have a right to money
>but here's some money from UBI and your pension

>i'm not delegating my responsibility to corporate cronies
>i'm delegating it to the government
>all we need to do is find a way to get corporate cronies out of the government
>and the government will do this for me if i post enough bernie memes on FB
Absolute cancer.

I always get Lib but libs are hippies and such.

I dont relate to that at all.
But I'd consider myself a true american that believes everyone should be able to do whatever the fuck they want.

If you want to have 10,000 guns to shoot through entire schools. Fine.
You want to be a girl? Fine.
You want to scream im a dumb faggot all the time fine.
But I get to make fun of you and laugh at your stupid faggot face while you make terrible choices and die a slow painful death.

>dude its just a plant lmao

I did one of those online tests and skirted lib-left about half way down. I have lots of conflicting opinions but my most prominent opinions revolve around freedom, it just so happens I also don't feel that achieved by forced equality.

You run both shows. What's your tribe. Are you even of shem? Fuck off

>The refutation is in the pic
>retarded meme that literally doesn't refute anything i said
This is why I don't consider leftists to be human or to have "rights".

You've ignored a guy in here. Me. You lose. Ciao

Some things are better equalized and others are better liberalized. For example monogamy = artificially equalized sexual socialism. This is good for society. Liberalized sexuality literally destroys civilization. However equality of income is bad for society. It's a case by case.

Regulations will be dodged, your regulatory agencies will be corrupted and your politicians will be subverted to strike down the regulations. Enjoy regulatory whack-a-mole and repeals of Glass-Steagal will come to a government near you, if you reply "I am ready for my first female President".

Lots of parties, drugs, sex, every now and then you have to sober up for an exam. Next semester it's just the same shit over again.

Because I told you. I described it to you which was different from your original description of the square and then you parroted that to somebody else as an argument can you even read holy shit

What is a canna? A reed. Reeds are all over the place in the bible


Memes? Also nicotine is a vitamin.

>You've ignored a guy in here.
Maybe it's because you're just ranting incoherently about people that were never even mentioned and not actually addressing anything that's being said? Kill yourself.

Sky is pink

What's a leppo?

If people would only vote for engineers and scientists for politicians instead of business leaders, that would fix many problems.

There is some decent stuff out there that's worth reading. Kevin Carson's book Organization Theory is pretty good. Talks about how state intervention in the market produces large monopolistic firms, and that internally these large corporations suffer from the economic calculation problem that Mises used to defeat the idea of communist central planning. Also, strategy for rolling back state power is "gentler" -- e.g. cutting taxes from the bottom up.

most pol posters are in this category..

Lolbergturds go somewhere in between blue and purple

cucks, sexual deprivation, drugs, destruction of civilization, anarchy, stuff like that