/pol related feels thread

/pol related feels thread.
Here's something from /ptg/,
>Trump talking to military spouses
>talks about Mother's day
>starts talking about his mom..
>"i had a great mother, she's looking down at us right now!"

> Trump reking drug dealers
IT'S personal to me too Don:((

>thank you i miss my father

>muh trump
go back to thedonald Zionist puppet

Op when the last time you talk to your father?

Would you like to suggest an unkiked politician in the US, no matter who we elect we'll get jewed to some degree

none, the US is a Zionist puppet shithole

Your kind isn't welcome here
Yesterday. He came over for my birthday.

>Thank you! I miss my father.
That makes me sad, specially the way he wrote it. He may seen like an evil man to the whole world, but deep inside he's a child missing his dad

Go back to shitskinistan, muzzie sandnigger.









>tfw he's just trying to make his parents proud

kys leaf

if you break that picture, will he die?

I don't want to think like that user.

>thedonald telling others to leave
>Pakistani calling others shitskin
fuck off back to thedonald
go back to thedonald, Zionist

I don't understand what this whore is insinuating.
His father shouldn't be important to him?

You don't even deserve a (you) for that low energy shilling faggot.
Everyone in the comments were making fun of him like "hes a daddy's boy XDDDDDDDDDD". Day of the rope when?

that's fucking funny considering how you are supporting someone that literally does everything Israel says and has a daughter married to a KIKE
>inb4 greatest ally

An other, in this thread we suck trump cuck because we love identity cult and doesn care about nothing else episode.
US as even made the presidency become a reality show, sad day.

These shills have become pathetic lmao

Holy fuck they multiply like the plague!

Keep calling Sup Forums users that were here before you thedonald faggots shills