Have you fell for the bee meme? Give me one reason why these little niggers need to be genocided immediately.
>What is pollination
>What is yummy honey
>What is OP is a faggot
Fuck bees? Fuck wasps.
Bees work and contribute wtf do wasps do?
>implying bees are our only source of pollination
Wasps can fuck off too. Bees are still the yellow menace.
Na wasps are bros, they prey upon insects, like spiders they keep faggot insects in check
Stop shilling for the stinging jew. Wasps are total asshole that need no excuse to fuck up an entire neighbourhood.
Wasps and hornets are basically flying niggers.
>Implying butterflies and birds would make up for the loss of Bees
>Has no retort to my other point even though he asked for only one
Keep being a faggot, OP. Never change.
>implying the loss of bees has even had a miniscule effect on crop pollination
>implying I give a fuck about honey
>implying we couldnt find a way to make it without bees
I love you.
wtf i hate insects now, the little winged jew cunts