Is race mixing between nords and meds acceptable?

Is race mixing between nords and meds acceptable?

Two polar opposites of the white race

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>the white race


The Anglo is the perfect synthesis of Mediterranean guile and Nordic tenacity. We have inherited both cultures and perfected them as our own.
Soon we shall sweep away the worthless EuroPEONS and all will rue the day that they dared show their inferiority around us even once.

Americans are the most powerful race of white people.

I have both nordic and mediterranean ancestors and I am probably whiter than 95% of american posters.

Yes. Whites are white, mixing between meds and nords makes ubermensch. Anyone who says otherwise is a Jew subverter.

Too alpha for u?

Every day I train for the upcoming ARYANDIED and MEDMASSACRE.

arent meds mixed with northafrican arabs and turks?

It always existed. Europa is the true diverse continent, unlike Niggafrica ou the Middle East, you can find the whole spectrum of hairs, eyes in Europa, and there were trades, wars from Spain to Danemark, from France to Russia. But only way to travel was the horse, and it was expensive. Consequently, what you call «racemixing» between an Italian woman and a Polish guy (for instance) was very very rare.

Nowadays, it still rare. People in Italia marry with other people in Italy, people in Poland marry with other people in Poland.