>32 years old >never kissed a girl >5'4 >115 lbs >ugly >bald > 95 IQ (real IQ test) >Aspergers >suffer from major depression, low confidence, and many personality disorders >poor >always feel tired
My genetic destiny from the day of my conception was to be an incel and never procreate
Hunter Powell
>not mewing
Jack Phillips
Try some Heroin
Aiden Campbell
You forgot, is a millenial but listens to 80s Pop music ie. Whitney Houston.
Henry Hughes
Dude only wanted hot blonde White chics.
Hunter Howard
Brandon Jones
I have zero confidence and I'm socially retarded. Just finding heroin would be too hard for me . And I'd be way too afraid to try it because I'm so paranoid of overdosing . It's pretty ironic because I have suicudal thoughts all the time and wish I were dead
Charles Campbell
kys yourself.
Jack Thomas
It's almost like prostitutes were made for people like you.