Poor woman trigerred by confederate flag

You see what you've done? You made that poor woman freak out and have a meltdown with your rayciss flag.


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Her with her meme family

Thread Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=D3IJ05QntXQ

God I want to fuck her so bad

but y


>literally breaks down in tears because a man is in the same parking lot.

Is this one of them strong womynz I've been hearing so much about?

You don't understand, that step forward was literally rape.

i'm gonna go to that store next time i'm in portland and gonna shake that guys hand

Are Americans allowed to wear confederate flag in public? Like could you go with the conf flag t-shirt to school and not being frown upon?

This bitch

Did they ever have their protest?

Yeah sure, frowned upon by some usually mental and spiritual sometimes literal faggots though

legally yes but you'd get jumped for it and the niggers who do won't get charged for it as it definitely isn't a race related crime.

you'd have to be in white trash ville to pull it off.

shes hot



>dont come any closer! Stop approaching me!
>he takes a step forward
The absolute madman

not a burger, but here in Southwestern ontario ive seen several trucks in my hometown sport the flag, no one really cares apart from a few sjw types. Also ive heard in northern ontario people also fly it. I dont know anyone personally who would care. Its seen more as a 'country-lifestyle' symbol

What is going on?

that's a tranny, you nitwit.


in the deep south probably. anywhere else no.

That's a man baby!

Nah niggers fly that shit anywhere.

I've seen it in PA and CA only in the country though

just the opposite actually. white suburban kids are fine, deep south urban kid wouldget his ass beat desu.

saw them everywhere in Maryland, south Dakota and montana. very few ere in Houston.

I want to fuck the intolerance out of her.

dumb ass liberals, gonna need long ropes with that tree


That guy is 10 km away from her.

so like did they adopt the niggers; or are those nigger litters from the cunt's past?

What it is with liberals and adopting nigglets?

Who says she adopted them? That may be Jamal's baby.

You'll see it all in the south. Often times flown in someone's yard. In bar's.
No one's going to stop them.
They don't have the balls.
The one that's flying the flag do.

does it really matter? viscerally her birthing niglets is worse but the effect is the same

fuck man i would rather die than be the husband. i just feel sick imaging it.

Too follow up on PA it was in the Poconos on a tri flag pole with a semper if flag, a dale Earnhardt jr flag and the confederate flag

In CA is was on a flagpole in a trailer park outside of slab city on a pole with pic related

You can't make this shit up

People are walking living breathing stereotypes



she needs to be separated from her kids, she's clearly unstable.

she reminds me much of my own mom and I did not turn out ok. those kids are fucked.

Here in Dallas it's not uncommon to see.

He looks like he's ready to die

I think flying the confederate flag has to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I'm not sure why, I get it's usually flown by the dumbest of the dumb but still.

She's so god damn plain it hurts.

that woman is mentally unstable, going off the rails in public with dependents in tow, it's clear she's done this to make some sort of statement, in the future she'll probably try and get her daughter blacked by the black boy there, and she'll probably force her son into mtf treatments.

these kinds of people are always deranged and look at their family as tools for their own selfish endeavors, with no care or awareness for the harm they're doing.

The craziest part was she tried to get the man assaulted by strangers by playing the "3 guys assaulted me completely at random" card. Fucking piece of shit bitch.

Virtue signaling to the point of psychosis.
She adopted little niggers to feel good about herself, nothing about that is healthy.

yeah, this is exactly like my mom.

those kids are not fine.
i know from experience, she's a mentally abusive, manipulative sociopath. She definitely control freaks her "kids" too.

this is really distressing to watch.

she definitely downloads her psychosis onto her kids too, that's not something you just turn off, it's her compulsion.

while she's alone in the car with them, she's going to spew vitriol at them, imagine being a 5 year old and watching your mom fly off the rails in public and wondering what the fuck is going on, on top of the embarassment.

those kids are going to wind up acting out in school because of their psychologically abusive mother, which will get them medicated and put in special classes with other fuckups. They will have no or few kids because they'll be her special children and she'll take every chance to control their lives.

like i said earlier, they have dark days ahead, they will not grow up to be productive members of society and if they recover at all it will be midlife when it's far too late to change anything.

hahaha that big long step he took when she tells him not to come near
then she breaks down crying whilst he's still 10m away

no or few friends.

sorry this topic is probably the only thing on the planet that gets me so emotional I can't type because it's pure evil.

No, it's really a thing. Maybe they're easier to adopt.

she's a control freak.

this is how they behave.

it probably started out as a panic reaction but was channeled into another form of manipulative behavior.

doesn't really work on adults except maybe a boss trying to avoid a pr shitstorm, but it really works on kids.

Imagine this woman controlling her children like they're things meant to fulfill her own agenda, her own view of what the world should be.

>that fucking cat

Those spics handled the situation so poorly lol.

I've worked in customer service before, and had to listen to people bitching and whining about stupid shit. I would never start arguing with the person, who the fuck does that? "NO YOU'RE WRONG!" Hahaha.

You say shit like, "Sorry to hear you had a problem with that blah blah blah. You can talk to a manager if you want."

I would've said something like, "We just sell the flags here, ma'am. It doesn't represent the views of the company." She would've huffed and puffed and left. No big fight, no argument, no viral video.

Instead the spic was all, "Eyyyy puta, learn your history, esse." He started arguing with a customer. Who fucking does that?

Zero professionalism from that spic. Apparently the chubby spic in the red shirt worked there too, he was swearing at customers. Do these motherfuckers think this is Mexico? You can't act that way on the job.

Fuck this bitch, and to think those men lost their jobs because of the whore she is.

They should be reported to child services for putting those children at extreme risk with the pair of niglets.

If the Confederate flag represents slavery, dosen't the American flag as well?


that's why i'd fire them more than anything.

not because they triggered some woman

I think the technical term is "no fuck to give"

What is she going to buy/steal, a US flag to burn? By the way you can swear at whoever you want, this is America.

what kills me is slavery still exists today in africa and the middle east, like flourishing slave markets and everything, but noooooooo you fucking americans LOL

Doesn't the Democratic Party?

Ultimte signaling

>What is she going to buy/steal, a US flag to burn? By the way you can swear at whoever you want, this is America.

Swearing at customers on the job? Shit, that's how you get fired.

The only job where it's acceptable to do that is in law enforcement. They pretty much do whatever the fuck they want.

If you work at a grocery store you can't fucking swear at customers.

Oh I know. I had a very verbally and physically absusive mother. I'm fortunate in that though it obviously fucked with me, I never let being a victim frame the narrative in my adult life, I hope these kids are as lucky.

You're fine, I know the feels and I definitely had to overcome a lot of hurdles especially in my late teens. My ultimate fuck you to her is to be the best me I can be despite her attempts. It's great motivation.

Tolerant liberal.

>triggered by a flag.

yeah if it was just my mom I would have been fine,

but I learned the truth.

none of it matters.
nobody will help you unless it suits them, so it's really just them suiting themselves.
no matter how loudly you scream for help, it's more convenient for them to pretend they can't hear you
maybe they'll even tell you to shut up.
and people will only associate themselves with you for their own cause whether it be bulling or virtue signalling or using something you've done as an excuse to harm more people.

Friends don't exist. Help is a lie. The great are destroyed by the ungrateful. Honor is dead.

there's no reason worth contributing to this mess called civilization. The only winning move is to make the beast choke on you.

and who voted for the democrats back then, the white southerners

her twibber is heatherreb?lang=en



Ok, but you know who voted for them in the Jim Crow and KKK days? Progressives and white northerners.

The confederate flag exists precisely because a group of states felt it was their right to own slaves. Outside of pure irony, I'm having a hard time understanding how anyone could justify putting it in their store or wearing it and denying that they are racist.

Poor woman do not know in the shit hole where she's going to fall, with all of you

They're working at a discount store for poor people that accepts food stamps. Do you really expect cashiers there to care about job security?

Please work on your bait senpai

You gotta be fucking kidding me



pure pottery

Oh boy 4:30 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Oh shit, might be. He's not a nit wit though faggot, nobody else noticed either.

what does this card do

> Dozens turn out to protest, bicker over Confederate flag in Southeast Portland

> The parking lot of a Southeast Portland grocery liquidator served as a stage Thursday for two dozen protesters and half as many "antifa watchers," who bickered about the meaning of the Confederate flag, then debated the causes of the Civil War and race relations.

> The groups gathered there after a Portland woman's video account of a tense exchange with two employees at Everyday Deals over a Confederate flag rug went viral earlier in the week.

> Portlander Taizz Medalia was there to lobby for the firing of the two Everyday Deals employees who shouted expletives at Franklin.
> The pair also wanted some assurance that the rest of the business' staff would undergo customer service training.
> Everyday Deals CEO Andrew Toolson told KGW that the men had been suspended. Toolson also said his rug supplier was asked to stop delivering product with Confederate flag patterns.


That poor bastard has no soul left

it shows you care that much more

This makes me madder than anything else. Why do these cunts keep fucking caving to the SJW bullshit? Time and time again you can see that THERES NO FUCKING BENEFIT to doing so. They will only demand more once they see you falter.

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I don't see anything wrong with it. Parents need to work to instill the things they value in their children, biological or not

Come on, even the dog knows it's a mess

It makes it even funnier that she pulled her soccer mom moves at a shitty discount store

I come from a racially diverse family. I feel the difference between mine and hers is that she exploits her kids and uses them to signal her virtue while mine just happen to be adopted family of a different race. Race is not important. Character is.

>Maybe they're easier to adopt.
well since nobody want's them, yes, nigglets are easier to adopt. Mpst people who adopt are white, and they generaly want a white baby. Those with money resort to Eastern Europoor, or China for a baby before they got that roought.