Operation Pure White Moon

Operation Pure White Moon:

Goal: The ultimate form of "White Flight", establish a persistent, self-sustaining presence on the moon.
The final "back up plan" as things go to shit here on Earth is to leave it all behind and let everyone else fight it out. (maybe reclaim the Earth after they've reduced

themselves back to the stone age)

What we need:
> a form of government
> science Sup Forumss to figure out what all we need to take with us, and how to do so
> law Sup Forumss to figure out how to keep Earth governments off our backs while we set up
> plans for "self defense" against any undesirables who would "follow" us (moot point after things collapse, but a minor risk until then)
> Location for "Earth side" operations until we are established

Things we currently know:
> Moon consists of the same "stuff" as Earth, making mining and agriculture possible (we need to bring microbes for the soil)
> Getting to the moon is "hard", will need funds and tech base on Earth to get established
> International treaty currently makes ownership of celestial bodies illegal, we will receive blowback in some form.

Current plans:
> Moon lasers for self defense from incoming ships (Need design, only needs to be able to breach vessels cabin to space)
> Railgun for heavy defense/bombardment? (maybe, not super feasible in the short term)
> Long term colony built mainly underground.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're supposed to build a 100million kg cylinder and launch it at Australia.

So babe what do you think

>The moon is grey
>Therefore Amoral
>It should suit the White man

Good'day mate

Launch What at ME!

Bucka'roo you little dandy!

the moon is a harsh mistress

>tfw the moon has no atmosphere, an unlivable gravity, and zero radiation protection.

Sounds good but the major factor you missed was how do we stop other countries from finding out and stopping this plan?
Exactly. See you Monday.

How do we convince the shadow government to loan us a few dozen TR3Bs?

As soon as we figure that part out the rest should be cake.

this is listed in the "need" area, got any suggestions?

>Let's abandon this fertile planet full of resources and go to a barren wasteland with absolutely nothing good.
>It'll solve our problems

Moon might have helium 3 but this plan Needs to be thought out more mars or Some other planeet might be better

The moon is actually yellowish

Moon is the closest, and therefore easiest to get to. getting off this rock is already going to be hard enough.

The huehue monkey is right.

We have to terraform Venus.

Niggers will be unable to survive on the moon. They'd miss maintenance on something, or try to smoke a joint in an oxygen atomosphere, or steal copper from the colony reactor core, or something similar.

Everyone will die horrible painful deaths due to the lack of gravity. Your body has been adapted for 1 g over billions of years of evolution.

That's easy. We become the government...

Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy Republic with a permanent Evidence-based Politics Department.

Oh, and we have an underground swimmin pool that allows you to swim out of the water because of the low g so you can feel like a dolphin

4 step plan

1.Evacuate all whites to the moon.
2.Nuke everything on earth.
3.Wait for radiation to level out.
4.Perfect planet.

what is an underground complex?

Hmmm... Subterranean spinning colony? exploit centrifugal force to simulate greater gravity?

Yeah because generations of living under 1/4 Earth gravity is ideal for the masterrace, right?



You know they're already up there right?





>fascists need a safe space on the moo

How do we keep Matt Damon from messing everything up?

>incredibly fucking stupid

We get EA to mess everything up

every day we drift closer to pk dick's delusions being real

Fun fact: the moon is black. It only appears white because of the racist sun

>Pure white moon

Reminds me of wolfenstein

Cut ties with Earth and shoot down any unapproved space craft.

this sounds like some outer church shit. why not just have another crusade?

This is the one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever seen on this board.

Don't need to terraform shit. Can just build habitats and cities that float on the gasses and mine them for resources/energy

>let's go live on the barren moon instead of just genociding the niggers

what a retarded thread

the only remains of your white presence will be your frozen sperm stored in some remote fridges


Not enough fuel to leave Earth for another livable planet at the current rate of resource consumption and how said consumption is prioritization. Humans will die on Earth.

1. that's bullshit
2. hydrogen is plentiful even if that wasn't bullshit.

>tfw too white to live on earth
>tfw communist """paradise"""
>tfw too degenerate to live on the moon

Where should I go and what should I do Sup Forums, im able to work in any country on earth and australia is going to shit, please send help

FUCK OFF with Utopian idea misdirection tactic you Faggot!!


Okay, where?
Where can we go that the trash won't follow?

No where and it's why we have to stand up and push the trash out of white countries. The moon will follow just as going to the moon cam as a direct result of western white nations stealing NAZI scientists after the war.

WHITE Countries on earth first!!

>a form of government

Your idea is flawed right from the start. Space colonization needs to happen, but it also need to be purely libertarian, otherwise if you're going to repeat the same mistakes as on earth, might as well rot her and not bother with the huge amount of effort, time, money and sacrifice needed.

Lava tubes, my dude

Enjoy weak bones and zany birth defects that will render you fuckwits unable to ever live on Earth or any planet with similar gravity without assistance from exoskeletons and drug cocktails. This is assuming any of your other insanity somehow was even funded lel.

Earthnoid master race forever.

where's moonman when u need him? he shoots a nuclear missile on Detroit, Nairobi or Jerusalem.

Why not just dump all the non whites on the moon instead?

waste of resources

What lava you dumb islander shit? The moon is an inert target for meteors.
G o fuck a wallaby.

i cant wait to live in an all white space colony.

IKR? it'll be awesome

No no no you're getting it all wrong. We need a new type of moon colony. We need


238,00 miles Separate but Equal


>White Flight
White Flight is a losing game. White Fight, on the other hand...